no apologie needed, i understand your take. you should not focus on getting some levels at the end or not.
like i said, the higher you go, the harder it gets.
if you dont want to invest the same amount as somebody else, you should get less in return. no matter if its levels or anything else. i think its fair.
but they should give us 6 portals back so waystones and content doesnt brick instantly.
Totally agree with the portals.
I think they'll balance that out for sure.
Posted byPhillipBurns#5461on Dec 28, 2024, 7:06:56 PM
no apologie needed, i understand your take. you should not focus on getting some levels at the end or not.
like i said, the higher you go, the harder it gets.
if you dont want to invest the same amount as somebody else, you should get less in return. no matter if its levels or anything else. i think its fair.
but they should give us 6 portals back so waystones and content doesnt brick instantly.
But you know 1 portal is part of the core game. And you don't want everybody brute forcing every map and boss with 6 portals. One portal is essential. You miss you lose, you have to have better defences. You can be running glass Cannon and expect to complete all waystones.
If you like this gameplay, play hardcore.
For me 1 portal is a deal breaker. I want to relax while playing.
Posted byBentic#7016on Dec 28, 2024, 7:07:44 PM
no apologie needed, i understand your take. you should not focus on getting some levels at the end or not.
like i said, the higher you go, the harder it gets.
if you dont want to invest the same amount as somebody else, you should get less in return. no matter if its levels or anything else. i think its fair.
but they should give us 6 portals back so waystones and content doesnt brick instantly.
But you know 1 portal is part of the core game. And you don't want everybody brute forcing every map and boss with 6 portals. One portal is essential. You miss you lose, you have to have better defences. You can be running glass Cannon and expect to complete all waystones.
If you like this gameplay, play hardcore.
For me 1 portal is a deal breaker. I want to relax while playing.
Don't worry, I agree about the portal. I was just being sarcastic.
Posted byVinsdvalh#0247on Dec 28, 2024, 7:14:37 PM
I think people in favor of XP penalty should be making their own "I like XP penalty" thread so the 3 of you can talk all you want.
More seriously, feedback is not an argument. You state your opinion to GGG and you don't really care about people who disagree. If you feel threaten by many feedback you disagree with, you make your own thread praising the opposite.
In the end it's in the hands of GGG, you can't make me like playing with XP penalty and I can't make you like playing without it. There's literally no point in arguing.
GGG is not going to be like "you know what that guy page 58 of this one particular thread makes a good point".
Just make a thread for your feedback and just +1 the one you agree with. As it should be for any feedback or feature request.
Nobody likes XP penalty, that's the whole point. But some people can accept it as a consequence of their own failures, and some others blame the game's design they still chose to play voluntarly.
This guy gets it.
I wonder if there is a correlation between people who only followed build guides and never learned how to play a mechanical based game and those crying about XP loss.
I bet the correlation is astonishing.
But I reckon ill get quoted by some dude who "1,000s of hours in POE 1" talking about how I don't know what im talking about and that GGG left its playerbase in the dust and this is the worst game ever and its dead.
You're really threatened by other people talking about not liking the mechanic huh, so much so that you're already pre-deflecting and invalidating others in this comment.
Lets just make it optional. And then when no one uses it, are you going to change your stance? :)
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 28, 2024, 9:24:46 PM
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 28, 2024, 9:24:11 PM
Ngl I feel like the ones whining about lack of xp loss making the game easier are the ones who think this non-achievement would matter even less. This is redactive type of game design, and no one gives a flying fuck if you achieved max level or not, neither here in poe2 or in poe1. I am baffled how poe1 elitists still trying to claim max level is some sort of achievement. Live news everyone, it isn't.
This sort of bad game design doesn't belong in a good game. XP loss, since the days of Everquest, has been considered dogshit and for a good reason removed with a game like World of Warcraft. It's lazy attempt at difficulty only leading to tedious trash that no one enjoys and leads to players leaving the league because they are actually losing progress
Posted byConradN7#7540on Dec 28, 2024, 9:30:16 PM
Ngl I feel like the ones whining about lack of xp loss making the game easier are the ones who think this non-achievement would matter even less. This is redactive type of game design, and no one gives a flying fuck if you achieved max level or not, neither here in poe2 or in poe1. I am baffled how poe1 elitists still trying to claim max level is some sort of achievement. Live news everyone, it isn't.
This sort of bad game design doesn't belong in a good game. XP loss, since the days of Everquest, has been considered dogshit and for a good reason removed with a game like World of Warcraft. It's lazy attempt at difficulty only leading to tedious trash that no one enjoys and leads to players leaving the league because they are actually losing progress
It's odd that they're defending the XP Loss so fervently. Especially odd because I honestly can't think of another game that has XP loss in it, aside from diablo 2 and PoE. Most games got rid of the mechanic years ago.
The original mechanic came at a time in Diablo 2, when there was a severe lack of content, and adding in a mechanic like this, padded peoples game time. The same thing happened in WoW with quest designs, travelling, sitting in raids for 5 hours. It's padding. It's not there to make the game more difficult. It's to give people a goal of max level, and then making it difficult to do so people spend more time on it.
PoE doesn't need it though. The amount of content in the game surpasses Diablo 2 10x over. There are other ways to implement systems that promote players to learn and adapt.
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 28, 2024, 9:50:03 PM
XP loss on death is probably the #1 thing that needs to be addressed at the moment. It needs to go, like yesterday. Game is unplayable at high levels with it. Play 20 maps, die once, lose all the XP you spent hours farming. It's beyond demoralizing. The damn game doesn't give you items worth a damn, so the only real way a person can get power from playing the game is by leveling up. If you aren't going to give us items, at least give us that.
Posted bywhowe1#7244on Dec 28, 2024, 9:51:06 PM
Ngl I feel like the ones whining about lack of xp loss making the game easier are the ones who think this non-achievement would matter even less. This is redactive type of game design, and no one gives a flying fuck if you achieved max level or not, neither here in poe2 or in poe1. I am baffled how poe1 elitists still trying to claim max level is some sort of achievement. Live news everyone, it isn't.
This sort of bad game design doesn't belong in a good game. XP loss, since the days of Everquest, has been considered dogshit and for a good reason removed with a game like World of Warcraft. It's lazy attempt at difficulty only leading to tedious trash that no one enjoys and leads to players leaving the league because they are actually losing progress
It's odd that they're defending the XP Loss so fervently. Especially odd because I honestly can't think of another game that has XP loss in it, aside from diablo 2 and PoE. Most games got rid of the mechanic years ago.
The original mechanic came at a time in Diablo 2, when there was a severe lack of content, and adding in a mechanic like this, padded peoples game time. The same thing happened in WoW with quest designs, travelling, sitting in raids for 5 hours. It's padding. It's not there to make the game more difficult. It's to give people a goal of max level, and then making it difficult to do so people spend more time on it.
PoE doesn't need it though. The amount of content in the game surpasses Diablo 2 10x over. There are other ways to implement systems that promote players to learn and adapt.
Want to know why? Tryhards. They think it gives some sort of achievement to beat those tedious designs.
I have one suggestion to them. Play FromSoft games, THAT is how you make games difficult, not just some half assed tedious barbed wires on the wall. People don't play ARPGs for tedious mechanics, nor do they play souls games for xp loss or loss of map progress
Posted byConradN7#7540on Dec 28, 2024, 9:56:13 PM
Ngl I feel like the ones whining about lack of xp loss making the game easier are the ones who think this non-achievement would matter even less. This is redactive type of game design, and no one gives a flying fuck if you achieved max level or not, neither here in poe2 or in poe1. I am baffled how poe1 elitists still trying to claim max level is some sort of achievement. Live news everyone, it isn't.
This sort of bad game design doesn't belong in a good game. XP loss, since the days of Everquest, has been considered dogshit and for a good reason removed with a game like World of Warcraft. It's lazy attempt at difficulty only leading to tedious trash that no one enjoys and leads to players leaving the league because they are actually losing progress
It's odd that they're defending the XP Loss so fervently. Especially odd because I honestly can't think of another game that has XP loss in it, aside from diablo 2 and PoE. Most games got rid of the mechanic years ago.
The original mechanic came at a time in Diablo 2, when there was a severe lack of content, and adding in a mechanic like this, padded peoples game time. The same thing happened in WoW with quest designs, travelling, sitting in raids for 5 hours. It's padding. It's not there to make the game more difficult. It's to give people a goal of max level, and then making it difficult to do so people spend more time on it.
PoE doesn't need it though. The amount of content in the game surpasses Diablo 2 10x over. There are other ways to implement systems that promote players to learn and adapt.
Want to know why? Tryhards. They think it gives some sort of achievement to beat those tedious designs.
I have one suggestion to them. Play FromSoft games, THAT is how you make games difficult, not just some half assed tedious barbed wires on the wall. People don't play ARPGs for tedious mechanics, nor do they play souls games for xp loss or loss of map progress
One of the things I've got from playing dozens of other games over the years. Is a perspective that many don't, who largely enjoy only one game.
Perspectives on the things that people do enjoy, and don't enjoy is one of them. As well as the reasoning some people really value mechanics like this, and it's almost always tied into ego.
Being good at the game, or at least, better than others. Is a superiority ploy for many. It doesn't matter that it frustrates other players and has them quitting if that same person can just say "Yeah, well maybe the game just isn't for you!" or "Have you tried a different build? I don't get one shot!".
That's what you read when you read most of the comments about it too. One person will say this is a frustrating mechanic and makes the game unfun for me, and someone will immediately respond with an emotional response, or an insult, or dismissiveness.
In the real world. Most games don't have the mechanic because it actively frustrates players. There's nothing wrong with friction in a game that's intended to get you to slow down and think about your builds or items. XP loss on death however, is just simply a bad way of doing it.
Will the players here, defending it, recognize that? No, probably not. Because it doesn't matter what the mechanic is. They'll usually defend it, because it lets them be above other people. This really comes down to them confronting their ego's, and asking themselves what is actually fun for them, and others. Listening to others opinions, rather than trying to one up them.
It's like we're in kindergarten in this thread.
I especially like the amount of people that have spent thousands of hours in the game, or even 20-30 years gaming, lacking the awareness that most players don't play the game like they do, and they don't have the same skills built over decades, and most don't value the same things they do. 10% vs the other 90% of players.
Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 28, 2024, 11:32:49 PM
Posted byAkedomo#3573on Dec 28, 2024, 10:47:44 PM
One of the things I've got from playing dozens of other games over the years. Is a perspective that many don't, who largely enjoy only one game.
Perspectives on the things that people do enjoy, and don't enjoy is one of them. As well as the reasoning some people really value mechanics like this, and it's almost always tied into ego.
Being good at the game, or at least, better than others. Is a superiority ploy for many. It doesn't matter that it frustrates other players and has them quitting if that same person can just say "Yeah, well maybe the game just isn't for you!" or "Have you tried a different build? I don't get one shot!".
That's what you read when you read most of the comments about it too. One person will say this is a frustrating mechanic and makes the game unfun for me, and someone will immediately respond with an emotional response, or an insult, or dismissiveness.
In the real world. Most games don't have the mechanic because it actively frustrates players. There's nothing wrong with friction in a game that's intended to get you to slow down and think about your builds or items. XP loss on death however, is just simply a bad way of doing it.
Will the players here, defending it, recognize that? No, probably not. Because it doesn't matter what the mechanic is. They'll usually defend it, because it lets them be above other people. This really comes down to them confronting their ego's, and asking themselves what is actually fun for them, and others. Listening to others opinions, rather than trying to one up them.
It's like we're in kindergarten in this thread.
I especially like the amount of people that have spent thousands of hours in the game, lacking the awareness that most players don't play the game like they do, and don't value the same things they do. 10% vs the other 90% of players.
Posted byFhrek#4437on Dec 28, 2024, 10:52:25 PM