One Death Maps is a monumental failure.

Mordgier#6997 wrote:
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
A majority of players in this game play solo and are not really into party playing at all.

You ever consider that just maybe that's because party play in PoE 1 and PoE2 is lacking in reasons TO party?

Only time we group is when we have a super juicy map ready. At all other times we are busy working on our own atlas chasing citadels or that good node.

Party play needs to be better to be compelling. As is the members of the party are not rewarded as heavily as the host.
Yes and no, just like D2 many people prefer playing solo unless its just for xp/leveling, there is a reason some of us doesnt like games like WoW where u almost have to play party. And clearly this game is made by people with a background in D2 and its pretty clear what they prefer and what the idea/vision for the game is all about and i love it , 6 portal or not i really dont care as long as the game is interesting and dont require party playing

You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.

I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid successio, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.

Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.

You need to calm down

First the feedback section is 99% a complaint posting so “the majority” you reference is the same people over and over again.

Children use this site like it’s yelp and think they will get what they want if they are loud enough which spoiler alert : no it won’t and that’s not how ggg has ever implemented changes

Second you’re post is full of things I did not say, excuses, and assumptions.


Keep calm.

Like you say it’s only a game right?

You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.

I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid successio, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.

Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.

You need to calm down

First the feedback section is 99% a complaint posting so “the majority” you reference is the same people over and over again.

Children use this site like it’s yelp and think they will get what they want if they are loud enough which spoiler alert : no it won’t and that’s not how ggg has ever implemented changes

Second you’re post is full of things I did not say, excuses, and assumptions.


Keep calm.

Like you say it’s only a game right?

He might be salty atm, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is entirely wrong.

Once you conquered all the problems and have good enough gear to basically never die in map, it's pretty easy to look at the people who are pointing this problem they're having and think "Naah, he's just too whiney".
I caught myself doing that a few times but eventually I remember that I've had these problems before too and that is was pretty frustrating, that I'm decently experienced with poe 1 and that I'm unemployed so I have all the time in the world to put up with the grind and trek through the BS

I imagine the experience has to be pretty different for somebody who is new to the game and has only a couple of hours per day to play. No doubt.
Magoraz#6258 wrote:
While I understand your frustration with One Death Maps, I believe the criticism misses the point of the core design philosophy and mechanics that make the game unique. Let me explain why these mechanics, including the controversial aspects, are not as arbitrary or misguided as they might seem.

Firstly, respecting the Core Game Mechanics

The "vision" you reference is not just some arbitrary decision—it reflects the developers' intent to create a meaningful, challenging experience where every action, including death, has weight. Removing One Death Maps would fundamentally undermine this principle. The idea isn’t to punish players for the sake of punishment but to force strategic thinking, adaptability, and mastery of the game’s mechanics.

The "brutal" XP loss and One Death Maps work in tandem to make success genuinely rewarding. Without mechanics like these, the stakes would be significantly lower, reducing the tension and satisfaction that come from overcoming difficult challenges. These systems are designed to push players to improve and engage deeply with the mechanics, not just brute force their way through the content.

Secondly, early Access Is a Collaborative Process

Yes, this is Early Access, and player feedback is valuable. But Early Access is also a time for developers to experiment and refine their vision. Listening to feedback doesn't mean catering to every criticism or abandoning a core design philosophy. The current system may feel harsh now, but this doesn’t mean it’s inherently flawed—it just means there’s room for tuning.

Rather than scrapping One Death Maps entirely, the feedback should focus on balancing issues, like mob overtuning, difficulty scaling, or improving party mechanics. These adjustments can make the system feel fairer while preserving its core intent.

Thirdly, challenge vs. accessibility

You mentioned 30 years of gaming experience and referred to "basic game design 101." But challenging design doesn't equate to bad design, and accessibility doesn’t mean removing all obstacles. One Death Maps are intentionally punishing to encourage careful preparation and strategy. If the mechanics feel overwhelming now, it’s likely a reflection of balance issues that will evolve as the game continues to develop, not a reason to scrap a unique feature altogether.

Yes, frustrating moments like losing access to a map after a single death can be aggravating, but the system encourages players to consider their build choices, resistances, and strategy. This isn't meant to be a game where success comes easily—it's meant to challenge players in ways that are both mechanical and psychological.

TLDR: One death maps are very appropriate for the target audience that is likely to stick around for over a decade (similar to POE 1).
+1 . 15k hours of poe 1 and if poe 2 stays on its path and doesnt bend over to casuals crying over core mechanics that is part of the challenge i think ill stay for another 15k hours
My only Frustration with one portal maps are all of the poorly telegraphed, buggy, or otherwise hidden by player effects (looking at you poison clouds) one-shot mechanics. Abruptly losing a map to something that's not visible and you had little-to-no agency over is just not OK.

If PoE2 can actually deliver on good readability, quality telegraphs, etc. then 1-portal maps aren't a problem to me. When it feels like the game's fault that you're being punished, they become a problem.

Unfortunately for the folks that are very frustrated with this mechanic today, it seems necessary to get the right feedback to GGG so they can address all of the issues to make it feel good.
Azula#1157 wrote:
My only Frustration with one portal maps are all of the poorly telegraphed, buggy, or otherwise hidden by player effects (looking at you poison clouds) one-shot mechanics. Abruptly losing a map to something that's not visible and you had little-to-no agency over is just not OK.

If PoE2 can actually deliver on good readability, quality telegraphs, etc. then 1-portal maps aren't a problem to me. When it feels like the game's fault that you're being punished, they become a problem.

Unfortunately for the folks that are very frustrated with this mechanic today, it seems necessary to get the right feedback to GGG so they can address all of the issues to make it feel good.

Why can't anyone else seem to understand this?
The One Death Maps isn't the problem.
One Death Maps and a bunch of really buggy, unfair bullshit is.
Throw in the normal challenge of PoE (that in a vacuum is perfect for me) it becomes, for certain people, based on things like RNG and luck, totally a chore and not at all a "game" to play anymore.

They need to strike a very delicate balance here.
LFA01#0120 wrote:

You're just ignorant. The overwhelming majority of players think the game is untuned, unbalanced, completely at odds with the fundamental characteristics of the concept of One Death Maps.
If you like it, cool, I don't care. You're in the vast, vast minority.
In a game where that's a design choice, there cannot be any bullshit that OHKO's you regularly from white mobs. That's unacceptable. There is no other way to rephrase this;
It. Is. Not. Acceptable.

I have MORE than enough resists so that if I get hit with a penalty I still have capped resists, and I'm wearing a freeze charm. Guess what?
I get hit by 2 Cold-attacks in rapid successio, in a game where the enemies are all on crack and fundamentally at odds with my characters mobility and response times as well, and I get frozen, and stunlocked to death by a bunch of bullshit that is completely outside of my control.

Stop telling other people to be OK with having their god damn precious time on this Earth put through a slot machine just so YOU can have the "bragging" rights of "conquering" mobs that other players are out there cheesing with almost infinite damage builds from a screen away in a PVE game that has 0 competitive value.

You need to calm down

First the feedback section is 99% a complaint posting so “the majority” you reference is the same people over and over again.

Children use this site like it’s yelp and think they will get what they want if they are loud enough which spoiler alert : no it won’t and that’s not how ggg has ever implemented changes

Second you’re post is full of things I did not say, excuses, and assumptions.


Keep calm.

Like you say it’s only a game right?

He might be salty atm, but that doesn't necessarily mean he is entirely wrong.

Once you conquered all the problems and have good enough gear to basically never die in map, it's pretty easy to look at the people who are pointing this problem they're having and think "Naah, he's just too whiney".
I caught myself doing that a few times but eventually I remember that I've had these problems before too and that is was pretty frustrating, that I'm decently experienced with poe 1 and that I'm unemployed so I have all the time in the world to put up with the grind and trek through the BS

I imagine the experience has to be pretty different for somebody who is new to the game and has only a couple of hours per day to play. No doubt.
It might be a different experience for new or casuals players yes, but does this mean everything need to change and all penalties must be removed so every single player with barely any experience can brute force/ corpse walk the game without having the proper skills/build or gameknowledge ??? Thats a huge NO in my opinion. This game was never designed to be casual, they made it more accessible to new players by simplifying some of the mechanics and skill tree but the game is clearly made with longevity and grinding in mind which is the best way to ensure player retention for a longer period.

To be honest i could not care less about loosing the casual crowd if it means the game can stay true to its vision and core mechanics and i know the more hardcore fans of the game will stick around and put a hell of a lot more hours and money into the game than any casual crowd anyway. GGG knows this and poe 1 never got casual friendy either so my guess is poe 2 will stay on coruse with a few minor tweaaks along the way
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
Mordgier#6997 wrote:
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
A majority of players in this game play solo and are not really into party playing at all.

You ever consider that just maybe that's because party play in PoE 1 and PoE2 is lacking in reasons TO party?

Only time we group is when we have a super juicy map ready. At all other times we are busy working on our own atlas chasing citadels or that good node.

Party play needs to be better to be compelling. As is the members of the party are not rewarded as heavily as the host.
Yes and no, just like D2 many people prefer playing solo unless its just for xp/leveling, there is a reason some of us doesnt like games like WoW where u almost have to play party. And clearly this game is made by people with a background in D2 and its pretty clear what they prefer and what the idea/vision for the game is all about and i love it , 6 portal or not i really dont care as long as the game is interesting and dont require party playing

This statement is false. POE 2 relies to much on trading to be appealing to single player fans. You can't build a game around single player mechanics and then throw an MMO trading system on top of it because you made a looting and crafting system so bad, that it is the only way to have good gear. We hate on games that uses micro transactions to progress faster into the game, so it baffles me that people are still defending GGG while they do the exact same thing.
Magoraz#6258 wrote:
While I understand your frustration with One Death Maps, I believe the criticism misses the point of the core design philosophy and mechanics that make the game unique. Let me explain why these mechanics, including the controversial aspects, are not as arbitrary or misguided as they might seem.

Firstly, respecting the Core Game Mechanics

The "vision" you reference is not just some arbitrary decision—it reflects the developers' intent to create a meaningful, challenging experience where every action, including death, has weight. Removing One Death Maps would fundamentally undermine this principle. The idea isn’t to punish players for the sake of punishment but to force strategic thinking, adaptability, and mastery of the game’s mechanics.

The "brutal" XP loss and One Death Maps work in tandem to make success genuinely rewarding. Without mechanics like these, the stakes would be significantly lower, reducing the tension and satisfaction that come from overcoming difficult challenges. These systems are designed to push players to improve and engage deeply with the mechanics, not just brute force their way through the content.

Secondly, early Access Is a Collaborative Process

Yes, this is Early Access, and player feedback is valuable. But Early Access is also a time for developers to experiment and refine their vision. Listening to feedback doesn't mean catering to every criticism or abandoning a core design philosophy. The current system may feel harsh now, but this doesn’t mean it’s inherently flawed—it just means there’s room for tuning.

Rather than scrapping One Death Maps entirely, the feedback should focus on balancing issues, like mob overtuning, difficulty scaling, or improving party mechanics. These adjustments can make the system feel fairer while preserving its core intent.

Thirdly, challenge vs. accessibility

You mentioned 30 years of gaming experience and referred to "basic game design 101." But challenging design doesn't equate to bad design, and accessibility doesn’t mean removing all obstacles. One Death Maps are intentionally punishing to encourage careful preparation and strategy. If the mechanics feel overwhelming now, it’s likely a reflection of balance issues that will evolve as the game continues to develop, not a reason to scrap a unique feature altogether.

Yes, frustrating moments like losing access to a map after a single death can be aggravating, but the system encourages players to consider their build choices, resistances, and strategy. This isn't meant to be a game where success comes easily—it's meant to challenge players in ways that are both mechanical and psychological.

TLDR: One death maps are very appropriate for the target audience that is likely to stick around for over a decade (similar to POE 1).

Since I'm here I'm going to give my two cents, your post is very sensible but your arguments still don't land when it comes to the difficulty balance in my opinion.
I do think the game is too punishing and it's pretty obvious a lot of people are going to be alienated by it while it probably could be smoothed over by scaling the difficulty a bit more amicably.
For exemple let's say you get three portals in early maps, two when making it to T7-8 and back to only one portal at T14 or something. Seems pretty reasonable, lets people get the hang of the game and still allows weaker/non-meta builds to progress through and gear up. And in the end you still need to put up a good enough character if you want to enjoy the late game grind
Otherwise what you get is a two tier build system where on the one hand you have a minority of meta builds that make it above the cut and can die scarcely or never while still dealing good enough damage, and then you have anything else that is frustrating and feels like crap.

As for ggg and the VISION, sure I think it's cool that ggg have their philosophy and things they won't budge about on design, it's probably how you make the best games in the end.
But, I'm going to be very arrogant and say it, sometimes ggg is just wrong.
For exmple I want to point out to the trade manifesto.
Really cool that they wrote it btw and took the time to explain why they do what they do.
Not going to expand cause it's not the topic, but imo that was one time ggg chose the wrong solution to a real problem. It was alienating casual and veteran players alike and only somewhat achieving the objectives.
And they left it at that for over 7 years, only recently addressing it with the currency exchange and everybody loved that

Finally, having a system that forces the player to properly prepare, think his gameplay through and fully engage with intricate mecanics is fine, great even.
BUT, poe is not a strategy game like a BG3 that lets you carefully consider, or a game like the Souls which is brutally hard but allow you infinite retries.
Poe is a game where at some point there is so much happening on the screen that you can only partially tell what's going AND at the same a game where not seeing a projectile coming your way or a cluster of explosions about to blow can (and often will) drop your life from 100% to 0 in less than a second. I'm not complaining about it, it's just how it is.
But in that context I think it's really unreasonable to have such harsh penalties on deaths that can happen so quickly, and dare I say, sometimes unfairly.

Sorry for the text wall
Last edited by LFA01#0120 on Jan 22, 2025, 1:31:20 PM
Azula#1157 wrote:
My only Frustration with one portal maps are all of the poorly telegraphed, buggy, or otherwise hidden by player effects (looking at you poison clouds) one-shot mechanics. Abruptly losing a map to something that's not visible and you had little-to-no agency over is just not OK.

If PoE2 can actually deliver on good readability, quality telegraphs, etc. then 1-portal maps aren't a problem to me. When it feels like the game's fault that you're being punished, they become a problem.

Unfortunately for the folks that are very frustrated with this mechanic today, it seems necessary to get the right feedback to GGG so they can address all of the issues to make it feel good.
This is actually more viable feedback than all the complaining in this topic.
Yes the balancing is not done yet and some of the ground effects doesnt really match the map designs with all the narrow passages on top of being nearly invisible sometimes. They did improve on some of these issues in the latest patch and i know for sure they are not done yet cause GGG are well known for listening to feedback as long as its not just complaining about core mechanics and wanting ez mode.
For some reason people somehow turned on xp loss and 1 portal system being the reason they complain while the real issue is balancing being a bit off atm and some builds/defensive options are just waaaaay better than others. My best advice is avoid playing armour/life stacking builds atm cause they are still in a bad state, play something with ES and evasion or block and if u really want to avoid ground/on death effects try out chaos inoculation node in the skill tree since many on death effects is chaos damage, the game is soooo much easier then and u can easily scale 8k and above es and use grim feast for doubling ur es pool. Untill they balance things properly its all about making the right choices with the char and right now ES is just better and once u hit 8k es with 16k es while full grim feast stacks almost nothing will 1KO ur char

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