Feedback and why I'm done. 4th Ascension is what did it.

Ok, so the title might seem a bit dramatic, but after almost 9k hours in poe 1 and 150ish in poe2 Im done.

My feedback:

Zeroth: none of the below respects your time.

First, Im currently playing warrior atm. Everyone knows the issues, but specifically ascension is dreadful. Came back after the patch, tried the sekhema again, died on the final boss due to the orbs spawning on one side and a single orb on the opposite side in the corner. What is the design philosophy of this puzzle? It isn't "hard" it seems to be more luck unless you meet the movespeed threshold then you almost can't fail it. Otherwise you're hoping for a good spawn pattern. Yes, I have 35% movespeed boots. 3rd floor boss should give 4th ascension or cut the rooms down by at least 50%.

Second, are the dev's deadset on making us do this every league? It's so grueling without a go fast build, which makes a lot of builds unplayable, which kills diversity, which kills the game. It must be doable for all but the worst builds and must be free of gimmicky mechanics, like honour.

Finally, I can do trial of chaos but I keep getting repeat key drops. And it's so boring and frustrating to have this happen. Politely f@#k off if you think making us get three RNG key pieces to ascend via trial is ok. 10 rounds should just give 4th ascension.

This has all been discussed over and over I know, but we have to admit it is pure poison for the health of the game. Our guild had 20ish excited players brand new to poe2 when it launched but all of them have since left, with ascension issues being a factor.

Finally, "just play a better build or different character" or "this is early access" are all terrible retorts. Let's be honest, it isn't fun. It should never have released with forced, recycled league mechanics unless they were changed for poe2. We had one first impression and I'm sorry to say, but I think they blew it.

So yeah, I'm done. I might come back if the dev's admit this hasnt worked and are willing to change how honour works and remove the one shot from sekhema and change trials to not require the rng keys. But I think this change needs to be announced (not even fixed) asap.
Last bumped on Jan 22, 2025, 10:48:54 PM
Trials are the worst part of the game by far.

Sekhema punishes melee builds, and on both Trials we have to rely a lot on RNG.

Some combinations of banes can simply make Sekhema impossible to finish. That should never be the case. Banes should make it more difficult, not downright impossible for 99% of people that don't play perfectly.
It's really trash. I set my honor resistance to 75% and my movement speed is high. And I did some preparation for the boss. But I still couldn't collect all the hourglasses and died. Just trash. An hour and a half was wasted.
Mace melee here. Sanctum is bad to melee. Mace is designed too tooooo slow to dodge any shit in sanctum. True.

But...ulti is easy to mace, and GGG said something like "you gotta choose which trail to go depends on what your build is".

Done mine trail on second master try. Not free win but very sure is doable.
also my biggest issue with the game. the rest i think has big potential but i can not understand what they were thinking with this trials. poe is known for its build diversity and for 2 they said they made the ascendency nodes more general so that we are not forced into a specific build. and with the trials all of that seems gone, heck even a stock standard warrior has to run around like a headless chicken trying to not get hit. no wonder most are playing top op meta builds spamming the chat with carries for the ascendency points.
Valsacar#0268 wrote:
I can't win everything without challenge, I quit!
ITT Valsacar fails to understand the difference between punishing mechanics, and challenging ones. Do you think that the Tomb of Horrors is a well designed D&D module too?
Tomb of horrors was a well designed module. It was designed to kill players. If you get it done you are richly rewarded. It is a deathtrap, that greedy players willingly throw themselves into, year after year. It and elemental evil are the two most famous modules because they were designed to kill players and they do that very well.
orb placement sure can be bullshit they need to reign that in a bit
get +merchant choice relic, pick all the boon but mostly speed, easy.
BigBeuss#5956 wrote:
get +merchant choice relic, pick all the boon but mostly speed, easy.

orb placement can still get you even with the movespeed boon

Let's hope the "merchant only has one choice" affliction doesn't come up in a position you can't avoid it also

Apparently, the trick here is when you see an impossible layout, you can relog and start again at the boss. Haven't tried it myself yet as I haven't found the hours required to run it
Last edited by Strangehill#1736 on Jan 17, 2025, 10:55:54 AM

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