
Vipermagi wrote:
Fusion_Power wrote:
If I would have more sockets left, I also would use lesser multiple projectiles.

The Support gem explicitly mentions "Projectiles", of which Arc has none :)

Ok, that's true of course, . ^^ I forgot that Arc was some kind of "special" case, so Chain works at all on this Spell Skill.

Vipermagi wrote:
Fusion_Power wrote:
Again, I don't do damage with Arc, I just want to hit the mobs and initiate shock stackings.

Note that Shocking is easier when you actually deal damage. The duration is based on Damage dealt, after all. Still, if it's working, then that's cool. :)

Yes, I level this new gem of course, went up pretty fast, I also had some gear adjustments, I do more spell dmg now, it shocks already pretty fine. Blackguard Mage Spectres with their "op-Arc" are also a big help.
Last edited by Fusion_Power on Jul 31, 2013, 10:32:19 AM
Back from a long break-

I've been working on an arc build today and hopefully it turns out alright. Its a really interesting skill, but seems a bit underwhelming; I'm hoping this skill gets some much needed love eventually, as its a really wonderful looking skill.

Something that could be worked on, is if we could choose our target we are attacking and then it would chain to additional mobs. I hate when I try to take out totems and it doesn't even hit it until the surrounding mobs are gone.
Still no update for Arc. This spell could really use some love. The mana cost is just to high for it to be useable. Same with the damage beeing on the lower end. It's faar worse then the overused Spark.
arc has low crit chance, it's not great to use it with crit build.

arc has 10 chance to shock.

Shock can stack 3 times. 40% 80% 120% damage during shock.

Top of passive tree there are 20 shock chance.

So you have 30 chance to shock,
each arc hit 3 enemies, 30% x 3 = 90% chance some enemy would be shocked.

link with elemental proliferation spread shock effect to nearby enemies.

that means after few arc, every hit and spell against these enemies is 220% damage.

You don't need crit chance, you need shock chance.

Shock duration is depend on lightning spell damage/ elemental damage.

If enemies number is 1 or 2, spark is better because arc won't jump when there is no enough enemy and you waste your mana.

Cheap build, arc link add lightning damage, lightning penetration, elemental proliferation, or add cold damage, faster cast, life leech.

Use conductive curse get 50% more lightning damage.
Last edited by dieagain20111 on Aug 19, 2013, 10:57:45 PM
Three stacks is max, dont know where you pull that 220% out from.

And did you ever use this skill? You can not do large groups with it and it completly sucks against single target. Anyone here knows its meant to shockstack. Even that does spark faster and long enough if you spec into those 2 nodes you mentioned.

For actual killing... Dont. Use. It.

Still waiting for some love for poor arc.
xanap wrote:
Three stacks is max, dont know where you pull that 220% out from.

100% damage from the skill itself, +120% from three Shock stacks.
It would be fun to arc shock enemies few times,
then hit enemies with a spell, combined with 3 elemental damage

Ice spear + Cold to Fire + Add Lightning Damage + Lesser multi Projectile

Arctic Breath looks cool, but ice spear has 6 x 7 base = 42% chance to crit when it explode, if you have 200 crit chance, then 42 + 7 x 2 = 56%

crit will trigger shock/burning/freeze

very closed distance ice spear would pierce through and no crit,
arctic bearth might be better in that situation

Last edited by dieagain20111 on Aug 20, 2013, 9:22:54 PM
i think alot ppl oversee the shock point at arc
arc lvl 1 on char , arc max lvl on totem for dmg output

i want to throw in the curse

"conductivity" 10-14 % chance to extra shock
depend "how u plan to shock the enemy" u can get up to

20% chance to shock from witch tree ,

5% chance to shock from shadow tree (matt u may remember my old build where i wandered to the shadow was thinking about ARC shock for my minions)

10 % shock q20 arc

10-14% shock from curse

10% shock q20 added lighting dmg

total of 55%- 59% of shock chance should work fine with every minion :)
arc hits 3 times with 55% x 3 165% of shock chance?
or with chain 275% shock chance
Get in Ele prof and watch the enemy get shock stacks.

should be enough shock / dmg output

for shock duration use "temporal chain curse" and "shock duration skill points"

ps. it was basicly a calculation for minions but should work as arc solo as well.
Witch : HaleJesus LVL 82 Arc Summoner
pls forgive my gibberish space orc english - its not my native language
Last edited by HaleBopp on Aug 21, 2013, 4:59:26 PM
maybe arc was not designed for dps, it might be a "shock curse" that deal some damage.

dieagain20111 wrote:
maybe arc was not designed for dps, it might be a "shock curse" that deal some damage.

Shock time is based on damage dealt. No damage - no shock.

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