[FIXED] Unable to "speak to doryani" - legacy of the vaal / the pinnacle of flame quests

Same issue with second character. Quest uncompleteable. Needs to be fixed
same issue, with 2nd char, I can do maps normally in hideout, but dont have the waystone 1-15 quest, but the pinnacle of flame one is here.
Also having this issue on my second character.
Need a fix for this asap GGG
Same thing happening to me. On my second character. Says "Legend of The Vaal: Speak to Doryani" on my screen, he has not marker and exhausting all options doesn't change anything.
Probably that quest will allow you to progress to the next act (Once we have it) so I don't think GGG will fix this.
I think is a consequence of jumping from act 3 to maps, it wasn't intended to be this way, their original idea was to go from act 6.
I am having the same issue. Second character. I also did not get the complete waystone quest line on this character (although maybe because i defeated the arbiter or ash with first character that doesn't matter). Not sure if there are any negative impacts of this as I am able to use the waystones from first character and play still, but it feels like something is off since I cannot complete that quest.
PajonK13#0131 wrote:

1.TELEPORT to Drowned City (Present)

2.WALK back to Zuggurat Encampment

3.WALK Upstairs

4.Speak to Doryani

5.Speak to Hooded One

fucked around for 30 minutes...

Fixed it for me...

How many weeks has this bug been present? lmao
eMkaace#7245 wrote:
PajonK13#0131 wrote:

1.TELEPORT to Drowned City (Present)

2.WALK back to Zuggurat Encampment

3.WALK Upstairs

4.Speak to Doryani

5.Speak to Hooded One

fucked around for 30 minutes...

Fixed it for me...

How many weeks has this bug been present? lmao

actually it didnt fix the problem WTF

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