Feedback and why I'm done. 4th Ascension is what did it.
Honor Trials are horrible. I don't mind the Chaos Trials.
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" There is a boon that gives you 40 percent more movement speed. If you actually learned how to play the trials and used the boons and afflictions to your advantage you wouldn't be complaining. I've gotten 4th ascendancy on my monk and my warrior. Wasn't that hard. | |
" That boon is rng right? There are also rng afflictions that can remove that boon. Which means, whether or not you can complete the trial is based on rng of you arriving at the boss with that boon active? You sound goofy af. |
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It's not RNG. I've gotten it to show up on all my runs. I usually try to go for as much sacred water as possible and as many merchants as possible. I never take smoke afflictions so I can plan my run better.
On all my runs I've always managed to get you and your minions do 50 percent more damage and 40 percent increased movement speed. One run I had like 10 boons it was nuts lol | |
Most of my runs I have around 7-10 boons and maybe 1-3 afflictions. never take a smoke affliction. you always need to plan out the way you progress to make sure you don't get an affliction that is run ending.
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Also I never take a boon if it gives me a random affliction. It's not worth the risk.
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there's very rare run where rng can rekt you, idk like first 3pick: "don't always take the path you chose", "-50%water", 1choice merchant. Stuff like that then you hit another crossroad with another set of terible choice and it can snowball badly but this is extremly rare.
If you have a good set of relic and know what you're doing you will get to the boss fully booned most of the time, and i mean like all the minor boon plus a few major. And then it's not that hard. If the run is doomed because of extremly unlucky rng well just start another one. i would say i restart 1/20 run. |
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" idk feels like i would get this with the boon. |
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" I have run this trial 20+x and gotten it twice. |
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Both trials are always even if you finish them frustration , recently there is more visual bugs tried to help a friend died because some mobs did not render ... Good design locking power up behind something that does not even work sometimes , I helped some friends to get 4th down but this is just overall the worst experience I had and almost all of them wanted to quit because of this trials, even if I did clear multiple times every time feels like I want to hit my head on a wall rather than gamble debuffs , this is too much make it give no loot if you have no honnor and just let players get their points.
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