
Mark_GGG wrote:
1.2.0, like our other major expansions, will include a one-time optional full passive reset. That's part of why 1.2.0 is a good time to release this change, since this will be occuring then.
iuxtaignem wrote:
Mark_GGG wrote:
1.2.0, like our other major expansions, will include a one-time optional full passive reset. That's part of why 1.2.0 is a good time to release this change, since this will be occuring then.

Beat me to it :)
Malone wrote:
Ghazzy wrote:

Basically I want to exhort all summoners to riot if no proper buffs are given!

No buffs are necessary. Summoner is really powerfull without snapshot already.
IF they really want to do something, they just have to buff some summoner uniques to make them really usefull without snapshot.

dont want to feed the controverse but:
no buff... but buff... O_o
Ill be glad to see your powerfull summoner setup in action ;)
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
Thanks for your hard work, i know how hard of this work. love you, GGG.
Are Gem sharing considered snapshot?

im not talking about The Covenant or Malachai nor tree respect but, let's assume you only have 1 reduced mana and you put it to another gear slot, basically you already paid for the price and you gain nothing exept a gear slot.

If that is also considered abuse, diversity will also take a hit, reducing more and more the combinaison of skill usable... then a 1 to 2 button game... :/

I speak about this cause i have some complicated build, not that much overpowered relying on this mechanism, sometime it's a complicated set up, but very fun. Like using blood rage on a low life build with average gear and so on...

Frankly i hope you considered diversity and will release the toy prior to destroy stuff. I really enjoy the creative way you can achieve things, that's the most think that hang me up for almost a year, always finding new build, idea and sinergies.

I really trust you to make good , but please this time dont break stuff first.

also think about regular player who speced in hexmaster and wisper of doom, the free respect between league is good, but if there is only a few viable build/way to play left... will be sad.
You ARE my Bitch of burden!
"Stay Alive exile! Or you'll be the next zombie someone raises off the beach." - Altnaharra
" Be Excellent To Each Other" -MikeP_GGG
"If you die to yourself are you still the victor? " - BEX_GGG
I CANT BELIEVE IT! I play since closed beta and i never ever used that crappy mechanic because i felt like cheating, unfortunatly my main char died some weeks ago and i wanted a char that can beat atziri ( because there are not many builds possible to do that, shitty design) so i chosed to do a RF build because all the faggs doing it since months and laughing their asses of how easy they can farm shit.


=Licht ist Leben=

Ill be glad to see your powerfull summoner setup in action ;)

My build is a classic low life MF summoner,currently lvl 91. I was using 2 snapshots, one for Montegrul Grasp, another to summon a fire totem culler for MF.

My clear speed and my survability won't be significantly affected by the lose of both. I will lose some MF from the totem but well, I can live with that. With this setup, the game was anyway far too easy in 95 % of the endgame content.

And what I gain ? I won't have to resnapshot my uber zombie when they die against hard AoE hitter bosses like atziri or some end game maps, which lead to the loss of 1 spectre that can be a pain to recover.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone on Jun 18, 2014, 8:45:33 AM
let's assume you only have 1 reduced mana and you put it to another gear slot, basically you already paid for the price and you gain nothing exept a gear slot.
You forgot about 1-5 additional gems supported by this "second" Reduced Mana gem.
And worst change is putting almost all bosses in new version of maps into fucking small areas, where you can't kite well or dodge stuff. What a terrible idiot invented that I want say to him: dude flick you, seriously flick you very much.
Hruthgard wrote:


The change is coming in 1.2.0 , you have still plenty of weeks to farm atziri if you want to.
By the way, they announced it several month ago, you just wake up now.
IGN TylordRampage
Last edited by Malone on Jun 18, 2014, 8:03:18 AM
While i'm ok with removing snapshotting mechanics i think GGG overreaches by also removing trap and mine support. Without those gems one can hardly come up with a generic gem setup for spectres as only minion life + damage fits all spectre types. One is therefore forced to socket a specific gem setup for a specific spectre type (for example using concentrated effect for BMs or GMP for titty bitches). The unwanted effect is that, by removing snapshotting and making a 5L generic gem setup unavailable, one has to leave a map once one spectre dies and revisit a place where that spectre type is available: Once commited to a BM setup with conc.effect for example, desecreate becomes useless in a BM free map.
Both "nerfs" combined won't lead to a "better game" as Mark is hoping, but will make summoner gameplay even more tedious.

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