Archmage is NOT the Problem

I'm using in on my blood mage and if i turn it off I lose like 70% of tooltip dps and I'm a chaos build :P. So yeah, I enjoy it quite a bit but it is overtuned for sure. Especially having in mind you get both defence with MoM and ED and tons of damage.

Hopefully after the nerf bat it will be still playable because I think it is a cool interaction.

Last edited by Begano#4789 on Jan 9, 2025, 8:55:04 AM
Yes it is and pretty much everyone is on board with this

Broken things are gonna get nerfed though luck
Archmage isn't overturned. You all forget that not everyone has 12 hours per day to farm. I've spend 20 divines on my character and I can barely do deli t15 yellow maps. I haven't seen any pinnacle bosses yet and if I don't play completely perfectly a boss can instakill me.

This is not overturned. I play on and off since the first day of early access, I've farmed a gazillion of maps and all the uniques I need now are 10-30 divines each.

This is ridiculously expensive to actually get to substantial power. And POE always had a high power ceiling and ARPGS in general. If you grind for 2 months, yes you need to become god. That's the whole point of these games.

Stop asking for nerfs. Jesus. There are so many builds that with the right items oneshot all the content. That was always the goal. This isn't Elden Ring, which even with ER, right items and right build oneshots bosses.

We don't want to have to do 15 minute boss fights that are always repeatable. This is an ARPG.

We ascend in power, until we have a godlike character that can farm everything.

People are calling for nerfs without having any experience gearing that build, they saw a youtuber with mirrors invested with a crystal ball saying it will get nerfed for sure, because they will say anything to get more attention, every youtube and streamer is like this so they can earn, or have a future of earning on content.

They can't nerf archmage to the ground because spells like spark has too low base dmg.

Again, stream while level a character from 1 to 97 with no prior currency, and define exactly whats broken

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