An open letter to everyone participating in EA - Feedback Etiquette!
Pffff... try to remember that after playing an hour long trial and getting punked after 40 minutes of beeing at it. Srsly... do that and then start lecturing people.
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GET DOWN mr.president.
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" I mean, do you think there were no situations for me that frustrated me as well? Ofc there are bosses or even the trials where I think "Ugh, I want to get this over with". But then I try again and manage it. Or I come here and give constructive feedback, without using strong words. No matter how frustrated someone is, it's never a reason to rant against the devs. Use your frustration to give good constructive feedback and tell the devs exactly what has frustrated you. This may be more helpful then lashing out. |
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" Did you do the third trial yet? I really don't mean to attack you or anything. I agree with you for the most part, but the third trial is really out of place and it makes people insanely mad. Anyway... have a nice christmas. ;) Last edited by Jocker46#3250 on Dec 24, 2024, 3:28:14 AM
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" Oh the irony when first reply on the topic is right away the illustration of what not to do. Obvious trolls aside, it's so easy to see bias from others, way harder to admit that you are biased yourself. |
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I think you've captured the essence with that long text, which wasn't even written by you, but by chat-gpt, of poe-2. A game that wants to make us suffer, not enjoy like poe-1, with something that isn't original. But it captures the essence of what they want to do: the vision of Rutless, with what players hated about Poe-1, even the lackluster headhunter they wanted to impose.
The solution would have been to make a different game for those who hate Poe-1, and not tell us: go back to your Poe-1. Because Poe-2 exists thanks to us, not to you. - A portal to a map, so you can happily return to your daily life, after an absurd death by an unimportant monster. But I'm not complaining, I'm just saying what many of us say: that's not difficulty, that's trying to make us masochists. :D - Removing movement skills, to force us to walk in the age of satellites. Even in other times they went on horseback, in poe-2 on foot. And so on. And no, it wasn't GPT-chat who wrote it, nor am I a troll. I say with my hand on my heart that GGG makes bad decisions. Like the decisions to mute people in the chat because people as good and sensible as you impose censorship on others, for silly reasons, but they restrict our freedom, freedom that we enjoy more in Poe-1 than in part 2, which imposes a way of playing on us (like the last Poe-1 league, enslaving us to be there waiting, turning it into just another game, not the Poe that you play as you want, not my Poe). |
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The op is a reasonable ask.
It is EA and the holidays, I'm totally aware of that. Yes, they can have the time to fix things. The game is fun, when it is fun. There are many things I'd like to try. " 100%. I would love to watch the design interviews again, to get perspective and an angle to the madness. The decisions that led up to this point only make sense to me given that they plan to keep PoE around as a mainstay while PoE2 is ironed out. And they've said as much. But this is a rather polarizing starting point, exacerbated by 'political campaign promises' of slower, more precise, more meaningful gameplay (paraphrased), which appears to have incarnated as "the player moves slower but the mobs don't, and we've kept time-based checks in the game". I don't really wanna get into my laundry list here. It feels like the guiding star is sadism rather than "challenging but fair" at times. It feels like they had all this solid, well-reasoned design in PoE, that they've kind of cast out the window for the sake of shaking up the meta at best, or doggedly chased The Vision short-sightedly at worst. I say feels because it isn't provable fact - it's frustration leaking out. I think it's fair to post impressions like that, which aren't a direct attack on the devs; it's qualitative feedback on the product. Maybe bewilderment is a better term. " Yet, I don't see the point in policing a tame comment like this. I bought into PoE because Chris and the team were so passionate and forthcoming during the early years, but he's been rather behind the scenes for PoE2, with Jonathan and Mark taking the PR helm. That isn't a criticism of Jonathan / Mark. I dearly adore Mark's mechanical posts. But it's unclear what the end goal with PoE2 is, and who the demographic is, as someone mentioned earlier. It's unclear how much of a hand Chris has in this, whos guiding vision it is, and how close to the actual vision this starting point is, or if it's deliberately overtuned so that they can walk it back later as an appeasement gimmick. Part of this is because they dropped the game and afked for Christmas. That's okay!! It's Christmas. I'm happy to be able to play it over the break, despite all the jank. But at the same time it's still leaving lingering questions given how jarring some of it is. | |
" They have not been removed. Just go for a combination of shield charge and blink with cooldown reduction. Btw... love ruthless. Best POE1 mode ever. :) Last edited by Jocker46#3250 on Dec 24, 2024, 4:20:43 AM
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I'd like to support idea of TS in it's general message
Having immense experience of being "that stupid support" (NOT RELATED TO GGG) from operator to teamlead i may ensure that said "constructive feedback" is much easier to work on. When complaints are mostly consist of frustration and dissatisfaction, and topic's message is obfuscated by 5-side debates on 10 pages, it's hard to read and come to conclusion or solution satysfing everyone. So in my opinion - it's totally in interest of unsatisfied auditory to be heard and understood. Important note: i am not blaming people of having expectations for PoE2 and experiencing frustration in result, i've felt that not once. But still sure it's up to us - how to deliver our expectations and pain points to GGG |
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The game needs work. It's in Early Access for a reason. And GGG does respond to criticism and adjust their development. Seriously, go look at what PoE1 looked like in Alpha, then go boot up Necrosettlers now. This is a studio with a proven track record of progress. It is a studio that has proven they listen to us. Settlers was their most successful League launch for a reason, and part of that was constantly listening to us and improving the game. I challenge you. Take a moment, and try to imagine what it's like to be a developer for a game. You know your studio is too small to balance a game of this scale on its own. You've already succeeded once in launching a game with community feedback, and one of your rival just launched a critically acclaimed and financially successful game from EA last year. So you decide to do it again. You spent 7 years working on this project. You manage to beat what you thought were pipe dream expectations when you launch. More players are playing the game then you'd possibly hoped for! But you're not done yet! You're in EA for a reason. As much relief as you feel that you've launched the game, you've still got work to do. The forums are blowing up, and now you have to start hunting down the bugs and tuning the content to make this the game you've always wanted to create. Now go to the front page of the Early Access Feedback, start reading, and tell me how you proceed from there. What do you prioritize? What do you work on? What is even wrong with your game? It's clear players are upset, but what actionable feedback do you have to make things better? Some of you insist GGG isn't listening. But how many of you are actually saying anything they can meaningfully respond to? If you have to vent your frustrations, go ahead and do it. With the way social media works, I'm betting you'll be even more frustrated and angry when you're done. Still if you have to, do it. Then come back here and actually tell them what's wrong. What's ruining it for YOU. Not, "players" or "GGG" or "newbies" or "veterans" or any derogatory terms for any of them. YOU! "I'm not having fun because . . ." "I hate this system . . ." "I'm frustrated with . . ." Be as detailed with your experience as possible. Tell them as specifically as you can what's bothering you. Then, if there's anything you are having fun with, you may want to mention that. Because if no one is telling them what's working, then it might get changed while they're trying to fix everything that's broken. I know it's a broken record, but it really is Early Access. GGG was changing systems literally weeks before launch. Drops can be buffed, bosses can be nerfed, skills can be tuned, systems can be reworked. And then it can happen again for 1.1, then 1.2, etc. Just like PoE1. But it only happens if we give them something to work with. Last edited by DErdrick#4310 on Dec 24, 2024, 4:45:45 AM
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