You mean your opinionated fact? Whatever even that means. Yes sure, keep doing what you're doing and I'll continue farming. I started this thread lvl95 99% and now, 96 77%. I'll occasionally visit you on this thread to see how you're doing.
I think, there's actually a lot of PoE1 gamers like you, enjoying playing PoE 1 or 2 as an entrenched habit. You know the odds, you know the game. You have been the niche of PoE1 and you had fun with the game being the way it was and still is. But: You know and i know that endgame is the true heart of PoE. Most reviewers on Steam didn't even reach endgame. They didn't even reach level 70 to experience exp loss.
So, i'm not convinced of people writing positive reviews on a game they barely know. If those players will never reach endgame, they will not contribute to the f2p spirit of buying mtx. That needs players who spend a LOT of time in the game. And exp loss is an artificial barrier of NO USE in motivating people to carry on gaming. As i said: it made me LEAVE. Years ago.
Since the tools Wilson uses to stretch playtime no matter what, it would be way more thoughtful of you, reflecting if those tools (bigger maps, no loot, casino crafting, exp loss and so on) are really in YOUR sense. Because when getting through with that 'vision' YOUR playtime has rendered less rewarding. Now, as the game is in early access, it would be more helpful if even alltime PoE gamers like you would resist to the idea of putting playtime metrics over fun. It would be in YOUR interest.
Posted byAngryGekko#0233on Dec 28, 2024, 10:44:16 AM
Do you even know Chris Wilson that well to even say this things?
I don't know Bobby Kotick, but i know what he did to gaming. I don't know Chris Wilson, but i know what he's doing to the arpg genre. He's gone full Kotick.
Posted byAngryGekko#0233on Dec 28, 2024, 10:49:03 AM
You mean your opinionated fact? Whatever even that means. Yes sure, keep doing what you're doing and I'll continue farming. I started this thread lvl95 99% and now, 96 77%. I'll occasionally visit you on this thread to see how you're doing.
I think, there's actually a lot of PoE1 gamers like you, enjoying playing PoE 1 or 2 as an entrenched habit. You know the odds, you know the game. You have been the niche of PoE1 and you had fun with the game being the way it was and still is. But: You know and i know that endgame is the true heart of PoE. Most reviewers on Steam didn't even reach endgame. They didn't even reach level 70 to experience exp loss.
So, i'm not convinced of people writing positive reviews on a game they barely know. If those players will never reach endgame, they will not contribute to the f2p spirit of buying mtx. That needs players who spend a LOT of time in the game. And exp loss is an artificial barrier of NO USE in motivating people to carry on gaming. As i said: it made me LEAVE. Years ago.
Since the tools Wilson uses to stretch playtime no matter what, it would be way more thoughtful of you, reflecting if those tools (bigger maps, no loot, casino crafting, exp loss and so on) are really in YOUR sense. Because when getting through with that 'vision' YOUR playtime has rendered less rewarding. Now, as the game is in early access, it would be more helpful if even alltime PoE gamers like you would resist to the idea of putting playtime metrics over fun. It would be in YOUR interest.
This isn't about being a POE 1 player or a veteran of whatever games you play, this is about overcoming what was given and what was set. Your argument over stretch playtime and "reflecting" isn't even something to consider since as you have said, "its EA". Wait for the next announcement of GGG before you assume something. Whoever is even putting playtime metrics over fun? Was there even a need for a metric? If you are not having fun, why are you even here? Same goes for me, I still play since I enjoy the game. Your "casino" crafting is obviously a place holder since its "EA". In the first place, this isn't about those topic in this thread.
Next time you lecture someone about giving sound advice, look at yourself and contemplate. You are borderline goal posting. Read the main post and comment accordingly.
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 28, 2024, 10:53:42 AM
I am not providing any useful argument? Or you mean you do not consider my argument because you don't like it? I mean, you CAN scroll back and check what I have posted. Now its up to you if you "consider" those useful.
Did you provide any useful feedback aside from
This is what Bobby Kotick would do. With PoE2 Chris Wilson just went full Kotick. And you never go full Kotick. Cause this is contrary to a community driven entitlement.
Do you even know Chris Wilson that well to even say this things?
Did you even UNDERSTAND what i meant by saying you're contributing no arguments but personal insults? Because you're now personally insulting ME without giving arguments to the topics of the discussion.
Every posting i wrote in here was giving arguments. And i still can't find you providing any. You're asking me if i know Chris Wilson as if his obesession with player metrics is not rock solid given the vast emptiness of PoE2. When Diablo 4 came out, there was a sh!tstorm when Blizzard tried to stretch the portal animation for another second to lengthen playtime. It's exactly this spirit that's all over PoE2.
Now, try an argument and not another insult, stay with me on facts.
Posted byAngryGekko#0233on Dec 28, 2024, 10:59:38 AM
If you are not having fun, why are you even here?
I am here, BECAUSE i have no fun ingame. And i'm trying to give a perspective of a player who cares about PoE2 and point at the bad things cause we're in EA and now is the time to give criticism.
Last edited by AngryGekko#0233 on Dec 28, 2024, 11:03:22 AM
Posted byAngryGekko#0233on Dec 28, 2024, 11:01:55 AM
Did you even UNDERSTAND what i meant by saying you're contributing no arguments but personal insults? Because you're now personally insulting ME without giving arguments to the topics of the discussion.
Every posting i wrote in here was giving arguments. And i still can't find you providing any. You're asking me if i know Chris Wilson as if his obesession with player metrics is not rock solid given the vast emptiness of PoE2. When Diablo 4 came out, there was a sh!tstorm when Blizzard tried to stretch the portal animation for another second to lengthen playtime. It's exactly this spirit that's all over PoE2.
Now, try an argument and not another insult, stay with me on facts.
Stay with me on the facts? I should be one asking you if you truly understand the topic of this thread. It's not insult but a suggestion because lecturing someone when you are doing the opposite is a bigger insult that what you are suggesting.
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 28, 2024, 11:02:36 AM
TLDR of the vid: Path of exile 2 is not meant replace path of exile 1, its meant to be a different game.
This forum section of POE 2 EA has been so obnoxiously cancer to say the least. People making non stop threads about - 10% exp loss on death, rarity and other stuff requesting for the game to be toned down. - 10% exp exist for a reason and it does not matter if you think its archaic system or not. Why are you forcing the game to change to suit you when you can go play some other game? Let's be perfectly honest here, POE 2 has way less, YES, WAY LESS one shot situation compared to the astronomically, plenty of situation you can be one shot in POE 1. If you are getting one shot by some random mobs, you, yes, you and your build may have a problem.
Usually, I am neutral when it comes to removal of - 10% exp loss on death topics but these threads in POE 2 is getting out of hand. If your reason is, I don't have x y and z time to learn, grind or -10 % exp loss is a slap to GGG's player base or -10% exp loss on death does not make any sense then go out, take a breather, come back if you think if its worth it.
To those saying this isn't hardcore, and if I want to get punished then I would play hardcore. Hardcore does not have -10% exp since death is the end and that is fundamentally, extremely different from softcore. Softcore -10% exp is the DEFAULT penalty for dying, there is no, nada, server that does not have -10% exp loss on death.
Different builds will have different weaknesses but asking the game to be easier just to suit you is just too selfish when even in EA, there are a lot of ways to circumvent this.
FYI, lvl95 and still having fun.
While i agree that xp loss on death in endgame should not be removed. Nothing else on this post makes sense at all
Posted byItsmez#3805on Dec 28, 2024, 11:04:41 AM
Stay with me on the facts? I should be one asking you if you truly understand the topic of this thread. It's not insult but a suggestion because lecturing someone when you are doing the opposite is a bigger insult that what you are suggesting.
Dude, you really need to calm down. You obviously can't make any argument, you're still making insults on repeat. Have a nice time.
Posted byAngryGekko#0233on Dec 28, 2024, 11:04:46 AM
Stay with me on the facts? I should be one asking you if you truly understand the topic of this thread. It's not insult but a suggestion because lecturing someone when you are doing the opposite is a bigger insult that what you are suggesting.
Dude, you really need to calm down. You obviously can't make any argument, you're still making insults on repeat. Have a nice time.
Like wise.
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 28, 2024, 11:09:32 AM
Tencent and GGG wanted to widen the audience of PoE2, the exp loss is by far the wrongest decision to do so. I wrote a positive review on Steam and i will change it.
Because while playing PoE2 it becomes very clear that the 'vision' is to raise player metrics over player's efforts and fun. The choices Chris Wilson made to enpower longer playtime are insane: slower walking, bigger maps, 1-dead-map-gone, exp loss, casino crafting, not enough currency to casino craft, the insanely blown up trials and so on. These are tools to artificially stretch playtime. By reducing the fun for players. Reducing fun for the profit.
This is what Bobby Kotick would do. With PoE2 Chris Wilson just went full Kotick. And you never go full Kotick. Cause this is contrary to a community driven entitlement.
I left PoE1 years ago just BECAUSE of the completely unnecessary exp loss. It was not challenging, it was just annoying, deleting my time. Now, GGG bring it to the next iteration, to 'widen' the audience. Many people in this forum, on reddit and on Steam give multiple, plausible reasons to exclude this mechanic. And GGG will HAVE to. Cause in 2024 noone will accept this torture of wasting valueable time for a misplaced game director's 'vision' to profit. I'm totally convinced, GGG would earn more when keeping people motivated.
Actually the 10% XP loss isn't that bad ( To me because of D2 Reasons).
But then again because I am a D2 Veteran, so when we loss XP on Softcore, it is not 10% . It is a lot more and the time to grind it back is horrendous. Maybe that's the reason why, I didn't feel much XP loss when I die.
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Posted bychosk80#3649on Dec 28, 2024, 11:09:48 AM