Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike
" You can ignore me all you like, of course. But this is the kind of thing someone says when they have no good answer to a statement. And whether or not you think the statement is accurate does nothing to assuage the fact that it is nevertheless the extremely common public perception. Path of Exile "Crafting" is utterly, utterly, UTTERLY inaccessible to The Common Player, and it ALWAYS has been. every single "New Player" guide I have ever read for POE1 tells new players "do not craft, except for using transmutes or augs or using those in the crafting bench. Do not do it. You will mess up, ruin your item, and waste all your currency." even the so-called "Crafting Guides for Newbies" assume the player is new to crafting, not POE, and assumes the player has several leagues and a tidy little stack or five of divines under their belt. Even beyond all that, though. If the old game is, as you proclaim it to be, an absolutely unbeatable Pinnacle of All ARPGs Forever that cannot ever be improved upon? Why did Grinding Gear even feel the need to make a new game, let alone spend over half a decade doing so? |
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" No, it’s the kind of thing someone says when the statement is so absurd it doesn’t deserve serious engagement. "50+ divines minimum per crafting project"? You’re either trolling or have zero idea how crafting actually works. Even mid-tier crafting is far more accessible than this hyperbolic nonsense suggests. But hey, keep exaggerating to prove your non-existent point. " This is a gross oversimplification that ignores the reality of crafting in PoE. Yes, top-tier crafting for mirror-tier gear is expensive, but that’s by design. It’s *not* for the average player. Meanwhile, bench crafting, essences, fossils, and harvest are entirely accessible and straightforward for the "common player." If you think crafting in PoE is “inaccessible,” it’s likely because you’ve never put in the effort to understand it. " This argument falls apart the moment you realize that PoE’s crafting system is intentionally complex and layered. Yes, new players are advised to stick to simpler crafting methods initially—that’s to avoid frustration and wasted currency. But that doesn’t mean crafting is inaccessible; it just has a learning curve, which is part of what makes PoE so rewarding for players willing to engage with its depth. " Nobody is claiming PoE 1 is "unbeatable" or "perfect"—that’s just a strawman you’ve invented because you can’t engage with the actual points being made. PoE 2 exists because GGG wanted to evolve their formula and expand their audience while building on the solid foundation of PoE 1. It’s not about replacing PoE 1—it’s about offering a complementary experience. The two games aren’t in competition; they coexist, each catering to different types of players. And let’s be real: your entire post reeks of someone who’s either barely touched PoE or bounced off it because they couldn’t grasp its systems. Maybe instead of spouting hyperbolic nonsense about crafting and misunderstanding why PoE 2 exists, you could take the time to actually learn the game. Otherwise, this is just another empty rant from someone who doesn’t understand the subject they’re trying to critique. |
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If you are so sure what the community wants. Lets make a simple poll:
- discontinue poe1 and release poe2 in time. - update poe1, reset it, or make it current but delay2 - implement more features from 1 in 2 such as dilluted skilltree, currency mess, crafting garbage for city players If you have no fear, it makes sense to back claims but i think dev and community knows what must 'move' and where focus is. I predict not 1% on poe1 side.. Ah.. i played poe1 too (hc 100s season by season.. hc d2 speeder.. community is small.. ill never touch it again. Backpack from affliction and size of wheel was great though.. thats about last seasons. Last edited by Skiller2009#5689 on Dec 23, 2024, 10:23:18 AM
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" When you started this thread, you were a reasonable voice. It's one of the reasons I tried to engage with your list of ideals POE2 must be chained by. You are, unfortunately, rapidly losing that reasonable status. " "Top-tier" crafting is the only crafting anyone cares about, and the only crafting anyone complaining about the crafting in PoE2 wants back. Benchcrafting, outside of metacrafting, is continually held as being a way losers slap-patch their gear for campaigns and early mapping. Essence and Fossils are simply start points for "Top-Tier" crafting, and are also notoriously expensive as you have to buy hundreds of the essences and/or fossils/resonators to spam for the base you start actually "crafting" with. Harvest exists to fix off resists on gear and little else. And note that even you didn't even bother mentioning the sad mess that is Beastcrafting right now. Einhar is awesome; his Menagerie exists to fix your flasks and that's about it. " You are literally admitting my point here. Your statement is equivalent to "new players are expected to bounce off of crafting", which is an admission that it is inaccessible. The fact that players can learn the system is irrelevant to the fact that the system is actively hostile to anyone attempting to engage with it even the slightest bit "wrongly". " You have spent fifty-five pages now decrying every change they've made in PoE2 that isn't graphical, and arguing for those changes to be rolled back and instead aligned with POE1. You want POE1 crafting, the PoE1 skill tree, the POE1 gem system, PoE1 flasks, PoE1 scaling/game speed...every single thing Jonathan's team have done for this new game, you are pushing to be reverted to PoE1 standards. What else is someone supposed to expect, given the content of your arguments? " This is an ugly argument and you know it. First of all, you cannot dismiss me as a "tourist" the same way you're dismissing everyone else. My list of Indiscretion Stamps over there belies the point. I have close to 2500 hours in this game, as well. Over that, if counting the old pre-Steam launcher. Most of that is in older versions of PoE1 though, because for the last five-odd years the game has been bloating to the point of utter absurdity. It is no longer much fun to play, if any, nor can you play a new league on a budget of "whatever random stuff I find while playing the game normally." Path of Exile 1 has abandoned players like me, who enjoy the interesting buildcraft of the first game but cannot deal with its outrageous and unfun scaling, nor its opaque and impenetrable "economy" reliant on obscure, impossible, and largely anti-fun Farming Strats designed to produce two or three hundred divines an hour. The scaling completely eliminates buildcraft and trying to create cool, interesting builds because in order to get the outlandish ten-figure DPS and EHP numbers you need to progress beyond basic alch-and-go mid-red maps you need to use one of three or so methods to magnify numbers in nonsensical ways, and the economy gates people away from even doing this because to get the things you need to achieve that absurd, build-destroying scaling you need several hundred divines, if not several thousand. And even if you take that as an admission of my scrubness: what of it? You argue that only those who are absolute masters of PoE1 have any justification for an opinion on the new game? You say only those who have spent thousands of dollars on the first game and who are megafans of the first game that do not want Grinding Gear to change anything are able to give valid opinions of the new game? I disagree, and further I posit that such a position is actively harmful to everyone involved. Path 2 does not need to slavishly copy Path 1. It can be its own game. It is its own game, if a new one with plenty of teething problems at the moment. Let it exist as its own game. path of Exile 1 is right next door. Please, by all means go and enjoy it. |
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" Oh wow, a “simple poll,” huh? Here’s a reality check for you: - Discontinue PoE1 to release PoE2 in time? Sure, let’s kill the game that funds and supports PoE2’s development. Brilliant idea. - Update PoE1 and delay PoE2? Literally nobody is asking for this, but thanks for the strawman. - “Diluted skill tree, currency mess, crafting garbage”? Ah yes, let’s throw out all the complexity and depth because some random city player on the forums can’t handle clicking more than once. Truly visionary. And "I played PoE1 too, I’ll never touch it again"? Yeah, sure you did, champ. By that logic, I’m a professional football player because I kicked a ball once in my backyard. Thanks for your deep expertise; the community is truly enlightened by your insights. |
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To be honest if poe1 is delaying 2 why should it be needed if the names complaining are always same and so few.
Evaluate it.. make a fair poll. See above. Player base would just simply move to 2. Do you know poe1 from early days. Campaign..piety. i vomit Last edited by Skiller2009#5689 on Dec 23, 2024, 10:37:55 AM
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" First off, your argument reeks of ignorance. Calling benchcrafting and mid-tier tools “for losers” just exposes how little you understand about PoE’s crafting ecosystem. The majority of players aren’t aiming for mirror-tier items—they use benchcrafting, Essences, and Fossils as accessible, reliable ways to improve gear. Secondly, your take on Fossils and Harvest is outright wrong. Fossils are targeted crafting tools, and Harvest wasn’t just for “fixing resists”; it offered deterministic options that bridged the gap between RNG and control. If you don’t see this, it’s clear you’ve either never engaged with high-end crafting or gave up after watching one YouTube video. " Wrong again. Just because something has a learning curve doesn’t mean it’s inaccessible. PoE1’s crafting was deep but rewarding—players could start small and improve their understanding over time. If you found it “hostile,” that says more about your inability to adapt than the system itself. PoE2, on the other hand, doesn’t even offer the tools for meaningful crafting. You want to talk about inaccessible? RNG crafting without deterministic options is the definition of it. " Let’s be real: PoE1 didn’t abandon you—you abandoned it. Complaining about scaling and the economy sounds like someone who hit a wall because they refused to learn the systems or optimize their playstyle. The claim that you need “hundreds of divines” to enjoy the game is nonsense. Plenty of builds can clear high content with reasonable investments. Maybe instead of blaming the game, you should look at how you’re approaching it. " PoE2 can be its own game, but that doesn’t mean it gets a free pass to gut what made PoE1 successful. Stripping away deterministic crafting, dumbing down the skill tree, and slowing combat to a crawl isn’t “innovation”—it’s laziness disguised as “vision.” If you’re defending these changes, it’s clear you don’t understand why PoE1 has kept players engaged for a decade. You’ve spent this whole discussion throwing around strawman arguments and trying to discredit others without addressing the real issues. If you don’t like PoE1 or can’t grasp its systems, that’s fine—but don’t pretend your frustration with the game’s complexity is a valid critique of its design. It just makes it obvious who the real “tourist” here is. |
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" Please put your profile as public, just to show if your money is where your mouth is. Thanks, I cannot wait. |
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I hope POE 2 will be different from POE 1. If you really want POE 2 to be like POE 1, play POE 1 and leave POE 2 alone. And you have one less problem in your life and the rest of us have the game we want and that is POE 2.
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goddamn this is a longass thread that no1 at ggg will ever see cos by the time they come off holiday it will be like 100 pages long and they will see it and be like "nah"
Add Scion To PoE2
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