Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page

Tusk_Luv wrote:
Thanks for the clarifications, and another question:

Do our minions need ACCURACY ?

Does higher accuracy on minions give US more dmg, by buffing our dmg from Arc? Asking for if with Command of the Pit gloves do i need to socket Ghastly Jewel or not, so i can go with 3 linked sockets + abyss socket when have enough $.

Tusk_Luv wrote:
Thanks for the clarifications, and another question:

Do our minions need ACCURACY ?

Does higher accuracy on minions give US more dmg, by buffing our dmg from Arc? Asking for if with Command of the Pit gloves do i need to socket Ghastly Jewel or not, so i can go with 3 linked sockets + abyss socket when have enough $.

The ONLY thing that needs from golems here: existence.
Longer they are alive - then longer we are buffed.
Golem's damage, compared to yours - just nothing.
Auctioneer House - is a MUST!
Thanks. What about linked Storm Brand - Arcane Surge - Increased Duration - Mana Leech: if i replace Increased Duration with Hypotermia?

Bosses even so far die in a matter of second+ (t10 maps, so don't know such setup impact) (using -50% lightn.resist. ring for now with Fr.Pulse to proc).
And i reapply Storm Brand stacks each ~3-4 seconds if need to dodge a lot and they live >2 secs.

P.S. Pros, cons? 2 blue 2 green sockets helmet(profile opened)
Last edited by Tusk_Luv on Feb 28, 2019, 7:17:06 AM
SilverWF wrote:
Tusk_Luv wrote:
I absolutely don't understand why are there a Liege of Primordial advice as last lab taken.

Golems can die fast and don't do much dmg and u spend extra passive points for them also.

AND if you take Liege of Primordial, then why use Elemental Resistance for Minions Support at all, why not start with Minion Life Support ?

As a novice player Pendulum of Destruction looks much appealing to me, isn't +75% erl.dmg with 50% uptime better than 2nd Golem that does maximum 10% of your dmg?

Golems are for buffing you, not for damage.

After taking Liege of Primordial you need to swap elem resist gems with 2nd golem gem

Well, elemental damage is only part of overall damage output in the formula (there is also separate multipliers of spell damage and just damage), so basically, this is not 75% increase, but, maybe 20-30%

But, I dislike Shaper of Desolation passive too - it is quite dumb (got nerfed long ago :( )
Beacon of Ruin is better a bit, but still

I think, there is 2 other options:
1. 'More golems'
take Pendulum of Destruction and Elemancer nodes. We would get +75% elem damage every 5 sec, we would get +1 golem (3 in total), so +20% (up to +60%) damage for every golem and +25% (up to +75%) increased effect of golem buffs, granted to you. Also as immunity to all elemental ailments (if run with Fire, Lightning and Ice golems, Ice is pretty pointless for us tho, better would be use Chaos or Stone).

2. 'Fk golems'
Take Pendulum of Destruction and Mastermind of Discord
And run Herald of Thunder instead of 2nd golem. This would allow us to penetrate 25% of lightning resistances - this is 'more' multiplier and this is huge.
Or even 2 heralds - with added Herald of Ice, for increased clear speed
And still, we could use Lightning golem - for little cast speed buff
Sadly, this option would be broken after equipping Essence Worm ring. Maybe, if only opt out of it completely and of Wrath aura too - increased lightning penetration would be better than + spell lightning damage

Still, this is Enki's guide, great one, I must admit :D

Let me stop you there. Beacon of Ruin (BoR) is easily the best passive on the tree for this build, and without it the entire build falls apart. I myself was confused at first because the Ascendency is very poorly worded, but you can read the wiki for further clarification.

Basically it does 2 things for us: (1) every hit shocks/chills, and (2) resets the minimum base value of shock/chill. Without BoR, you must deal a minimum of 1% of the target’s max life per hit in order to shock/chill, which is often extremely difficult if not impossible on certain bosses. Remember, only the lightning damage portion of an attack will shock, and only the cold damage portion will chill. This is also “per hit” and not relevant to your overall dps. This will only chill with a source of cold damage.

The shock allows for us to comfortably stack shock effectiveness, because we can use 20% as a base (would previously have required hitting the enemy for 4% maximum life. Also, without BoR you can forget about adding Hypothermia to the build, since you will never deal 1% max life in cold damage against bosses (trash may even be out of your reach). You could with a conflux, by why grab Shaper of Desolation and not get BoR?

Furthermore, yes penetration counts as a more multiplier, but it is less effective than “enemy takes increased damage” which is also a more multiplier, due to penetration being obtainable elsewhere (not to mention making the 40% more Hypothermia ineffective).

Now, we cannot only look at damage here. If you were to go for Mastermind of Destruction and add Heralds into the build, you start reserving mana. This then drops you effective health pool significantly and potentially makes Mind over Matter worthless. It also prevents you from using Clear Mind. On the upside, you then wouldn’t need an Essence Worm.

Liege of the Primordial is another rather significant dps Ascendency, so I wouldn’t forgo it. I could, however, see skipping Paragon of Calamity and grabbing Elemancer. This would provide some more dps, a third golem (I recommend Ice), and elemental status ailment immunity at the trade off of being susceptible to elemental reflect, receiving additional elemental damage, and requiring a 3rd gem dedicated to your golem. I considered doing that this league and may decide to do it next. A lot of that will depend on the patch notes.
Last edited by Aldonés on Feb 28, 2019, 11:39:38 AM
A friend and I are looking at ideas for next league of this build and a buff bot char. Any suggestions on what would be best for that character and any changes that would be beneficial to make to this build to work in that kind of a team? thanks
Raedwolf64 wrote:
A friend and I are looking at ideas for next league of this build and a buff bot char. Any suggestions on what would be best for that character and any changes that would be beneficial to make to this build to work in that kind of a team? thanks

it's probably better to play ES-based characters and literally facetank all the content

mana guardian support + occultist something

Raedwolf64 wrote:
A friend and I are looking at ideas for next league of this build and a buff bot char. Any suggestions on what would be best for that character and any changes that would be beneficial to make to this build to work in that kind of a team? thanks

Curse/Aurabot running Wrath and all defensive auras minus Determination, Clarity and Purity of Elements, and for curses Enfeeble, Temp Chains, Ele Weakness, Conductivity and whatever else may fit in. Smite as extra single target boost, as amulet either Shaper's Seed or Blood of Corruption.

There will be some significant changes to this build, so don't plan around too much before i've updated the guide next Thursday.
Hi guys,
Was wondering if someone can look through my items and skill tree and tell me what I could improve.
I'm thinking of redoing this build next league now that I'm a little bit more experienced with this game.
I am playing in Standard and I've been waiting for the end of the league so I can craft a couple of daggers... and GGG are taking that chance away from me by making some mods Shaper or Elder only... dafuq
Got these two beauties for sale in standard. Feel free to contact me if someone is interested.

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