Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

NOOB QUESTION INC: i've mostly followed the guide up until lvl90, full ascendancy, and now working on the atlas. but wondering if i can make some tweaks to add some toughness to golems and decoy totem

what if i change golems/totem to a 4L: flame golem, lightning golem, decoy totem, ele res support?

then change movement to a 3L: flame dash (with sceptres), fortify. and was going to try cast when stunned to see if it'll get me out of a bad spot, or arcane surge, or faster casting

i've spent a lot of time reading and think i have a good idea of how these things work together. but would love some advice if possible, please :)
Enki91 wrote:
Carpediem86 wrote:
Hi, I'm starting to follow this very well laid out guide. I have a question about the skill points. Is it not worth going for "Spiritual command" to get more damage for your spells?

Currently not, as it only applies Minion Attack Speed, which would only affect Whirling Blades/Leap Slam. If it should ever get changed to apply both Minion Attack & Cast Speed then yes, it would be really good for us to take.

snowmittens wrote:
Thanks Enki for posting this

Build is pretty good to get you into the end game but I seemed to hit a wall as it plays like a glass cannon for me now

Maybe it's because I lack some of the items required to finalized it (they are expensive: 6l inpulsa, 21 arc, watcher eye+lighting-leach) even at the end of a league

At a certain point I was getting one shotted by enemies like syndicate intervention

It's been an interesting build to get back into the game but my next one will be much tankier and cheaper

You'll probably like to hear that the next version will be exactly this, tankier and cheaper.

I would really love to see you still mentioning high-end options as you did before!
I was thinking, me and my friend just got chance to take down femunus (beastcraffting boss)
and we were thinking about inscribing aspects onto our chest . As for example my impulsas garb( what will happen and what kind of aspect should i go for i think crab is good for tanky or avian for speed) also we dont know what will happen to armor piece after it gets inscribed by aspect. Will my impulsa go from 6 linked to 5 linked? and such.
what about labyring enchants i guess reflection and 40% arc damage but on boots what would you recommend?

With best regards random player Ester.
Thanks for this guide. As a new player, I must say it's explained very nicely and it's easy to understand.
Last edited by QuickoPOE on Mar 3, 2019, 6:52:26 PM
elhigg86 wrote:
NOOB QUESTION INC: i've mostly followed the guide up until lvl90, full ascendancy, and now working on the atlas. but wondering if i can make some tweaks to add some toughness to golems and decoy totem

what if i change golems/totem to a 4L: flame golem, lightning golem, decoy totem, ele res support?

then change movement to a 3L: flame dash (with sceptres), fortify. and was going to try cast when stunned to see if it'll get me out of a bad spot, or arcane surge, or faster casting

i've spent a lot of time reading and think i have a good idea of how these things work together. but would love some advice if possible, please :)
Well, unless you plan on continuing in standard, you're pretty much done. The league ends in about 19 hours.

Your totem would be fine supporting with Ele Res, but your golems are already immune to elemental damage, and quite frankly, the totem becomes less effective the further you progress into the game.

If you link FD to CWS then you will be unable to manually cast FD. Also, I'm pretty sure the direction would be wherever your mouse happens to be at the time, and I'm willing to bet it would do as much harm as good. Linking with AS is nice; I did it for much of this current league. It flows very smoothly while mapping and is still viable while bossing. Linking with FC is nice, but I'd only do it if you can have it in a shaped piece with "socketed gems supported by level # faster casting."

Overall, the biggest change to gems I'd recommend is setting up a Lightning Spire 4L, preferably in shaped gloves or helm. It's a bit clunky to start with and takes practice to use efficiently, but it can potentially double your single target damage.

Enki91 wrote:
Currently not, as it only applies Minion Attack Speed, which would only affect Whirling Blades/Leap Slam. If it should ever get changed to apply both Minion Attack & Cast Speed then yes, it would be really good for us to take.
I would love it if they did that, but that would have to come with heavy changes to summoner builds. If they moved some passives around, I might consider grabbing it, but as it is I completely agree it isn't worth it. I expect if cast speed was added, it would be either a separate notable passive or even a keystone.
Last edited by Aldonés on Mar 3, 2019, 9:23:00 PM
Okaay, is Spell Echo replacable with some other support skill with more or less same dmg output (don't care about mana)?

Not bein able to fully microcontrol char with it feels not great after years of microcontrolling in other games.

2nd Added Lightning dmg or Penetration - will work? dk the stacking mech in-game. Or Innervate mb?
Or just Faster Casting?
Last edited by Tusk_Luv on Mar 4, 2019, 4:37:49 AM
Tusk_Luv wrote:
Okaay, is Spell Echo replacable with some other support skill with more or less same dmg output (don't care about mana)?

Not bein able to fully microcontrol char with it feels not great after years of microcontrolling in other games.

2nd Added Lightning dmg or Penetration - will work? dk the stacking mech in-game. Or Innervate mb?

with high cast speed (like 5.5-6 CPS) spell echo feels fine
But it's probably gonna be replaced with that new support (unleash or whatever its called), we have to wait to patchnotes and gems reveal

in current league there is nothing even close to spell echo
Last edited by blg_RealiZe on Mar 4, 2019, 4:39:06 AM
Hey Enki,
Just wanted to say: You're build guide is amazing! I started playing PoE two weeks ago and began a not-beginner-friendly shadow build. It took me days to complete Act I - X. Then I started an Arc Elem with your build and I feel like I've learned SO much during playing. Your guide is really an extensive tutorial, just like you said. You're helping me a lot and I just wanted to thank you! I'm looking forward to getting my atlas complete now :) Gotta release my inner Sith Lord
Fair warning the current league ends in about an hour. Sometime later today everything should transfer to standard with the exception no Betrayal content until later this week. I believe they mentioned atlas changes, so it could also mean the atlas in standard will reset later this week as well.
Per the page 1 of the development manifesto,

"Here are a few examples of cast times after these changes: Discharge (0.75 sec from 1 sec), Glacial Cascade (0.7 sec from 0.8 sec), Arc (0.7 sec from 0.8 sec) and Ice Nova (0.7 sec from 0.8 sec).

Arc also has a lower chain distance now, so it won't bounce between distant packs of enemies. "

The other smaller concern: Storm Brand nerf?

"A small number of spells that we consider too powerful for their ease of use, like Brands, Winter Orb and Blade Vortex have had their damage lowered. We'll be revealing the full list of changes in the patch note"

Just wondering how big you all think the arc nerf is based upon the above. I'm sure if Storm Brand is nerfed too much, a suitable replacement can be found.
Can't you wait for the full patch notes?
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!

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