Dont Nerf items.. make Monster Stronger!!! So we have no Legacy Hipe!!
Posted bySeelenwolf#2911on Mar 4, 2014, 6:47:28 AM
Munkehboi wrote:
People crying about nerfs, silly really. All they do is focus on the negatives.
You know lets focus on my current build and items...OMG they been nerfed.
Lets not focus on the new Vaal gems and the potentials they bring to new builds and what Vaal orbs can bring to mod your items and bring in even more potential. There are also new unqiues which will enable new builds.
And complaining about new players not wanting to play? If your a brand new player, you wouldnt care less about legacy items, its not someting that has ever effected you as a new player.
Good job as always GGG
Well you're lvl 40-60 player or you're just bad,either i don't get you.
VP is a core sustain source for like half of the squishy builds you can do in this game,as result,those builds won't be even Viable to higher lvl maps and zones(i don't even talk about end game).
I am a Mirror, I do not exist.
Posted bySwordDivine#5724on Mar 4, 2014, 6:48:28 AM
Sneakypaw wrote:
If that is how you understand game mechanics, I can only weep for you.
1 Hit with all your leech gets applied. If your new hit has more leech for whatever reason, the new leach gets applied as soon as it happens and isn't queued. If your new hit has less leech than the 1st (while the 1st leech is still in effect) then it doesn't happen and isn't queued either.
Nice +1
For dumb:
Old leech:
Hit for 1000 dmg-leech, hit for 500 dmg-leech added to queue, hit for 900 dmg-leech added to queue with higher priority, full hp=reset
New leech:
Hit for 1000 dmg-leech, hit for 500 dmg -no leech, hit for 800 dmg-no leech, leech from 1000 dmg ends, hit for 500 dmg-leech, hit for 800 dmg-leech, hit for 500 dmg-no leech, full hp=reset
Posted byTaurgarr#4976on Mar 4, 2014, 6:50:06 AM
Lordemore wrote:
Also, be honest pls, there are some fantastic uniques that are abundant and dirt cheap: [...] The Blood Reaper [...]
Yup, for skin transfer is great, I use two for this purpose.
Anticipation slowly dissipates...
Posted bytmaciak#3784on Mar 4, 2014, 6:50:54 AM
casval776 wrote:
Fruz wrote:
casval776 wrote:
Your statements are irrelevant.
-Summoners are in an increasingly bad place right now. Completely disregarding when they were considered "OP", every change to summoner has been an increasing nerf towards the playstyle alone, much less the build that they were defined upon.
-Auras were buffed but their price was far higher than the benefit they offered. Considering Summoners already had to traverse half the tree to pick up summoner nodes and another hefty investment for survivability alone, now summoners are forced to invest even more point into reservation nodes. Given the vast majority of the leveling process is survivability and direct summon utility, at what point does this build take off? 70? 80? That's already far into end game. Any build that takes that long to develop isn't worth the effort to even attempt to pull it off.
It's more than efficient enough atm.
So that basically means that it used to be OP if now is a bad place for summoners to you, right ? Well good thing it's not anymore ( I'm not actually quite sure about that, snapshotting can make summoners very very powerful, that should be fixed though ).
When the efficiency of a build is based on abuse of bugged mechanics, the build isn't good to begin with.
Summoners haven't been OP in years, not since their first onslaught of official nerfs. Summoners only exceled in one aspect: soloing. Even then, there were other builds that rivaled their speed and efficiency. Right now, summoners don't really rival the speed and efficiency of other popular options.
It's a dying build. It has been for years now. Nerf after nerf for years is bringing it to its knees. I'll respect the fact that you started 2 weeks ago and finally made it to Cruel, however, some of us have been playing the build for years and know a lot more than you do. If I wanted unrivaled speed and efficiency, summoner wouldn't be my choice. If I wanted a cheap build to solo with, summoner still wouldn't be my choice.
w00t you joined the game 2 days before me, I must bow to such an experience gap.
I've seen what good summoners can do, and it's definitely efficient enough as it is anyway.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading. Last edited by Fruz#6137 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:54:11 AM
Posted byFruz#6137on Mar 4, 2014, 6:51:55 AM
nightblade157 wrote:
Nice patch! Keep up the awesome work GGG :D
And as usual people are whining and whining... Maybe the patches should not apply to standard league after all, so people can keep playing it till they got bored to death of the same builds and items.
I really love the new changes and thank god for nerfing aegis!
Yea maybe keep the standard leagues the same stuff forever, because that's apparently what those players want. To play the same thing over and over again and 6 months from now quit the game claiming lack of content and innovation. These people will complain about everything. They have no idea that PoE is probably the ARPG with the most longevity potential out there right now.
Posted byVitruvia#6429on Mar 4, 2014, 6:52:00 AM
el_hombre_loco wrote:
Sneakypaw wrote:
1 Hit with all your leech gets applied. If your new hit has more leech for whatever reason, the new leach gets applied as soon as it happens and isn't stacked. If your new hit has less leech than the 1st (while the 1st leech is still in effect) then it doesn't happen and doesn't stacked.
In old mechanics leeches are queued right? How long can be the queue right now? If I understand it properly, old mechanics provided some time deleyed leech from queue. So even if stoped hitting mob some life can be leeched back. In new mechanics that ability will be lost? Never educated my self in details of LL tbh. Doing in right now.
And what about leech form multiple targets now?
That is, because the life leech is maximal 20% of your max life per second. Because of this
If you leech 50 life, but have 100 max life you get 1st second 20 life, 2nd second 20 life, 3rd second 10 life.
Except with Vaal Pact, then all life leech is applied instantly.
I will refrain from further comment on the new mechanic until I know if the new Priority system works with the initial Life Leech value or with the remaining.
“Demons run when a good man goes to war" Last edited by Sneakypaw#3052 on Mar 4, 2014, 6:55:49 AM
Posted bySneakypaw#3052on Mar 4, 2014, 6:52:42 AM
Azver wrote:
nikals wrote:
Why are you concerned about disadvantages and even playing fields if you don't want to compete?
I believe GGG wants to phase out MF and eventually buff boss loot tables substantially, if they already won't in Sacrifice of the Vaal.
You seem to be misunderstanding "competing" and "Being able to afford anything".
The way I see it, the game revolves around a player A, a good player, making builds that work based on their knowledge of how the game works and player B, a scrub like me, seeing it and going monkey see monkey do.
Now player A might have farmed the items to make it work, but player B has never done it.
Now that in mind, explains to me why they are nerfing the portion of MF that affects curency rather than the one that affects finding these items yourself? Surelly both portions of MF are as big of a deal but the latter puts the player B in less-affected position as its not an option for me to farm the gear to begin with, seeing how any working version of them is legacy.
Do you now understand what Im on about? :P
Increased Quantity does increases the amount of EVERYTHING you find, not just orbs. It used to be a complete mess with the amounts of items dropping with stacked increased quantity, in a full group.
They are trying to get less but better items to drop (that you can either keep if it's a good item, trade for orbs, or vendor, or use in chaos recipe). In the previous big patch (or was it the patch before that) they buffed Piety's loot table by a LOT. Which made it so much easier to farm a resonable ammount of wealth, in a short period of time, even for a casual player. Hopefully they keep this trend up, especially for map bosses.
Another reason, like I mentioned earlier, is to prevent your screen from filling up way too much with trash white items, particularly in maps. Since maps always drops more items, it used to drop an absolutely ludicrous ammount of trash items with a full group + mf-culler. It was just a pain in the ass, this made it very easy to miss orbs and other useful stuff too.
The legacy items are legacy for a reason though. Kaom's Heart used to be BiS for EVERY hp build. GGG likes build diversity, and uniques aren't supposed to be BiS for such a wide selection of builds. Legacy items are legacy because they were imbalanced to some extent. Uniques are supposed to fill a very niche role. Not your go-to unique for each and every other build.
If your build requires BiS-gear and/or legacy items to even function, which is ridicolus, that's fine and all but be prepared to sink a couple of thousand of hours into getting these items. This isn't fault of the game though, just lower your standards a little. A build doesn't require imbalanced items to be good.
Pants of Textile
Posted bynikals#4625on Mar 4, 2014, 6:53:10 AM
YEEEEEAAAAHOOOOOO can't wait to start all over, chris i'll start new league with my 350th shadow lol
Life sucks; but damn i'm havin a ball doin it.
Posted byNuitariwolf#5737on Mar 4, 2014, 6:55:22 AM
Ok so my only class on the game is Marauder, Iplay from November but my gear is far more from decent. So today i see that Vaal Pact is nerfed to the ground. Also how life leech gonna work is a mystery too. And final my passive tree gonna be completely changed. So if chamging my passive tree means a nerfing i serously dont understand it, from when marauder became the best class of POE? If it brings a minor boost then i ll stop the QQ and be compromised with Vaal Pact effect.
Otherwise, with every major patch we have a nerfind after nerfing coming and i am not in mood to change completely my gear and play game style every 4 months or so.
Just my 2 cents.
Posted byKelgar7778#7168on Mar 4, 2014, 6:55:31 AM