I think the easiest solution is this:
If you're playing solo, all 6 portals can be used for either exiting to stash loot and return OR if you die. However, if you die in a map, it adds a -50% loot rarity debuff to that map until you complete it. That's it.
This will stop players from dying intentionally to farm the content over and over, as it won't be worth it with an XP loss penalty AND a -50% loot rarity debuff penalty that stacks based on however many deaths you had until all portals are closed.
This way, mobs can even reset, and especially this gives a reason for loot to stay on the ground.
Died with a Divine Orb sitting on the ground? That's okay. Just run it again, get some of your XP back (if you can without dying again) and pick it up. Finish the map off, and onto the next one. You still took a loss, but it wasn't as punishing.
No more empty map walk of shame. Players still have to think about what they're doing to really succeed.
My friends can currently accidentally troll me by dragging a pack of mobs into me in a map, getting me killed, and then continuing on in my map while I lose my waystone, my loot, my XP and have nothing I can do to help myself.
JUST NOT ACCEPTABLE. The more you think about it, the more aggravating it is.
The devs want us to use more defensive builds; sure, I'll build a defensive, life-oriented tank to help my friends - but why? If they die, right now I can't revive them. What's the point? It's the single greatest blunder of a design decision I can see in the entire game bar none.
These suggestions seem like a very fair compromise.
Huge NOOO again, reviving team m8s will only lead to abuse since playing party would defeat the whole purpose of having portals at all, it basically means u have infinite tries when playing party while having 1 portal as a solo player. A majority of players in this game play solo and are not really into party playing at all.
Posted byMrPedez#4934on Jan 22, 2025, 8:49:52 AM
A majority of players in this game play solo and are not really into party playing at all.
You ever consider that just maybe that's because party play in PoE 1 and PoE2 is lacking in reasons TO party?
Only time we group is when we have a super juicy map ready. At all other times we are busy working on our own atlas chasing citadels or that good node.
Party play needs to be better to be compelling. As is the members of the party are not rewarded as heavily as the host.
Posted byMordgier#6997on Jan 22, 2025, 8:58:31 AM
IMO, I feel they should do 2 deaths per map in T1-5, 1 death per t6-10, and keep it at no deaths in 11+. That way it ramps players into the zero deaths. They said they were looking into ways to ease players from Campaign into the Atlas.
Last edited by mikeab79#3627 on Jan 22, 2025, 8:59:57 AM
Posted bymikeab79#3627on Jan 22, 2025, 8:59:03 AM
One death maps are such a success glad it’s staying this way
Throwing bodies isn’t a strategy as stated by the devs themselves
One death maps are such a success glad it’s staying this way
Throwing bodies isn’t a strategy as stated by the devs themselves
Not everyone is throwing bodies at stuff. Over half my deaths come from not being able to see what's on the ground as a result of party members spell visuals. Try playing as a Warrior in a group with a Necro and Rogue.
Posted bymikeab79#3627on Jan 22, 2025, 9:01:28 AM
One death maps are such a success glad it’s staying this way
Throwing bodies isn’t a strategy as stated by the devs themselves
Not everyone is throwing bodies at stuff. Over half my deaths come from not being able to see what's on the ground as a result of party members spell visuals. Try playing as a Warrior in a group with a Necro and Rogue.
Yes they are in poe1 that’s why it’s in poe2 , to discourage it
Try playing warrior ? Forum name is right there to what class I have rolled now twice
One death maps are such a success glad it’s staying this way
Throwing bodies isn’t a strategy as stated by the devs themselves
Not everyone is throwing bodies at stuff. Over half my deaths come from not being able to see what's on the ground as a result of party members spell visuals. Try playing as a Warrior in a group with a Necro and Rogue.
Yes they are in poe1 that’s why it’s in poe2 , to discourage it
Try playing warrior ? Forum name is right there to what class I have rolled now twice
You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.
I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid succession, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.
Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.
Posted byGnMQDMLmWZ#3336on Jan 22, 2025, 11:54:00 AM
lol no, please dont remove it, actually - make it MORE punishing if you die. you should not go for zdps zoom zoom boom boom dps builds - play for survivals and defenses.
There is suppose to be a nice signature picture here
Posted byhitem#1568on Jan 22, 2025, 12:02:15 PM
You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.
I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid succession, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.
Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.
Posted byFhrek#4437on Jan 22, 2025, 12:03:43 PM
You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.
I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid successio, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.
Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.
You need to calm down
First the feedback section is 99% a complaint posting so “the majority” you reference is the same people over and over again.
Children use this site like it’s yelp and think they will get what they want if they are loud enough which spoiler alert : no it won’t and that’s not how ggg has ever implemented changes
Second you’re post is full of things I did not say, excuses, and assumptions.
Keep calm.
Like you say it’s only a game right?
Posted byPoe2WarriorMan#6401on Jan 22, 2025, 12:06:22 PM