Quitting this game after being scammed out of all of my currency

I've had my share of good and bad experience in PoE2. I've been on the receiving end of kind traders who will give a 1 ex item for free, and I've tried to pay it back in kind by handing out items and exalted as much as I can to new players. I'm not a great player by any means. I try to follow builds, make adjustments as I see fit, and grind as much as my job will allow. I think that's over.

A recent interaction literally just makes me want to puke. I earned my currency over the course of 80 hours of gameplay, buying magic bases and crafting them up to better rare bases. Selling until I saved up 18 divines. I spent 3 days checking the trading site on and off to try to get a Morior Invictus with 10% All Elemental Res + 5% Attributes. After finally sending a trade invite to a guy and finally getting the invite accepted, I entered the trade with him and he showed the real item.

He quit the trade, reentered and I proceeded to put in the same currency... just to get scammed when he dropped in a chest with 5% Max Life + 10% Elemental Res. Literally worth 25 exalts.

I work 10 hours a day. I don't have time or patience anymore to hideout warrior my way back to getting enough currency to get to the stage of the game I was just at. I get that I was a dumbass for not double checking after he exited the trade. But I'm done. I just don't have it in me anymore to see all that I had go down the drain just cause some asshole wants to scam his way to getting currency. Fuck this trading system, and fuck this game.
Last bumped on Jan 24, 2025, 1:14:17 PM
I feel bad for you being scammed and I really don't want to victim blame here, this is not my train of thought.

To me this sounds like experience. Long time players know about this and double check items. GGG has built the trade system in a way that forces you to hover over the item before you can accept the trade, to make sure you see what you will be receiving. If anything is changed, you will have to hover over it again.

I think what I am trying to say, always double check.
This is one of those situations where you can only blame yourself.
When you get knocked down, whats the first thing you do? GET BACK UP!!
I guess it's a little too late to learn that now. I saw 5% and 10% and didn't even realize that the max life roll was possible. It's just too disheartening to have that much effort thrown down the drain because of one moment of oversight.
Zixx21#6513 wrote:
I guess it's a little too late to learn that now. I saw 5% and 10% and didn't even realize that the max life roll was possible. It's just too disheartening to have that much effort thrown down the drain because of one moment of oversight.
I do truly understand but this is what is great about leagues FRESH STARTS.
I've never been a league player. I played standard because I don't end up with enough time to grind through a league and I just want play for fun not to get to the highest levels possible. These past few weeks with the holidays I had enough time to play up to T10/T11 maps.
Just don't give up. Shit happens. Life goes on.
That is bad luck, and I hope you try again but perhaps avoid the antiquated nonsence that passes as a trade system in this game.

I also play for fun and manage quite well by only swapping/trading items with friends or family and avoid using the crappy system that passes as market. If GGG want to expand thier user base it might be an idea to introduce a robust market system like many other games have managed to do as I suspect many are put off playing due to this not fun trading mechanism.
I woukd just come back when the next league arrives. All of this is meaningless. It's not even standard. It will be a ghost town.

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