$1000+ spent in 2 leagues - Not continuing - Id rather waste my time at work than the 1 portal

Based and true.

This game tries to be soulslike in absolutely everything.
Even in the idea of ​​fun of "git gud", while an ARPG Looter the fun comes from the idea of ​​"power fantasy".
Completely opposite things.
Based and true.

This game tries to be soulslike in absolutely everything.
Even in the idea of ​​fun of "git gud", while an ARPG Looter the fun comes from the idea of ​​"power fantasy".
Completely opposite things.

Same feeling we had during the closed beta back in august. We all complained in the discord but they never listened. </3
johnjdk#5382 wrote:
I see no reason to continue playing with the 1 portal system.

It is literally a waste of peoples time and effort. There is a reason I dont play HC, I dont want to. I dont want to get good at the game, i want it to be entertainment. I am good at something, my job which has allowed me the freedom to play games and spend money on these games for them to continue growing.

But at this point in time I cant think of 1 redeeming quality of the 1 portal system. Get good? Why, I dont play this to get good, its entertainment. This game is nothing more than entertainment from a high stress job.

I am not here to get the best gear, I am not here to amass a trade league fortune. I am here like a good 75% playing it, not giving a care in the world, haivng fun. KEYWORD HERE IS FUN.

Settlers was my 1st PoE league, id die and die and die, which was fun to me. As I was getting better at the game seeing the mistakes I made. I could see it and feel it, sure i didnt lvl for a week straight dying loosing all 6 portals not killing everything. Loosing loot and not being efficent, all of which were penalties. Ya i bought 50+ Quads hoarding gear, crafting on and obvisouly failing. I had 1300 hours and by the end ya I could do stuff but still died and lost portals. Rek'tar never broke me. I died and lost so many mechanics, because thats what new players do, they die.

But a random snake in poe 2 did after setting up towers, going in to get frozen, to posioned, to a corpse explode in the 1st 30 seconds. There is no incentive of fun in this way of dying. I had to sit there watching it kill me, knowing no matter what I did. I was done.

Im sorry I didnt hover scan over every mob to double check there wasny a freezing rare mob before enganging, sorry i didnt dodge roll instantly after going in to avoid, my bad I got frozen, to then knowing I cant do it. All tower effort come. Why waste my time on something like this?

If you find it fun great, make it a choice to have the 1 portal system so you can have fun your way, and I can have fun my way. Just like HC.

K. Keep me posted.

Find it kind of crazy you'd drop $1000 on a game you yourself admit you don't know how to play. Wiiiild
Step 1 is to self reflect.
Last edited by RKxZlcLUUF#5704 on Jan 8, 2025, 6:57:46 PM
Hopefully the mechanic stays the way it is.

Mash the clean
Hopefully the mechanic stays the way it is.

agreed. Throwing bodies at a boss/mechanic should not be an option. Get good or do lower level content.
Step 1 is to self reflect.
Hopefully the mechanic stays the way it is.

agreed. Throwing bodies at a boss/mechanic should not be an option. Get good or do lower level content.

I did, at my job. And will never invest "get good" at a game meant for fun. Go play hardcore if youre "so good" but you wont. So please get good and go play hardcore, leave what you define as fun in hardcore. Because you clearly cant kick it in hardcore or you wouldnt be on here telling people to get good :/

And who said we are throwing bodies? Who said I dont spend hours looking at PoB math and understanding the mechanics each time I died? Making the small changes to see if something works?

This is a waste of time and nothing more.

Last edited by randomly_generated#1195 on Jan 8, 2025, 8:11:59 PM
I've spent... far, far more than that and mostly in the HOPES that they would eventually listen to player suggestions about POE 1.

It never happened.

I'm hopeful since they put their game in the Early Access program on Steam that this time they will..

but, there are SO many things that need to be fixed/changed for this to become a truly popular game and take its place as probably one of the best ARPGs to-date.

Things like:

1. Exp Penalties
2. The horribly implemented "ascendancy trials" that have nothing whatsoever to do with the ascendancy you're trying to get/progress.
3. Mapping is the ONLY end-game activity (even in POE 1)
4. No travel powers/mounts
5. Costs for respecs instead of free respecs and an armory of some kind to quickly switch between builds
6. The ability to skip the campaign to get to end-game during leagues
7. Stop making us slog through repeated maps... yes they say it's temporary that we have to repeat mirrored acts 1-3, but they said the same thing in POE 1 and we know how that went...
8. Add an actual trade system in-game. I can't believe they ported the bandaid they implemented in POE 1 for trading. How lazy.
9. Bot bans (which right now and for the first few weeks of every league would be roughly half the active population)
10. Hardcore style maps (die once, you lose)

Until at least some of that gets addressed/removed/changed people will continue to leave.
Visit my Steam profile here: https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheBaconOverlord/
I think some of the problem with reconciling this kind of game to souls-like is that those games had very scripted and planned encounters. That's where the speed-running stuff came from, people who would memorize the layouts and locations of everything and choreograph their runs to it. Throwing all these modifiers into a blender and dumping them out into a procedurally generated map is not going to produce anything similar. As soon as I saw that maps had movement speed modifiers for mobs - which I usually just throw away - it became pretty apparent that it wasn't going to be anything like souls. Endgame right now is just reskinned POE1 with less portals and thankfully, no reflect mods.
+1 this going to be good!
Hopefully the mechanic stays the way it is.

Go play hardcore if youre so good and want a 1 portal system. You wont though, this is already in the game. Its called hardcore. Get good.

I play hardcore everyday in my job, I dont need it in my entertainment.

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