6 months just to copy another game's endgame system and fail completely at making it work in this game.
Well, it's not like exactly copied, they've made this tower influence thing, waystones etc. But in general it's very similar and i noticed it the second i first saw that end-game map in poe2.
It would work well if monster damage was balanced like in LE, where you almost never die to huge single damage instance and the main danger is receiving many hits from many mobs in short time, so it's basically your mistake in positioning or approaching large groups of mobs.
Yeeah, sadly PoE 2 and PoE in general will never be balanced like that. Archnemesis and random oneshots are part of the "vision" and were just put into the game even though players hated them. Because "oh players have such powerful builds we need to oneshot them in 0.1 seconds now". Which is such a weird reason to make the whole game worse for everyone with things like on-death effects and archnemesis.
Posted byToforto#2372on Jan 8, 2025, 5:03:19 PM
This game is build around wasting player time. Why maps cannot be more straightforward? Why do you have to hunt for rares instead going to boss for clear? Why layouts are full of obstacles forcing you to go around. Why wasting 1 hour in trial to just lose whole progress by single mistake? Man, each corner of this game is full of such bs design. Why not leveling gems, but everything has to be depended on drop, which is horrible? Atlas, endgame overall is just a template at this stage, I get it, but even on basic level it's so obviously wrong. I don't want to even start with lack of visibility and full of cast on death mechanic. Some things are worst design choices taken from Diablo 4.
The game is riddled with so many time-wasting mechanics it almost feels like a mobile game where you can pay real money to save time. Except here you can't lmao
Even the smaller things like loading screen on world map/atlas and having to click a Well to refill flasks feel intentionally designed to waste your time.
Posted byToforto#2372on Jan 8, 2025, 5:04:52 PM
Concerning threats of lost revenue: The calculation is not simply how many whales are lost, but whether or not at least one new whale is gained for each one that leaves.
Last edited by MoonPeace#1394 on Jan 8, 2025, 5:07:48 PM
Posted byMoonPeace#1394on Jan 8, 2025, 5:06:47 PM
The game isn't really a means of entertainment per se; its a dopamine vending machine that feeds on your sense of 'want.' Still cheaper than the horse track and safer than preying on drunks at the poker table though.
Posted byQuakebeard#0680on Jan 8, 2025, 5:07:06 PM
Op if you just want to mash button and scream clear everything then diablo 4 sounds like the game your looking for. As for 1 portal it's high risk it's what makes it different. Just be glad your at maps I'm still stuck for 2 weeks in act 3 because my game crashes every time I get the temple boss to half health.
Want to smash a button and screen clearing is exactly what poe 2 is. People need to stop being so threatened by D4 and need to stop bringing it up whenever something in poe 2 is bad. I'd argue d4 does a few things better than poe2.
Just a few? I can’t think of anything that poe does better than d4 at the moment.
Posted bymaquino85#7657on Jan 8, 2025, 5:13:19 PM
johnjdk#5382 wrote:
I see no reason to continue playing with the 1 portal system.
It is literally a waste of peoples time and effort. There is a reason I dont play HC, I dont want to. I dont want to get good at the game, i want it to be entertainment. I am good at something, my job which has allowed me the freedom to play games and spend money on these games for them to continue growing.
But at this point in time I cant think of 1 redeeming quality of the 1 portal system. Get good? Why, I dont play this to get good, its entertainment. This game is nothing more than entertainment from a high stress job.
I am not here to get the best gear, I am not here to amass a trade league fortune. I am here like a good 75% playing it, not giving a care in the world, haivng fun. KEYWORD HERE IS FUN.
Settlers was my 1st PoE league, id die and die and die, which was fun to me. As I was getting better at the game seeing the mistakes I made. I could see it and feel it, sure i didnt lvl for a week straight dying loosing all 6 portals not killing everything. Loosing loot and not being efficent, all of which were penalties. Ya i bought 50+ Quads hoarding gear, crafting on and obvisouly failing. I had 1300 hours and by the end ya I could do stuff but still died and lost portals. Rek'tar never broke me. I died and lost so many mechanics, because thats what new players do, they die.
But a random snake in poe 2 did after setting up towers, going in to get frozen, to posioned, to a corpse explode in the 1st 30 seconds. There is no incentive of fun in this way of dying. I had to sit there watching it kill me, knowing no matter what I did. I was done.
Im sorry I didnt hover scan over every mob to double check there wasny a freezing rare mob before enganging, sorry i didnt dodge roll instantly after going in to avoid, my bad I got frozen, to then knowing I cant do it. All tower effort come. Why waste my time on something like this?
If you find it fun great, make it a choice to have the 1 portal system so you can have fun your way, and I can have fun my way. Just like HC.
The majority of people that want this type of 1 portal system have no social interaction and/ or just like it because they will blindly follow GGG to the earth's end. I'm fully with you on this. This change is one of the worst design ideas I've ever seen in a sequel (so-called).
With Path of Exile as close to a video game calculator you can get, there is no reward when you complete a map without dying. I'm level 92 or so with 400+ deaths and that won't stop. I will not abide by GGG's restrictions on my playstyle and/ or enjoyment (I go pop more often than pop-corn in the microwave).
I continue to see the same arguments that I have, and that's the one portal system is downright terrible gameplay. I didn't learn anything by having 1 portal, I technically lost all valuable information. In my mind, if I only have one chance, I'm more unwilling to risk anything. Stand behind a wall, move an inch at a time and shoot arrows, great gameplay mechanic GGG.
Whoever designed this feature, should be fired, period. I will not support GGG till portals are changed. Hit GGG with your wallets, and they will come begging. If people want 1 life portals, great, give them that, but make it its own unique server. Call it, lonely.
johnjdk#5382 wrote:
I see no reason to continue playing with the 1 portal system.
It is literally a waste of peoples time and effort. There is a reason I dont play HC, I dont want to. I dont want to get good at the game, i want it to be entertainment. I am good at something, my job which has allowed me the freedom to play games and spend money on these games for them to continue growing.
But at this point in time I cant think of 1 redeeming quality of the 1 portal system. Get good? Why, I dont play this to get good, its entertainment. This game is nothing more than entertainment from a high stress job.
I am not here to get the best gear, I am not here to amass a trade league fortune. I am here like a good 75% playing it, not giving a care in the world, haivng fun. KEYWORD HERE IS FUN.
Settlers was my 1st PoE league, id die and die and die, which was fun to me. As I was getting better at the game seeing the mistakes I made. I could see it and feel it, sure i didnt lvl for a week straight dying loosing all 6 portals not killing everything. Loosing loot and not being efficent, all of which were penalties. Ya i bought 50+ Quads hoarding gear, crafting on and obvisouly failing. I had 1300 hours and by the end ya I could do stuff but still died and lost portals. Rek'tar never broke me. I died and lost so many mechanics, because thats what new players do, they die.
But a random snake in poe 2 did after setting up towers, going in to get frozen, to posioned, to a corpse explode in the 1st 30 seconds. There is no incentive of fun in this way of dying. I had to sit there watching it kill me, knowing no matter what I did. I was done.
Im sorry I didnt hover scan over every mob to double check there wasny a freezing rare mob before enganging, sorry i didnt dodge roll instantly after going in to avoid, my bad I got frozen, to then knowing I cant do it. All tower effort come. Why waste my time on something like this?
If you find it fun great, make it a choice to have the 1 portal system so you can have fun your way, and I can have fun my way. Just like HC.
The majority of people that want this type of 1 portal system have no social interaction and/ or just like it because they will blindly follow GGG to the earth's end. I'm fully with you on this. This change is one of the worst design ideas I've ever seen in a sequel (so-called).
With Path of Exile as close to a video game calculator you can get, there is no reward when you complete a map without dying. I'm level 92 or so with 400+ deaths and that won't stop. I will not abide by GGG's restrictions on my playstyle and/ or enjoyment (I go pop more often than pop-corn in the microwave).
I continue to see the same arguments that I have, and that's the one portal system is downright terrible gameplay. I didn't learn anything by having 1 portal, I technically lost all valuable information. In my mind, if I only have one chance, I'm more unwilling to risk anything. Stand behind a wall, move an inch at a time and shoot arrows, great gameplay mechanic GGG.
Whoever designed this feature, should be fired, period. I will not support GGG till portals are changed. Hit GGG with your wallets, and they will come begging. If people want 1 life portals, great, give them that, but make it its own unique server. Call it, lonely.
Exactly +1000. The current game should be made into Ruthless, and then the devs should make an actually fun Softcore mode lol
Posted byToforto#2372on Jan 8, 2025, 5:25:36 PM
One portal system bad. I have stated in other threads but it’s ok having areas of the game that are hard and stressful. The campaign when you’re building power, the pinnacle bosses. Having to focus and get good has its moments but once you gain power and are mapping to farm you should not be walking on eggshells all the time.
I agree with the previously suggested idea to put 1 portal in ruthless mode so those of us who did not sign up for hardcore do not have hardcore mechanics pushed on us.
Posted byVangl#2478on Jan 8, 2025, 6:20:49 PM
I honestly believed that, if given choice without any reward or punish anything that, player can either go with 1 portal or 6 portal setting. Those 1-portal will choose later except when they want to show off that they can do just fine and asking to remove the option completely as it's no point to flexing or play with only 1 portal. (If those 1-portal enjoy it, they should have no complain at all and not bring it up in later argument ever.)
As many people already point out, it served nothing beside punishing and decrease build diversity. Irony that PoE is a game that promote build diversity, creativity, trial and error and most of PoE 2 mechanic fail to do that.
Slow in, slow out cuz I'm just a player.
Posted bynnilfoest#6766on Jan 8, 2025, 7:24:00 PM
Tottaly disrespect with players time
Posted byluiz1220#4047on Jan 8, 2025, 7:26:45 PM