Yes, to you it serves to practical purpose but to others, it prevents monotony. If you can't fathom the repercussion of removing the exp loss on death then think again. This isn't some gatekeeping nor some kind of useless mechanics, if they remove exp loss on death and you people are also advocating to removal of 1 portal on death, then the only thing matters is dps which will make the game shallow. If you cannot understand why this will lead to shallowness of the game, I don't know how to explain it to you.
There are other less complex game out there, just out of curiosity, why do you force yourself to POE?
But that's just your opinion. I can assure you for many players the removal of these pointless mechanics will make the game more fun, will allow them to play more builds and this change will be celebrated by them. One look at how many threads exist about exp loss tells you that most people hate it, along with the newest cringe 1-portal per map mechanic.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 26, 2024, 6:44:25 AM
At least some of the things should be changed, 1 death maps, very overtuned mobs, and experience loss together is too much. I think exp loss is necessary to make people fear dying, so I would look at the other two.
Exp loss doesn't make you fear dying. It just makes you farm easier content.
That is actually what entails the consequences. In POE 1, you farm low level content, you get low ilvl items thus, you can't sell fractured low level item, you can't get higher IIQ and IIR native map mods since, there are map mods that you don't get at white maps or its lowered.
I mean I thought you said exp loss was pointless but you just pointed out a reason for its existence.
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 26, 2024, 6:44:25 AM
If it was an option in the settings "lose 10% xp on death toggle on/off" not fucking one of you defending it would have it on.
Posted byinterox#6313on Dec 26, 2024, 6:44:58 AM
If it was an option in the settings "lose 10% xp on death toggle on/off" not fucking one of you defending it would have it on.
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 26, 2024, 6:45:19 AM
Yes, to you it serves to practical purpose but to others, it prevents monotony. If you can't fathom the repercussion of removing the exp loss on death then think again. This isn't some gatekeeping nor some kind of useless mechanics, if they remove exp loss on death and you people are also advocating to removal of 1 portal on death, then the only thing matters is dps which will make the game shallow. If you cannot understand why this will lead to shallowness of the game, I don't know how to explain it to you.
There are other less complex game out there, just out of curiosity, why do you force yourself to POE?
But that's just your opinion. I can assure you for many players the removal of these pointless mechanics will make the game more fun, will allow them to play more builds and this change will be celebrated by them. One look at how many threads exist about exp loss tells you that most people hate it, along with the newest cringe 1-portal per map mechanic.
That's what you're good at, "I assure you", tantrum this, tantrum that, and yet where is your proof?
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 26, 2024, 6:45:26 AM
Its nothing new. Same as in poe1.
Same as everytime a new fromsoftware game is released.
People think it looks fun, play it, realise their terrible. Start making up excuses for why its the games fault their not having fun. Instead of just realising its not a game made for them.
People try to explain to them that not every game is made for everyone, but their immune to logic.
There is zero purpose trying to debate with these trolls. They just make up excuses as they go, change the subject when they run out of air and make up their own contradicting statistics whenever their losing the argument.
It was like this in poe1, its gonna stay like this in poe2. You should find a game you enjoy instead of trying to change a game that others enjoy.
Ggg knows what their doing, you guys are clueless end of story.
You're the one trolling here. This game isn't a dark souls game, never will be so you can stop your comparisons to them.
Your "others" that enjoy exp loss don't exist. You just like being an elitist and gatekeeping a game while inflating your own ego.
Mate for your sake, please, even if its just a bit, think. Understand the context of what he is saying and not take it literally. You are starting to get toxic with how you think and I don't want to call it stupidity but, its very important to understand the context of what people are saying before you reply.
I think getting that guy to think and read something before he replys is a tall order.
Excactly my point, there is 0 point trying to explain to them. They just read the first 4 words, assume people are disagreeing with them then reply with some made up garbage about steam numbers or something else thats conpletetly unrelated to the concersation.
They just cant fathom that people enjoy challenging games. They never had and never will. So they just make 20 threads and play make belief that no1 disagrees with them, despite them spending 90% of their day arguing with people.
Posted byNyon#6673on Dec 26, 2024, 6:45:38 AM
If it was an option in the settings "lose 10% xp on death toggle on/off" not fucking one of you defending it would have it on.
Ofc no1 would have that on. Your completetly missing the point. I would try to explain it to you if it wasnt for the previous 30 attempts people have had where you didnt even bother reading it
Posted byNyon#6673on Dec 26, 2024, 6:46:55 AM
If it was an option in the settings "lose 10% xp on death toggle on/off" not fucking one of you defending it would have it on.
"If", the problem is, there's no option for that. I could brag and say "crap yes!, I will leave that on forever !" but then would you even see it? Like wise, your comment is as useless as what I had in my example.
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 26, 2024, 6:47:00 AM
So they just make 20 threads and play make belief that no1 disagrees with them, despite them spending 90% of their day arguing with people.
You're literally wrong, most threads about the death penalties are full of +1 and people agreeing, its only the handful of 4-5 same people defending these mechanics lol
Posted byToforto#2372on Dec 26, 2024, 6:47:04 AM
Excactly my point, there is 0 point trying to explain to them. They just read the first 4 words, assume people are disagreeing with them then reply with some made up garbage about steam numbers or something else thats conpletetly unrelated to the concersation.
They just cant fathom that people enjoy challenging games. They never had and never will. So they just make 20 threads and play make belief that no1 disagrees with them, despite them spending 90% of their day arguing with people.
Yup but what actually puzzles me is, why do they force themselves to play POE if they have this much grip with one of its core systems. If their answer is "I love POE" then why don't they put the effort in making them better?
Posted byiMirageX#4580on Dec 26, 2024, 6:52:04 AM