
Vipermagi wrote:
Softspoken wrote:
Personally I think they should revert the change. It was done with the best of intentions, but it's getting way more heat than the original "Losing stacks when trying to use Reave" situation ever generated.

Three people disliking the new mechanic (and taking a page per person :P ) is "more heat" than twenty pages of various people being disappointed by losing stacks? Huh.

hm, from what i get now (and yes, losing stacks when using another skill is intended, no matter if the complains filled 20 pages) the change was made because there was one player with alledgedly "high" mana regen and so slow attackspeed, that its a chore for him to build up charges again, and so he complained?! (on a sidenode, again: i dont have general manaproblems with reave...) with a skill that was intended to give int/dex-claw-users (wow, i imagine them to be fast...) an aoe at last?

funny! :D
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
I think others have mentioned this before, but I wanted to leave some feedback from a not so great players point of view (I haven't made it beyond Normal yet).

I noticed when trying to level some characters with Reave as my main AoE melee skill, that if you run out of mana, you do not switch to the default attack. All the other melee attacks that I have encountered (such as double strike, cleave, dual strike) switch to your default attack upon running out of mana, even if you are signaling to your character to perform the wanted skill. I do not know if this is a intended feature due to the stacking, but for newer players, or players that may be unfamiliar with how the game works, this might cause many unwarranted deaths (it almost caused mine a few times). Personally, I don't care if you then have to loose your stacks, but your character should at least continue attacking with the default attack, just from a survivability point of view for newer/beginner players and to act similar to the other melee attacks.

Otherwise, I think this is a fun skill, and keep up the great work!
IGN: Indigo
Be nice, I'm not very good at this.
Xarick wrote:

I was suggesting that it wouldn't reset the timer, nor increase the stacks...

Example of my suggested behaviour:

1. I attack with Reave and get out of mana after 3 stacks.
2. My 4th attack with Reave will perform a default attack, no stack increase or loss, no aoe benefit, stack timer countdown unaffected but timer is based on the last successful use of Reave which was at the end of situation 1.
3. My mana regenerated enough and in time to perform a 5th attack with Reave before the end of the stack timer countdown initiated at the end of 1. So this means, my stacks are increased to 4.

Resulting behaviour: Current Reave stacks aren't lost and the character doesn't stand still doing nothing on the 4th attack attempt.

+1 for this. Well spoken, and I think this is what we are all trying to say. Either do this ^ or simply revert. Too many of us are dealing with occasionally trying to suicide because others cannot control their mana. The change is flawed, time to change/revert.

Last edited by RabidMonk on Oct 6, 2013, 1:15:43 AM
RabidMonk wrote:
Xarick wrote:


+1 for this. Well spoken, and I think this is what we are all trying to say. Either do this ^ or simply revert. Too many of us are dealing with occasionally trying to suicide because others cannot control their mana. The change is flawed, time to change/revert.

would be great if this is posible (and balanced in the eyes off ggg), but as twintales speculated earlier, it really might be that there is no way to distinguish between the default-attack and other skills:


twintales wrote:

This is my two cents as an another programmer myself.

The only reason I think why they choose this method is : "Default attack is actually a skill".

Development wised, all the skills are based on a kind of base class "skill" or something similar, to make them share the same kind of property and basic behavior. The "Default attack" might be the same as those, being a skill. This seems to be quite logical since "Reave reset stack when another skill is used". So Default Attack must be a skill. Thinking in another way, flasks are not resetting the stack, so they are not based on a skill.

Now, they chose to do it this way since they'd just have to fix behavior only in the Reave itself, "If not enough mana, don't do anything". This'd reduce the chances of any other bugs that might appear somewhere else from the fix, which do make sense, If something works, don't fix it.

They didn't chose to implement the fix inside the Default Attack since it's not the one generating this behavior.

The stack resetting algorithm might be like "If something other than me, me the specific instance of Reave from this specific gem, is executed, reset the stack". It could be that when a skill is used, the skill'd generating an event "Skill used", and dispatch it internally. Reave was implemented to listen to this specific event, and do the checking by itself. It just know that "something is executed", but might not known "is it a Default attack?". It's not even considering another Reave instance as a Reave itself. :P

They could have made the "Default attack" an exception from the above rules. But I guess it's kind of .... unsafe and quirky way to base the condition, tightly coupling with something else that might be change in the future.

i think the new behaviour is already an improvement, although you will still do nothing while out of mana and aiming at a monster or holding shift. otherwise you can move at least when using another melee-skill or if rave is bound to the left mouse button.

and im all with oboeamber, thats what i said from the beginning: the behaviour of reave in this occasions simply doesnt fit in the line with the other melee-skills and can cause confusion for someone who doesnt know the backgroud or evolvement of the skill.
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
I think the real question is: how and why do you guys go oom so quickly with reave? Maybe you should try and leave some more mana unreserved or invest in some mana nodes.
+1 for reave being the only attack in the game that does NOT revert to default attack when out of mana, no matter the consequences. This special treatment is odd, and killing people.

glh5 wrote:
I think the real question is: how and why do you guys go oom so quickly with reave? Maybe you should try and leave some more mana unreserved or invest in some mana nodes.


think again about that before repeating the same bs (sry). or try reading the last pages of the thread.
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
To speak again on the 'mana issue':

Poeple not having enough mana to sustain reave and then b*tching about it is how we got in this mess in the first place, and not what we are complaining about.

Sometimes, every once in awhile, the game desyncs (impossible!!? :) -> Then sometimes, when this happens, we are teleported to the middle of a group of mobs, having already swung 5~6 times at them. Because of the desync, we swung all those times hitting nothing, thus not regening mana. Thus, we are left in a large pack of mobs, out of mana, and standing still.

Again: This is not a ''we don't have enough mana passives because we are noobs'' thing.

Last edited by RabidMonk on Oct 8, 2013, 12:04:12 PM
RabidMonk wrote:
I will keep my post short, as it seems like at first glance this is quite a heated discussion at the moment.

+1 for new reave "not attacking to preserve stacks" is trying to kill me and I hate it please oh please just... make it stop. Either don't lose stacks on basic attacks, or just let me lose my stacks and keep attacking.

If i can use my basic attack, i can regen es, and i can regen mana...

Everyone once in awhile now, I just stand there in the middle of a pack of mobs like a dummy.. standing there saying "I am out of mana"

I would much rather do one basic attack, lose my stacks, leech enough mana to start reave again, and carry on with life.

I hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it

They need to fix this asap, why can't reave switch to REAL default attack skill (that won't keep up the reave stacks of course) when you are out of mana. After the change I needed to unbind my move only and switch it to default attack. When I'm under my reave cost mana which is something like 57 on my 6link, i had to click this default attack in order to leech mana and ES. This is really stupid and frustrating mechanic

With every other skill like cleave etc it switches to default attack when im out of mana, why is this so hard to implement on reave?

The worst scenario for me are enfeeble + half regen maps, i have to keep my eye on mana bar all the time and click default attack every time my mana is under that 57, and with my high attack speed (6.9 attacks per second) this default attack micromanaging is making me want to delete this character.

So in other words my problem is not that i run out of mana, but the fact that It won't switch to default attack immediately, which would still leech a ton of mana for me and some ES. Now that i have to manually react to this, i might die in middle of a pack due not having leeched mana fast enough from autoattack so i can quickly use my reave again to leech ES from enemies.

It used to be fine before this fix, although it was stupid that you could keep stacks when you ran out of mana. Any chance this skill could be fixed properly this time? :(

IGN: Rollface
Last edited by grindis123 on Oct 10, 2013, 10:24:16 AM
You can deal with it with lesenning on the spam, tbh.

Another answer is... blood magic.

You can gem it. If you have some "gain hp on hit" it more that pays for itself. I'm on cruel though, it may change later - but I think it would solve your issue completely. I basically use it now to just heal myself on huge mob waves.

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