[FIXED] Unable to "speak to doryani" - legacy of the vaal / the pinnacle of flame quests

Just Refund my $$ and Fuck this game, Diablo is Still Better!!!!!!!!!
I couldn`t complete the quest. THANK YOU it worked.
Same bug
Tried all the steps here - I have all the Crisis Stones and cannot insert them into the door because I have to "Speak to Doryani"

Quest is in the Endgame. I've tried finding him at all areas, doing maps near the citadel, starting maps from the Refuge instead of Hideout, but nothing seems to complete the quest so that I can use the fragments to open the door for the final boss.

Big sad.
Please GG fix this bug !
I have the exact same issue on my second character
Same here on seccond character. I can play in hideout but i still have quest unfinnished
IGN Czaki_Laleczka

My Forum Shop:
The only reason this is happening is because the atlas is filled. You dont need the 1-15 maps atlas points and therefor the quest isn't showing up. The only drawback is you cant start maps in your hideout
bugged as well, tried all the things here, still cant end the quest.
You need to get to the main town and speak to Doryani. You ca nteleport to a node in act 3 cruel and then use your TP and it should land you there.

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