Exp loss on death topics are getting out of hand.

I am not understanding the general concept of punishing player by taking away progress from them for a mistake/learning. Why not just make the encounter difficult but not punish player for failing?

Regardless of whatever history this concept has, it does not make the game better or more fun.

This is just a video game, make it difficult and challenging but don't punish the player for playing, which includes trying and dying. Let players explore, learn and have fun without consequence of losing their progress.

I am speaking more in general, the EXP Loss is related though.

TL:DR - Don't waste players time with mechanics providing no value. It's not rocket science.
Adding more thoughts to it - boss encounters, to learn the boss you have to try it, to experience mechanics, unless you are playing broken meta build loaded with currency you are probable to die.

Not only will you get punished by losing 10% exp, you also lose the key to the boss, often that costs from 3 to 8 divines each. That is a lot of farm for a regular player.

By the time people get to those bosses they no longer need to learn mechanics because they one shot, this trivializes game content a lot, and makes bosses into worthless punching bags.
Adding more thoughts to it - boss encounters, to learn the boss you have to try it, to experience mechanics, unless you are playing broken meta build loaded with currency you are probable to die.

Not only will you get punished by losing 10% exp, you also lose the key to the boss, often that costs from 3 to 8 divines each. That is a lot of farm for a regular player.

By the time people get to those bosses they no longer need to learn mechanics because they one shot, this trivializes game content a lot, and makes bosses into worthless punching bags.

I think thats a fair argument. Especially on bosses like breachstone where you have to farm for a long time to get the oppertunity to fight the boss then having only 1 portal can feel overly harsh.

Seen a few other people suggesting that the first time your fighting the major bosses the key can be like a "tutorial" item like with your first trial so its repeatable. I think that could be a good implementation.
I am not understanding the general concept of punishing player by taking away progress from them for a mistake/learning. Why not just make the encounter difficult but not punish player for failing?

Regardless of whatever history this concept has, it does not make the game better or more fun.

This is just a video game, make it difficult and challenging but don't punish the player for playing, which includes trying and dying. Let players explore, learn and have fun without consequence of losing their progress.

I am speaking more in general, the EXP Loss is related though.

TL:DR - Don't waste players time with mechanics providing no value. It's not rocket science.

The problem is that you cant say that it doesnt make the game better or more fun. Because obviously alot of people do think that the mechanic makes the game better and more fun. And to be fair alot of people think like you that its not fun.

But you have to say that you dont find it fun. You cant speak for every1 else in blanket statements. Its not rocket science
Nyon#6673 wrote:

Sorry but if you think those two things are even remotely relatable then youve just proven that its pointless trying to explain anything to you.

Its like i said. No point trying to discuss with people like this. Nothing sinks in. Its just fantasies and "omg its 100% bad and no reason its in the game" completetly oblivious and uncapable of seeing any point of view that is different from their own

Ignorance at it's finest. You are one hell of a purebred ostrich. Nice constructive argument we had there! Let me elaborate:

The point your missing is that hitting level 100 in poe isnt a requirement for anything. It's completely irrelevant that it isn't a requirement. It's availability makes it an ingame goal which u are incentivised to obtain. The XP penalty hurts player agency.

Its purposely setup so that you dont automaticly hit max level. U don't know this and therefore can't state this.

Most build guides are set for lvl 90ish and its not balanced around you being lvl 100 Level of build guides is completely irrelevant for this argument. And u don't know, and therefore can't state, what level the intended balance is for.
Last edited by blombaklats#5298 on Dec 25, 2024, 4:18:55 PM
Nyon#6673 wrote:
I am not understanding the general concept of punishing player by taking away progress from them for a mistake/learning. Why not just make the encounter difficult but not punish player for failing?

Regardless of whatever history this concept has, it does not make the game better or more fun.

This is just a video game, make it difficult and challenging but don't punish the player for playing, which includes trying and dying. Let players explore, learn and have fun without consequence of losing their progress.

I am speaking more in general, the EXP Loss is related though.

TL:DR - Don't waste players time with mechanics providing no value. It's not rocket science.

The problem is that you cant say that it doesnt make the game better or more fun. Because obviously alot of people do think that the mechanic makes the game better and more fun. And to be fair alot of people think like you that its not fun.

But you have to say that you dont find it fun. You cant speak for every1 else in blanket statements. Its not rocket science

No need to be like that.

Then tell me what makes it so fun and adds so much value?

Let me give you example, if you were solving a jig-saw puzzle and each time your piece did not fit I would take 10% of your solved puzzle. The bigger the puzzle, the bigger the loss.

Would you like that? This is literally what this is.

The whole concept of the XP loss does not add anything to the game. If you think it does, what does it add then? The game will not be different if you get rid of it. It does not make it harder either. It's just there to rub salt in your wound for whatever reason you die.

PS - GGG also promised to remove this. Except they did this only for campaign, where it matters the least.

Last edited by DarkNoob216#0558 on Dec 25, 2024, 5:10:19 PM
Nyon#6673 wrote:
I am not understanding the general concept of punishing player by taking away progress from them for a mistake/learning. Why not just make the encounter difficult but not punish player for failing?

Regardless of whatever history this concept has, it does not make the game better or more fun.

This is just a video game, make it difficult and challenging but don't punish the player for playing, which includes trying and dying. Let players explore, learn and have fun without consequence of losing their progress.

I am speaking more in general, the EXP Loss is related though.

TL:DR - Don't waste players time with mechanics providing no value. It's not rocket science.

The problem is that you cant say that it doesnt make the game better or more fun. Because obviously alot of people do think that the mechanic makes the game better and more fun. And to be fair alot of people think like you that its not fun.

But you have to say that you dont find it fun. You cant speak for every1 else in blanket statements. Its not rocket science

No need to be like that.

Then tell me what makes it so fun and adds so much value?

Let me give you example, if you were solving a jig-saw puzzle and each time your piece did not fit I would take 10% of your solved puzzle. The bigger the puzzle, the bigger the loss.

Would you like that? This is literally what this is.

The whole concept of the XP loss does not add anything to the game. If you think it does, what does it add then? The game will not be different if you get rid of it. It does not make it harder either. It's just there to rub salt in your wound for whatever reason you die.

PS - GGG also promised to remove this. Except they did this only for campaign, where it matters the least.

Xp loss is never going to be removed, it has always been part of this game and many other arpg's and its perfectly fine and prevents people from going Zhp glasscannon fastest way to lvl 100. Not exactly casual dad friendly but perfectly fine as it is and makes people think about their build decisions and playstyle and its really not that big of a deal since its pretty ez to reach lvl 90 ish even with the xp penalty and to be honest u dont need more lvls, they are just icing on the cake. So i would say it does add something to the game
Last edited by MrPedez#4934 on Dec 25, 2024, 5:39:26 PM
Then don't call it "path of exile"
If I went to see Rambo II after watching Rambo I, there needs to be continuity and a cohesiveness to that world/concept.

1. yes it is a totally different movie.
2. it is still a "Rambo" movie.

Please refer to the street fighter series on how to do this appropriately.
MrPedez#4934 wrote:
Xp loss is never going to be removed, it has always been part of this game and many other arpg's and its perfectly fine and prevents people from going Zhp glasscannon fastest way to lvl 100. Not exactly casual dad friendly but perfectly fine as it is and makes people think about their build decisions and playstyle and its really not that big of a deal since its pretty ez to reach lvl 90 ish even with the xp penalty and to be honest u dont need more lvls, they are just icing on the cake. So i would say it does add something to the game

People already and will always go for glass cannon since ultimately, that will always be the most efficient way to play these games.

Seeing the amount of random one-shotting mechanics in this game, the exp penalty is more punishing for experimentation or tanking builds than it's for glass cannons since ultimately, the defence doesn't matter that much.
MrSeanG#9405 wrote:
Then don't call it "path of exile"
If I went to see Rambo II after watching Rambo I, there needs to be continuity and a cohesiveness to that world/concept.

1. yes it is a totally different movie.
2. it is still a "Rambo" movie.

Please refer to the street fighter series on how to do this appropriately.
Not sure who u are replying to, but i do know xp penalty on death was very much a part of poe 1 too starting with a 5% xp loss from act 6-10 and a 10% xp loss in any endgame area or map
Last edited by MrPedez#4934 on Dec 25, 2024, 6:02:22 PM

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