Economy is Bad
I feel for any new players who come to PoE 2. The only saving grace is to make crafting more straight forward. Those who do not agree are those who were in during the initial launch. Folks were already looking forward to a league... Why? Because of how bad the economy has become.
Last bumped on Dec 31, 2024, 11:52:23 AM
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If it matters I don't think it will be "too long" before there is either a character wipe / economic reset / or similar.
I'd like to see how that goes as I'd like to see impacts of changes when everyone goes through the league again "fresh". |
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It's the toxic combination of bots and increased item rarity overtuned. Floods of items are all being repriced at 1 exalt or 1 divine with often nothing in between. I've literally seen at least 50 times in the last week I'm trying to buy an item & within seconds somebody else has already bought it. I then see the item go back on the trade site literally 1 minute later and it's been priced up from 1 ex to 1 div. It's making a lot of the items you need to make a build cost 5 divines when most players haven't even found 1 divine yet. Lastly, this encourages people wanting to get powerful to feel pressured to play the strongest builds so they aren't left behind, further pushing more players using item rarity and more items getting flooded into the trade site and the bots jizzing in their pants.
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This game being based around the 'economy' is half the reason players quit.
Forced crafting and trading to progress. And new players, and even old players are sick of it. It's a dated system that promotes forced interactions, and it's being done this way as a bandaid solution. Compared to fixing the loot in this game. Got to be honest. You should be excited when you kill a boss and a bunch of items drop. But that rarely happens, and you're stuck picking up blues and whites so that you can craft. Entirely killing the vibe for almost any new player. Blame Bots all you want, but the reality is. This game just needs a different loot system, and no economy. Searching items on a website and then clicking a button to whisper them, because you can't find your own items while playing. Is just an awful experience. They artificially cranked up the difficulty in PoE 1 so that it forced more Really unsure as to why tons of PoE 1 players don't recognize this issue, and instead continue asking for the 'economy' to be fixed. This system did not bring good value to the old game, and in part, is a large reason why the game got so bloated and convoluted, and unable to retain lots of new players. This is the reason people hit 70-80 and quit. We don't need it in PoE 2. Ask for a better solution. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 24, 2024, 2:25:20 PM
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It is terrible to have to use the website to trade to watch someone constantly relist. Maybe relisting should cost currency that is super rare? I feel lucky since the economy felt normal when I started. I have a few items where I can wait to see if something actually drops I can use or trade.
For those just picking it up they are in a bad place unless someone just wants to feel generous. Maybe make SSF have a high drop/success rate? Anwyho, I hope they do a wipe. |
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Trade must be 100% In game And putting an item for sale should cost GOLD and shoulde LOCK it. When someone buys, the delivery should be immediate. Want to relist? You will pay the gold fee again. IF you listed for 1 ex and someone clicked to buy.. you cannot refuse.. it shoudl be automatically fulfilled!
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In order for crafting to be viable before endgame, there needs to be incentive to roll currency on leveling items.
In order for there to be incentive to roll currency on leveling items, there has to be enough currency to waste on leveling items without feeling like you've committed a grave error. In order to have enough currency to waste on leveling items without feeling like you've committed a grave error, you need to be drowning in regal orbs, exalted orbs, and chaos orbs pretty much from the start to of act 2. But if you're drowning in regals, exalts, and chaos, it will devalue those currencies at endgame. One possible solution is to have essence crafting be better, restrict essences to maps, and potentially have them drop like regular currency instead of just from special mobs. Alternatively, having Essence mobs drop more than one and/or making essences a possible reward from other content could work. Consider what would happen if essences in PoE 2 could work like exalts or chaos as well as regals. You'd still have some randomness as a currency sink, but it'd be a lot easier to shoot for a desired outcome. Last edited by Xenus_Paradox#7530 on Dec 24, 2024, 2:54:18 PM
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" They need to completely rework the way trade works in this game. No idea why there isn't player stores at this point. That, and automated purchasing would be huge. I am so sick of having to use a secondary website to find gear, having tons of people fake posting stuff. being ignored constantly, afk's. It's an awful system. I really don't even think it has value either, it's mostly there to make up for the poor loot RNG that's implemented by GGG, to force this to be an online game with interactions. And buy stashtabs. Last edited by Akedomo#3573 on Dec 24, 2024, 3:14:27 PM
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So magically more and more streamers are speaking on this issue. How will GGG handle this is the question because at this moment PoE 2 economy is mirroring a 10+ year old games economy.
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" It's not easy to fix. If they increase the rate of dropping divines it will flood the market with more and send prices even higher. If they make it totally in game to trade that won't fix anything either as traders will still just buy everything up immediately even faster than before and reprice it. And it's not like they can just make trading not take place as a lot of people would quit plus they already have SSF mode. IMO time is the only thing that will fix this and that's ONLY if most players don't quit. How will this help things? My guess is that more items that are being priced in divines will start getting found by players and they will begin undercutting each other to drive prices down. As a player who hasn't found a single divine yet, I would much rather undercut 500 unique belts like Ryslatha's Coil at 5 div cost by pricing it to 4 div and take the currency than use the item myself. There is no way in hell a level 31 unique belt should cost 5 divines. I would wager less than 1% of players found a single divine by level 31, let alone 5 of them. |
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