[FIXED] Unable to "speak to doryani" - legacy of the vaal / the pinnacle of flame quests

Also having same issue on second character. Completed a map using map device in Ziggurat Refuge, but cannot use hideout map device as it states the campaign is incomplete.
Same issue, but I think I noticed when the problem occurred. After defeating the last boss of act 6 the ! above doryani signaling to talk to him inside the black chamber was late to appear. It flashed like 1-2 frames of it as I was portaling back to the "time gate" at the top of the ziggernaut. Didn't think it was going to affect anything because he was still waiting up at the top to do the cataclysm cutscene. So I walked over and activated the cut scene with my quest still at "speak to doryani" which is actually speak to doryani inside the black chamber. This is why talking to him in all his other locations fails to advance the questline.

Tried doing the last section again with someone else thinking it might complete for me as well but they were stuck on "speak to doryani" after finishing as well. That is where I believe everyone in this thread went wrong. The ! above doryani in the black chamber is very late and if you scoop up the loot and tp out of there you would never see it in time. So you then advance the story line without completing that final boss room talk with doryani and are unable to force completion piggy backing off someone else. They just get stuck too lol
This worked for me on my second character:

Teleport from hideout waypoint to Act3 Cruel - Azak Bog
Open teleport to city
Doryani was next to Oswald

guldurpl#6668 wrote:
This worked for me on my second character:

Teleport from hideout waypoint to Act3 Cruel - Azak Bog
Open teleport to city
Doryani was next to Oswald


Didn't help me. Maybe because the quest is actually in the Endgame, not in Act 3 Cruel.
please post about this in mega thread to get the attention of GGG! Game breaking bug needs fix!

Having the same issue for quite some time. Also tried all the suggestions from everyone here in this thread (Thank you for that!) but unfortunately nothing solved this issue. The quest is still shown but it doesn't hinder me to progress in the game with my second character.
Its just annoying to see this quest listed.

Anyways, hope there will be a fix for this in the future.
There is a quest called "Legacy of the Vaal" in Act 3 Cruel. It is closed and completed on both of my characters.

There is another quest also called "Legacy of the Vaal" in Endgame. That's a different quest. It is closed on my first character, but opened on my second one.

People who suggest teleporting to Ziggurat Encampment using a workaround to talk to Hooded One and Doryani, seem to be misunderstanding the issue.

This quest closes when you receive a 1st level waystone from Doryani in Endgame.

Since this is your second character and you already progressed through Atlas, you will get nothing and there is no workaround.

I highly doubt it's hindering any progress, but GGG need for fix this for sure.
Teleporting to act 3 normal did it for me. It was because i hadn't completed the act 3 quest to progress into cruel.
I am almost level 93, am ripping through t16+2 maps.
Have done 4 citadels, haven't received a single Crisis Fragment.
I think this is tied to this quest not being finished and cannot finish it in anyway.

This is a GAME BREAKING bug. I cannot get crisis fragments, PERIOD. I've done maps with 400% waystone drop rates on the citadel bosses and still nothing. I cannot do the final boss in the game.

GGG this must be fixed.
same issue tried all fixes reported

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