The ONLY way to make melee feel good is by slowing everything down
Slowing things down include nerfing zoom hard.
Why? in a game where players are essentially "classless" a mage can have the same defences as a warrior, theres no way to make melee defences feel good as other classes can gain the same benefit. we learned this back in poe1 where summoners just bonked enemies to fortify. it did get nerfed but in the end fortify felt like a band aid that melee characters NEEDED to get. GGG also "improved" melee in poe1 via slapping a massive damage buff. i think this is the way. the only way, to make melee feel good is to make their efforts to be in close quarter combat payoff. the easiest implementation is to make them do MORE damage at close range by default. this bonus should only affect melee attacks. also nerfing OTHER skills would become necessary. if a melee character vs a non melee character have similar gear, both should do similar damage and have similar defence BUT the melee character's damage should jump way up if hes in close quarter combat. else whats the point of playing melee. range can do everything melee can do but at range. ggg made poe2 separate from poe1 just to accommodate melee. theres no other way around it. also since slow and deliberate gameplay is the way, special consideration must be given towards things that effect speed and enemy aoe. if everything is just a gearcheck without players being able to supplement their weak gear with skill, i feel thats no longer "deliberate" playstyle. some dude in poe1 could kill uber elder+shaper while below 30 in poe1. this is ONLY doable if players know enemy timing and exact size of attacks. as for zooming, zooming SHOULD exist but must be HARD to achieve. i have come to the realization why MF is so good is because zoom builds exist. if it is easy to zoom, then players can fit MF in. but if it takes significant effort to make zoom even start to work, players would actually avoid mf gear. in fact if players insisted on using mf gear, they could but it would require them to clear maps at a slower pace. it self cancels out. i realize a lot of people will hate this suggestion as it literally asks for 90% of the skills to get nerfed, gatekeep zooming only to highly efficient builds WITH very good gear and also kind of destroy the notion of players even wanting to get MF on gear. but thats the ONLY way true melee can feel good in this game. edit: forgot to add why nerfing is important. players are doing too much damage. melee needs a SIGNIFICANT "closeby" damage buff, but that damage buff should not be so much till it outright oneshots bosses. [Removed by Support] Last edited by exsea#1724 on Jan 26, 2025, 5:48:47 AM Last bumped on Jan 30, 2025, 6:09:42 AM
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I support you completely!
And I want to add a thing: I fell in love with the game because it's not a clicker like PoE 1. You should move, roll and learn how foes moves. But if you just up something like melee, like my warrior, it's all become unnecessary. Also there is already a mess on screen at maps, so it really need to slow down but also make less "quantity of things". So its need nerf everything and rage mass of your players. I other hand, if don't do such - PoE may loss its very important feature - fun and cool action battle system. |
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I think melee is actually in a good spot right now, it's just some things need to be tweaked. white mobs shouldn't be immovable objects while simultaneously be able to push you all over the place. Some of the initiation skills like rolling slam and shield charge get stuck on any edge whatsoever. I think these things are holding back melee more than anything else, as the damage and ability to hit multiple targets is fine. I mean that's the point of melee right, you're supposed to be somewhat up close and personal with the monsters.
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" yeah i love to fact that we have to actually get out of the way from damage rather than just face tank or delete everything instantly. " i agree actually despite what many people say. melee feels REALLY GOOD. the main issue is in comparison true melee is the worst of all. whatever melee is good at, other builds can do better. in my 10 years of playing diablo likes, poe2 nails melee on the head so damn hard. the impact, the feels etc. but why do we bother playing melee if other builds which can be much more cheaper clear entire screens before true melee even engages with the enemy. just for some trivia info, back before EA was released the devs did say melee was really good to the point that they felt ranged skills needed buffs. i think they let it get too strong. [Removed by Support]
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" Are you smoking crack? Warrior is garbage compared to any other class in the game, with mace skills being the clear worst as well. Slowest clear time, worst defenses... what are you even talking about? |
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" you're right too. it is the shittiest in comparison with others. but if by itself, in the arpg genre its quite good. just that in comparison it becomes really shitty. why would any one want to play true melee when other things kill things much faster, move faster and has less obstacles? [Removed by Support]
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I'm all for this game slowing down and I've felt "nothing"/no excitement for a long time watching enemies falling way too easily to my Monk with its lightning damage...I haven't even got any lightning damage % in my gear and only +2 to melee skills add.
The Monk needs to feel like a melee too...I would feel stupid without Charged Staff auto spamming (along with shocking+herald) and I want the melee portion of Monk looked into massively because whirling strike and dashing potential seems cool but its utterly drowned out by the fact you can be a mid range "mage" with crazy high elemental damage... Its shaping up to be POE 1.2 instead of POE2, slow it right down GGG and realize your game is positively reviewed on its campaign performance, so don't worry about the ARPG freaks and have faith in more sophisicated gameplay development please! Last edited by TrunktenUK#3407 on Jan 26, 2025, 9:33:29 PM
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the weird part about monk was it looked a whole lot like it could be real fun as a pure melee.
but then with its high crit,fast attacks it just blitzes everything. the firing off projectiles when the monk was first revealed looked balanced because it seemed slow, slows you down so it felt like "ah man now i m forced to go ranged so i ll have to use this". instead we get poe1 lightning strike in poe2 in a way. i loved flicker in poe1 but in poe2 its just disgusting [Removed by Support]
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" It's not melee bad, it's others ridiciously powerfull. This slow and deadly gameplay with warrior is what the game should be, in my opinion. |
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" Yeah, Russion from Wiki, It was so long ago (I was there 3000 years ago), mb 7-8 years already, I was doing big (in my sight) job on start of WikiRu, so GGG give me that))) Now it's all gone. It's like a medal from a long-ago war " When I start PoE 2 I have choose Monk. And this was fun - kind of Ninja style (move back and forth, combos, etc.) Then I decide to try Warrior and stayed here... Recently I have played with my friend-monk. And it was absolute counter - there was no melee! He was kinda mid-range mage with tons of projectiles, and he rumbles thought the map like thunder... And was there was 1-2 buttons he need to use... when I use all my keyboard. I don't want to be this sort of monk... Last edited by Radonegsky#6656 on Jan 27, 2025, 1:25:00 AM
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