
im currently playing a new ranger on anarchy with dualwield reave build and i rly like it,the only thing i cant imagen the reasoning behind is that you cant use another skill between your reave stacks its rly bothers me cause it takes away much dynamic from the fight like cursing or positioning yourself with whirlingblades or finishing of a boss with a dangerous aura with dual strike etc or when my mana is gone i make a "default attack" so the stacks are gone before i can drink a flask or anything. and when i come to the endgame i guess i cant stay at reave cause cleave with cursing and enduring cry in between is much more effective and safer

i rly think that is the only thing you should change about this skill.

other that that great job GGG like always :)
Last edited by JoOnky on Sep 22, 2013, 9:33:00 AM
i tested out reave a bit and it is now totally broken with the latest patch.

no other melee skill STOPS ATTACKING if there isnt mana/ (health with BM) to use the skill.
that is just plain "head up the ass retarded".
who thought of that? please fire him/her.

making it this way does not, in anyway, stop people from losing their reave stacks. you cant simply stop attacking when in melee in this game. YOU DIE IF YOU DO THAT.

so a player still has to attack, but now, he has to closely pay attention to whether he has the mana to do so or not and switch to another attack skill when he doesnt.

reave is currently absolutely broken.
worthless skill that otherwise could be good.

the poster above me said the same thing. remove the restriction on wiping out reave stacks when another attack is used. reave stack countdown timer is already very very short (1 or 2 seconds?). it shouldnt also have this other retarded restriction.

and yes, the other posters talking about cleave have made absolutely crystal clear and valid points too.
you guys seem to have different people working on skills, and it seems like none of them actually play the game.
wrong direction guys, wrong direction...
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ok, i'll bite and poke a little hole in your boat.
mythal wrote:
now, he has to closely pay attention to whether he has the mana to do so or not

what's so hard about doing something you're supposed to do anyways =p? yes melee are still supposed to attack else take too much damage themselves. or... you/they can just run away... or use potions (for both hp and mp)... or yes use some other skill. there's nothing wrong.
Just wanna throw my voice in saying that reave not working when no mana really hurts it. before i could just keep attacking and leech the mana back i needed, even if it did get rid of stacks it still worked. The time it takes to get out of combat and get mana before getting back in the stacks are gonna be gone anyways. i already had to remove default attack from left mouse click cause every time i moved and accidentally clicked on something was losing the reave stacks.

just make default attacks not get rid of reave stacks. and with the short duration of stacks anyways, not like it is a big deal if default attacks still worked. could only get a couple in before having to move back to reave.

Also with multistrike, the reave stacks will disappear in the middle of the attack. I have had it multiple times first two strikes go full 8 stacks out and hit stuff, then last strike goes to no extra range and I have no stacks. I understand that only one stack per attack (or 3 multi hits) but losing it in middle of attack or it only counting the last strike for reave stack should be changed. Maybe make it so first strike resets stack countdown or something. Makes it really hard to use with MS, which is one of the best melee supports and probably essential for any reave build.
flyingfish24 wrote:
Just wanna throw my voice in saying that reave not working when no mana really hurts it. before i could just keep attacking and leech the mana back i needed, even if it did get rid of stacks it still worked. The time it takes to get out of combat and get mana before getting back in the stacks are gonna be gone anyways. i already had to remove default attack from left mouse click cause every time i moved and accidentally clicked on something was losing the reave stacks.

Was it that bad not be able to leech from a normal attack, with no gem support to boost damage, with slow attack speed at the base of weapon speed? Would it really help you leeck mana back faster than waiting 1s. max for the natural regen?

In my case, it was worst when I lost stack from default attack when mana's gone. Building the stack back makes the Reaver life more pitiful in front of thou mighty mobs rushing it for blood.

I guess it's a kind of bias / point of view from the build you are using also ? I don't feel that much different from the patch since the mana usage is quite low (2X ish), and I'm runnign with EB, so Mana shortage is not a problem currently. But even before taking EB, I'd prefer managing the mana usage so I don't have to risk using default attack.

BTW, I don't use Multistrike. I need higher damage to trigger burning proliferation, and prefer having maneuablity maneuability to retreat from surrounding lol
twintales wrote:

BTW, I don't use Multistrike. I need higher damage to trigger burning proliferation, and prefer having maneuablity maneuability to retreat from surrounding lol

Goddess Scorned build, eh? :)
Got a couple of ideas in that direction, I'll probably try it some day, might be fun.

And I agree leeching with default attack will not save you in any way, got nothing against new mechanics... nor was I bothered too much with old, to be honest.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

Last edited by raics on Sep 27, 2013, 4:52:09 AM
flyingfish24 wrote:
just make default attacks not get rid of reave stacks. and with the short duration of stacks anyways, not like it is a big deal if default attacks still worked. could only get a couple in before having to move back to reave.

this. or at least that reave switches to standard if there are no charges.

i cant see how any1 can argue against that. yes, the problems solved/caused by this change are build/playstyle-dependant. if loosing charges was your issue you wont have it anymore. and you wont have any disadvantage from this skill-behaviour. so stop arguing against it.

mana-micromanagement is no argument here either: its because of the problems with mana-management some people obviously had that this change was made in the first place.

the way this change was implemeted is simply bad. i dont know if its intentional (if so, PLS explain it to me, GGG) or if they have really missed this issue, but its really odd, awkward, ridiculous. no other skill behaves like this. fast paced combat... rly?!

yes, it is about leeching mana back with the mainattack when you are on a 50% or 0% regen map. taking a manaflask with me to refill my 143 mana (after auras) to use my 32 mana reave shouldnt be the solution. and its not about survivability in the first place (people who think it is probably play squishy melees that use reave to actually stay out of melee-range... i am using reave while im surrounded!). you wont even move on to the next enemy when you have no mana and reave on your lmb, you will just stand arround!

"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
Clownkrieger wrote:

i cant see how any1 can argue against that. yes, the problems solved/caused by this change are build/playstyle-dependant. if loosing charges was your issue you wont have it anymore. and you wont have any disadvantage from this skill-behaviour. so stop arguing against it.

Well, twintales has a valid reason, man. He plays for ignite so doesn't use multistrike and he's probably a templar or mara, that part of the tree ain't exactly teeming with attack speed so he probably takes quite a bit of time to build up stacks.

You know, I always have normal attack on my left button, it's a quirk of mine, use it or not it just has to be there, the only char ever not to have it was paladin in D2. And I never used it with my reave build, even if I did run out of mana it was time to whirl out and recover, not stick around swatting flies on their foreheads with my earthshaking normal blows. So yeah, it's really up to the build, I lose charges no matter what and see no use in normal attacks, the fix is a non-issue here.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

raics, again: these are no arguments for that behaviour. and both of you would lose nothing if reave would work the way i suggested.

are you arguing just to argue? enough said from my side, im out, keep on if you like.

but i would really like to get an answer from marc or any1 from ggg if there are any reasons (besides technical limitations) behind this...
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
Clownkrieger wrote:
raics, again: these are no arguments for that behaviour. and both of you would lose nothing if reave would work the way i suggested.

are you arguing just to argue? enough said from my side, im out, keep on if you like.

but i would really like to get an answer from marc or any1 from ggg if there are any reasons (besides technical limitations) behind this...

I sure wouldn't and I already said so, he would.

Of course not, I got some strange hobbies but that isn't one of them, I got an interest in that subject, nothing more. I'm just urging you to look at the other side too, there is a lot of people that were annoyed with the way skill behaved before and were pretty vocal about it.

Devs responded on one such occasion and said they will look into it, test it, and implement the change if it made any sense. It appears they think it works better like this so I wouldn't hold my breath expecting they will change it back without massive support from the community.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.


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