Feedback and why I'm done. 4th Ascension is what did it.

Gang5ter15#1071 wrote:
My only problem with Sekhema are some of the affliction. NO Evasion or no Energy shield is just stupid. That should not exist. I always avoid rewards where i can get a random affliction because it can literally just delete my run.

Yes, those are too brutal and build destroying and need to be changed.

I also have not played on an armor/life build, so I won't comment on that experience. Evasion/ES is probably much much easier.

I regard the 4th ascension as 'bonus' right now. I simply plan for 3 and if I manage to get the fourth, then fine, else also fine. GGG will surely rebalance trials as development goes (= make them easier), so I'd suggest to people to not get discouraged too much on these trials.
When night falls
She cloaks the world
In impenetrable darkness
Thank you for verbalizing how i feel. Trials, ascendancy, and mapping demotivates me to play. i would spend money in the cash shop if i didn’t feel this way. Feels frustrating, unrewarding, and ultimately boring. Hope they take notice soon.
The common thread across all of this... trials, endgame, etc.... Is the lack of ability to endlessly repeat attempt bosses after Act 6... which robs us of the ability to learn the bosses through experiences, which is frankly one of the few fun things in the game (for me).


The Campaign structure is amazing. You grind to a boss, you checkpoint, if it takes you 5-10x tries on a boss, that's solid gold fun. If I have to leave and theory craft and improve my build and come back and take 5 more attempts, that's solid gold fun. It allows us to learn the game through *experience* instead of YouTube.

Then we get to Trials and Endgame maps... where the "difficulty" of bosses is the amount of time we have to waste to get an attempt at the boss. I simply refuse to play a game this way.

The idea of having to repeat 30-40 minutes of Trial just to get the enjoyable "virgin chance" at a boss, only to die and then have to spend 40 minutes for another try, is something I refuse to do.

Likewise with the Citadels. I have found two citadels. I refuse to go to YouTube to steal my own fun from myself with a boss-guide... and I refuse to go in and brick the node (in 1 or 6 tries) because I don't yet know the encounter.

I'm not frustrated at it. I simply won't do it. I switched to speedrunning alts, because that's more fun than this nonsense mechanic of limiting boss access.

And I want to add that this is not a critique of 1-death-per-map... I personally don't find any enjoyment AOE blasting maps or 1-shotting bosses whether it's 1 death or 6 portals, or unlimited lives, so it frankly does not matter to me. I'm not going to grind mindlessly trivial content for hours or days. It's just nonsense.

I want to be challenged to figure out how to scrap together tools and solve problems to beat hard content that is hard - content that kills me when I make a mistake.

Inside today's game, the two ways I'm having fun are:

1. reroll and play the campaign in solo-self-found (single character only, no sharing between characters), quitting at the end of Act 6
2. Same as #1, but timing myself for speedruns

Personally I'd like to see a speedrunning ladder ranking based on /played to level.... rather than this silly no-lifeing race to 100, which says very little about player skill.

These threads will just continue for as long as the Ascendancy Trials exist in their current state.

It's literally the death of the game for some players and you'll still get ppl defending it. Absolutely wild.
I’m a really, really, really casual player. And my biggest problem now is how I can go sub 1 min on each node so I can do Zarokh every 30 mins instead of 40 mins which is my current limitation.

It’s a strange world indeed.

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