[FIXED] Unable to "speak to doryani" - legacy of the vaal / the pinnacle of flame quests

same, 2nd character
Same on my second character.
My 2nd character is also tied to the progression of my first character. Sad thing is my 2nd character is level 80, but all zones are tied to the level of my first character lvl 73 including the vendors. All gear has to come from the trade site. I will be lvl 100 still doing lvl 73 zones.
Same with second char
same issue here. is there a fix??
Same here. 2nd char.
Way with teleport do drowned city not working.
Not a bug. You need to progress your map closer to the "Burning Monolith". It's somewhat close to where you originally started your map journey. Within a couple screens or so in either direction.

The Burning Monolith Looks like the towers in the fog, but bigger with a red tint. Hope this helps.

Last edited by DivineBovine23#2573 on Dec 29, 2024, 1:38:36 PM
Same, second character.

Going to present to talk to Doryani didn't work. He wasn't in Ziggurat Refuge.
Same issue for my second character as well

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