Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.
Akedomo, I couldn't agree more.
Last edited by RootwallaTL#1578 on Dec 28, 2024, 11:56:13 PM
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" The feelings of others matter. You don't recognize them as valid, which is what the issue is. Wake up. A good game company translates the feelings into changes. It's not up to a player to make suggestions or give feedback in the way you want it to be given. And even when it has, you're still arguing with people. There's tons of your posts in here. It's crazy. Take a break man. " Why does PoE 2 need to be based around grinding? We have PoE 1 that's grind central. Do we really need.. two games to grind? Think about it, because you like grinding, right? Well, grinding two games is really difficult and even more time consuming. Which one will you pick? It's funny that you mention grinding too, because when games are good. People will play them for decades. Completely as casuals. Just look at DotA, or League. I have 6000 hours in DotA on steam, and I was playing DotA allstars back when it was first coming out in WC3. I never cared to be good at the game, and I still enjoyed it either way. PoE 2 has no need to be forced into a grinding game category to do well, and defending this stance is basically asking for PoE 1 to be neglected. " If the effective max level for people is 90. Then they can just get rid of the extra 10 levels. People should be able to get to these levels within reasonable time-frames if they exist. Not everyone can sit and play PoE for 6, 7, 8+ hours a day. If I have 2 hours to play, I don't want to play for 1.9 hours, and then get distracted by my girlfriend coming into the room to remind me we have to go do something, and then I die to a random enemy that kills me while I'm looking away from the computer, losing 2 hours of my time. This never has been a good mechanic, and it never will be. There's at least another dozen ways to solve the issue of gating players and forcing them to consider their builds/gear. And they're much more effective. And largely, if you start dying in PoE, you'll just keep dying. You might be able to bruteforce your way through a boss, but the next maps get harder and harder. Games that force grinding in them, play heavily off peoples ego's, and addictive tendencies. And GGG has even thrown in some gambling with the orbs. And if you take a look at it even further. The fact that you're forced to stay online to trade further reinforces all of these things. This game is unhealthy. And people are trying to tell you it's unhealthy, and your ego is getting in the way of this realization. It's unhealthy because of the time required, it's unhealthy because of the frustrations built into the gameplay, and it's unhealthy because of the mindset it breeds in people. Superiority complexes, and looking down on 'casuals', as if they don't make up like 90% of gamers worldwide. And it's unhealthy because of the way GGG has implemented the ways to keep you engaged in the game. Ways that aren't fun, and are instead rather frustrating. Which is ultimately what games are about, Fun. Addicts get into a cycle that's very similar to abusive relationships with video games like this. Where it's frustration and more frustration. But you'll keep playing because maybe, just maybe, you'll get that unique you've been wanting and it'll all be worth it. Except, the games never going to change. It's just going to keep love bombing you. And you'll keep defending it. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 29, 2024, 3:13:17 AM
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" You are acting entitled, asking to get what others more involved people get with their time without spending as much time yourself, or to remove their endgoals' difficulty so you can reach their too. It's not fair for them. You are acting like a victim, because if other players are playing the game better than you, you think they look down on you for doing so. That's your own issue, as a player reaching a hard goal has the right to be proud of his own accomplishment. If you have a problem with it, it is -your- problem : you feel jealous, envious, and intimidated, even though nobody said anything to you or even bragged about it. That's even weirder because PoE is mostly a solo game. Now you don't understand why PoE2 is a grinding game. Bruh, the company that makes the game is called "Grinding Gear Games", on reference of the playstyle of grinding gear items. Are you that clueless ? Now, you start to realize the ENDLESS ENDGAME is a unhealthy time sink. Please read again. It's a ENDLESS ENDGAME. See those words ? It means it's without end, and after the game. Get it ? No ? Fine, let's explain : every video game with a endgame offer the option for the players to keep playing the game after it is finished, roughly for ever. No, it's not healthy to play forever, for sure. But it's not the game, it's after the game, once the campaign is done, which is what everybody, casuals and tryhards, can enjoy together. How do you offer a endless experience to those willing to continue ? Generally with a lot of RNGs for variation, side goals that take a lot of time to reach, and the usual infinite trading experience. What YOU want is the endgame experience and side goals to be made part of the base game, aka the campaign, because you want to reach those goals as a casual without spending the endless time required to reach it. If GGG did so, they wouldn't have a endgame for people to keep playing forever anymore, would they ? The problem you have, as an entitled casual, is to think clearing the endgame is the mandatory experience to enjoy the game as a whole. It's not. The campaign is enough. There is nothing wrong with buying a game 30$, clearing the campaign in 50-100H, having a simple glance at the endgame, and putting the game down to do something else. Maybe make one other character to redo the campaign with more currency in the chest, maybe explore the possibilities of the Atlas for the fun of it, but that's it. IT'S OKAY. Respect yourself, your limit, and your time. But if you want -everything- the ENDLESS ENDGAME has to offer, and complain that it is too much, to hard, and too long to obtain, you just don't understand what the ENDLESS ENDGAME is about, and who it is for. You aren't entitled to get it all just "because it exist". Change your mindset. Last edited by dwqrf#0717 on Dec 29, 2024, 5:29:25 AM
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It truly is disappointing to see just how obsessed people are for this archaic game feature.
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dwqrf#0717 hit the nail on the head. The endgame is not long and arduous and unfinishable for most by accident, that's the entire design.. the design that has us loving GGG for being the best at endgame in the industry.
POE2 is a massive improvement to mainstream appeal over POE1, and the player numbers show it. However, it is still GGG, and they delivered the type of endgame they are known for (even if a bit rough in EA). I suspect (hope) in the final release, they will have a big juicy end-of-campaign cutscene that will make finishing the campaign feel a bit more like a satisfying completion of the story saga.. which will give many people the sense of completion they want from the campaign. And as for why people want endgame. It's not superiority or ego, as this is a single player game. We're not strutting around in Ironforge or Stormwind with our RAID gear, that's for WoW nuts. It's because we want to challenge *ourselves*, because other games are just too easy. That's why after many people get good, they switch to SSF, and after that SSF Hardcore... because they are looking for *even more personal challenge*. I struggle to enjoy POE1 for more than just the league minigames, because the endless death boss fights in the campaign, and the overpowered builds, make the game too easy and mindless. I prefer POE2, as it provides a greater sense of overcoming challenges.... build challenges, boss challenges, gear challenges, crafting challenges, endgame challenges. I really enjoy how POE2 has increased the difficulty of softcore, beacuse hardcore has always seemed a bit unfair because of the untelegraphed one-shots and unavoidable random deaths. if everyone could complete the entire endgame, it would not be an accomplishment to do it. Last edited by KuroSF#6521 on Dec 29, 2024, 6:22:18 AM
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" [/quote] Well said. I just got one-shot by a fireball that came through a wall. I run capped resis, play hella careful but bääääm, hours of progress erased. I think I'm done with this game. At 83 now, each level takes forever. I feel I can never try stuff or be risky because the fear of losing hours of progress looms over everything. Kinda exciting but in the end kinda shite. |
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" Again, this is ignoring the fact that the time it takes to level to 100 is already absurd. And if you can't do buffed t15 maps then it's even way, way worse. Which by default, locks bad builds from hitting 100. The issue of "prestige" and "accomplishment" is already resolved. The exp-loss is merely an archaic accessory game feature slapped on top of it all due to dated reasons. |
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Complete nonsense going for 100 in EA, when everybody knows there is no endgame yet.
Last edited by Wilmots#7633 on Dec 29, 2024, 6:53:23 AM
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" Same shoes - This is feedback from a casual "Chronomancer" just started "Endgame" - And have to say it is wild but the punishment behind that stuff is truly what made me stop for the moment to touch "Endgame". The Items you get dropped are so all over the place. As long as you do not get a push in terms of power or items that bring you forward then what is the point?! Trading is kind of meh.. atm. and was thinking to start over on "SSF". But then like other threads mention too is that not every build is viable. If you do not play "One-Shot" builds or Builds that have "High-End" DMG then you can forget playing T15 or even go there. Most of the ppl I have seen reaching TXX is that they have other supporting them like in group play and such and that is totally fine. But what if someone just plays for the hell of it. I enjoyed the Campaign very much this was so good I did not want to stop. Better Item drops would have made this experience much better. Then I reached the "current" Endgame and all that magic went away. Tried a few maps and was so overwhelmed that I already knew if you do not have major clear-speed you will be stuck in that loop forever. The same goes for the Trails some "Negative" Boons are kind of harsh and had such a bad run once that it did not matter what you choose you will loose no matter what. I am at 70 short to 71 but dang my Items are just stuff I could get rolled on / "crafted" or found in the market / drops not so much... You can talk bad about the "other game ARPG" all day but at least they got the items down. The reason I mention the "other game" is the mechanic behind it: - you play a Warrior your drops are more focused on that type Char. Thank you for reading and your time Sig. |
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" Who is getting upset? Does stating facts and reason equals upset? Quote something that I said that denotes being upset. Doesn't mean that "numerous threads" about a particular issue makes it a sign. What is so horrendous with the inventory system? Does time have any indication on what needs to be on a game? So triple A games today had regress base on what you are saying? Last edited by iMirageX#4580 on Dec 29, 2024, 8:14:09 AM
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