The ONLY way to make melee feel good is by slowing everything down
" GGG: "your wish is fulfilled." *XP_Gain_Multiplier = 0.01* Last edited by vpalmer#6391 on Jan 27, 2025, 1:24:17 AM
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" It's the opposite You staying on content for longer, become more and more successful against it through player skill. It's not the option really. I know that a joke, but still. I think the answer mb in a middle of this: 1 I think the answer mb in a middle of this: 1. Range hits weaker 2. Comon monster hits harder 3. There a less numbers of foes 4. Defense mechanics able to produce "second chance" on a any point of game |
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I try caster builds but I don't like them in general, I always "main" a melee. But yeah, in poe melee has a different meaning than in MMO's, for example the guardian in LoTRO. In PoE ranged is the standard and we may have to accept that. One of my very favorite builds was Leap Slam/Heavy Strike/HoA Slayer but even then it was an exploder.
I just don't see them doing trumelee. I tried warrior but dropped before A2 because it felt so bad and went monk because I can survive with ranged "attacks" and yet still crush with my quarterstaff, but you're right, for trumelee to work in this game, at least for the nonelite player, nonranged damage would have to be increased quite a bit and armor would actually have to work by not scaling down so much or at least give add on options for aoe and spell damage (like from the tree or perhaps options on gear). |
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This might come off as rude but I honestly don't think GGG will improve melee at all and they have zero idea how to do it in relation to caster. Just look at the interview with Darth and Ghazzy. They specifically mention warriors 1 shotting bosses with bleed hammer, but no mention of any of the plethora of insanely overtuned ranged builds that decimate all content, heck even Chronomancers are better at hammer builds since they can almost spam it.
Look at how they "tuned" Supercharged Slam. It's a dead ability, they may as well just remove it from the game because no one will play it anymore. At least you had to stand in melee range and take a hit while charging it to work. LA/Spark/Frostwall do billions of damage from across the map...ah okay though. All these super slow, charge up abilities need their damage upped by x5000% to even be on par with these gigaranged builds at this point. Last edited by Biovital#3172 on Jan 27, 2025, 2:39:01 AM
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yeah i agree generally.
there has to be progression, it must speed up as we level up. but it gets stupid when it gets to poe1 levels, i know poe1 vets are so addicted to the speed at this point and dont want to let it go but for the good of actual gameplay and balance we just need to bring it down, keep it contained and reasonable. too many fast monsters in the game, too swarmy imo. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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" Absolutely! I dont want PoE2 become PoE1.2! |
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Why don't we play "well-rounded class based party play centred mmorpg where solo play is not prohibited" ?
I've been fed up with the era of power farming meta in those genre but not because I hate grinding. I really loved to farm with "born benchwarmer classes" in such games. The game must be unplayable for such classes and those classes must be a complete dead weight in the power farming party and I try to find the way to survive as if there is no sweat to achieve nothing. The question is what kind of "must have" do I expect to achieve nothing but Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3 Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】 MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】 Last edited by finisterre#5659 on Jan 27, 2025, 5:30:39 AM
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" +1. I really don't see GGG being brave enough to make the significant fundamental changes they need to make the game a truly special experience. All I'm witnessing and experiencing from End Game and their first major interview after EA has been no lifed is almost like POE1 mindset that they just cannot get away from. |
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What would be changed on melee if "LA/Spark/Frostwall" got nerfed to the ground ?
Everything I do should be wrong so please correct me if I do it right <3
Stop Bombing Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】 MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】 |
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" tbh, melee does feel good as is. the game should be tweaked around melee as melee is right now. and i agree the charged skills feel weird. especially for bosses where you barely have any time to pull em off. as for balancing against other skills, i m a believer that nerfs are better than "buffing weaker skills". ggg has always tried buffing weaker skills until they realized THE GAP is now so big that its futile to try buffing them anymore. also buffing weaker skills is how we get power creep. power creep is where we get stupid t17s and uber pinnacles that require player to have the absolute best gear with hyper efficient builds. i would also point out that the reason we dont see "reflect" mods is because GGG believed the damage numbers were acceptable. if we dont want to see reflect, ggg will have to nerf player damage down. thus other things have to get nerfed. " lol nice trollpost. " if everything was nerfed besides truemelee skills, melee players would not feel punished for playing melee in comparison. it would be "unfair for everyone else" but i would argue its how the game should have come out on release. but in anycase its still up to ggg. i do want to point out that they separated poe2 specifically to design the game around melee. they did a great job tbh. needs more polishing. but all their efforts become trivialized when melee is the shittiest build to play in comparison to every thing else. would it not be a huge waste of effort if everything is going back to "poe1" playstyle where melee is still shit? i would ask you. what is the benefit of playing "truemelee" in poe's current state? why would anyone want to play truemelee in poe2 right now? what is the benefit of playing melee? or should ggg just acknowledge melee just sucks and delete truemelee from the game and have all skills have huge ass aoes? melee in poe2 really is awesome. the devs actually did solve a lot of things. just in comparison, theres no reason/benefit to play melee. the only way to change this is to weaken everything else. [Removed by Support]
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