Archmage is NOT the Problem
" that's a real issue, totaly agree. edit: i play archmage spark ci-mom-eb, and i begin with to feel "ok" in map (15+) when reach something like 35 div,(mean i can do this) and start to run smooth after 45 div. so when you speak about nerf, ok, but at what lvl of gear should be the cap for a good feeling in map ? 70 div ? 100? (lol) atm i feel op, but i have 100+ div gear, so i think it's totaly normal i feel op. Last edited by laurent67#6296 on Jan 8, 2025, 9:55:25 AM
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" Yes. I remove archmage aura and my spark dps goes from 4k to 17k. So basically, archmage is over 400% damage multiplier... for just 100 spirit. How is any spell build supposed to ignore this when on top stacking mama and MoM are even strong defensives... Currently i'd argue 2% damage AND 2% mana costs per 100mana are enough. 4k mana still increase your damage by 80%, while the mana cost increase forces you to find a balance between how much mana you can stack. So maybe 3k mana and 60% damage/mana cost increase is a sweetspot? There will still be highend builds doing insane damage, but it will be way more balanced. |
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" Maybe current spark CI MoM shouldnt be as smooth as you want it to be. What you call smooth is probably killing mobs one or two screens ahead while 8k ES and 4k mana prevent you from getting oneshot. And i have a 15 divs build that just gets killed by crazy modifiers. The power level is insane if you think about what POE is supposed to be. And in fact, even nerfing that builds damage by 60+% would make it far superior to 95% of abilities. I dont like that insane one shot fantasy the game has. Basically defensives are: kill everything before they kill you. |
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let ggg cook
i could not talk about number, i still no fucking idea how many dps i have . without pob i could not. and in game tooltip just enough good to give a basic idea but number is totally wrong. (but you right, if i remove archmage buff , on tooltip i pass from 55k to 9.9k. i just can say according tooltip, i feel ok in map when reach around 30k and run smooth after 40k ) edit: for vdd ( cross post) "Maybe current spark CI MoM shouldnt be as smooth as you want it to be." yep, that's possible, have to wait what ggg think for this game. Last edited by laurent67#6296 on Jan 8, 2025, 10:21:01 AM
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" It's A problem though. Archmage + MoM + Stormweaver + plenty of passive nodes gives you everything with just one cheap stat. Skill levels are a separate thing, affecting every build equally. Actually Archmage helps here too, because the cost scales together with the damage, making skills very expensive to use. Archmage is still a no brainer, even for non-Stormweavers. |
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" I absolutely agree that "1 button builds" appear to go against the design philosophy of what PoE2 seemed to be trying to do by creating skill rotations like other MMOs. That's not to say that 1 button builds should not be possible, but they should not be the top tier performers like Spark is today. The balancing point that we should strive for is that a build with best in slot items should be able to trivialize end game encounters but mid tier gear should find them extremely challenging. That's not the case today. Minimal investment into a Stormweaver outperforms everything except for dual herald builds (which is also questionable) and shattering concoction builds (which clearly seem to work beyond the intended power). All other builds are left in the dust, some vastly behind the power curve. There is also the matter of content that we are expected to clear. Run a T16 atlas maxed breach and tell me how we are supposed to be able to handle that mob speed and density without the 'op' builds? While I totally agree that we are currently able to trivialize bosses, a lot of the other end game content scales well beyond the ability of players to handle by the time they encounter it. |
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" Well yeah - it's a no brainer because it's THE ONLY way to scale spell dps besides spell levels. There are no other options, crit sort of works but nowhere near as strong. If you want to scale spell DPS, you HAVE to use Archmage. If I turn it off, it is not possible for me to handle end game content - the DPS just isn't there despite heavy investment into shock magnitude and % damage. If Archmage did not exist, Stormweaver would not be end game viable without sinking hundreds of divines into the build via jewels, high roll ingenuity, temporalis etc. |
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I would like to see archmage reworked and instead of gain % damage as extra damage, scale some flat spell dmg like other builds. SO that we can actually benefit from juicy gain % damage nodes on the tree, in the skills gems tab, and more so on a wand.
On archmage wands with gain % damage are the worst you can get, but somehow this is the highest tiered roll, so the more wands you craft the higher chance to get gain % damage, game just thinks it is a super good stat on wand to have. |
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" This goes down to the whole damage scaling issue that spell casters hit in PoE. Weapon users can easily get +dmg rings and gloves and slap on ingenuity and literally double their damage. A spell caster can get the best 35% <element> damage ring and a 90% ingenuity and essentially see a 10% dps boost if that because increased % damage is a very poor substitute for a 1-120 added lightning damage ring for example. Archmage ends up being the only viable way to do scale damage beyond +levels. It may indeed be too good, but it's also the only option. |
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" thats just not true. most of them are playing solo self found for a start. ive farmed many mirrors in poe1, ive watched many streamers who farm mirrors, ive never seen a streamer with mirrors who isnt farming them legit. i know what it takes to do it, i can see what theyre doing theyre literally streaming their game. " mos of them are playing in ssf, ssfhc even, because theyre so good at the game that playing in softcore trade is pointless for them. how are they getting equipment from fans in ssfhc? you can watch their streams and clearly see they dont get more currency or better rng than a normal player. theyre just really good at the game and they play it 10-14 hours a day. come on guys, the anti streamer tin foils and resentment isnt necessary. you guys are kidding yourselves. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :)
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