Why POE2’s Direction Is Worrying for Veterans and Newcomers Alike

fingerrr#3643 wrote:
Those are some good points, especially for the Asdencency Trials.

Getting your ascendency class is a core part of the gameplay and they basically force you to play in a no-hit manner just to get it. Like why am I investing in regen mechanics or leech if it doesn't work in a CORE part of gameplay?

It is so bad I wanted to vomit the first time I realized what it was. I literally got sick to my stomach knowing what it is.

Imagine playing a game where you dread doing its core part, man what a joy. I will definetly enjoy playing it more and more.

This all is what I want to say for long time. Very wel said.
This is part of the core mechanics, it just baffles me and the reason why I dont want to go to poe2 sometimes cause trials are there. Alts, SSF, I dont play them that that much or at all, I dont have pleasure in making them, and I would really like to play SSF, but I cant cause those ugly ugly trials are in the way of having the pleasure of the most fun part in the game, that what annoys me inmense, I like to make builds, try stuff out, but than the trials, Im ngl, I shed a tear man of frustration, It drives me mad in a way thats not good, not enjoyable. I also think of ppl that are disabled, but still they get thru the game, perhaps slower, perhaps with some struggles, all good, they manage in some way, they enjoying the game, than trials, this is also something I think about at least. Im not, but it makes me feel already this way, imagine other ppl that have extra a disabillity on top.

For me the punishment would be until level 80 no ascendancy if you cant do trials and at level 80, I actually hope level 75, but lets say at level 80 you just get the asendancies. You went thru all the trouble leveling up wihtout ascendancies, while others ofc if they can do them have the advantage of having them early and even farming them. I think it would be correct to say at level 80 you suffered all this way heres all you ascendacy point, else if you cant do the trials you just stuck.

The trials, are for me the worst mechanics I encountered in a game the last 10 years, and I game really a lot in a lot of different game genres.
Last edited by PauNosCornos#0668 on Feb 1, 2025, 5:58:01 PM
+1 to OP
It's not a copy, it's just worse in almost every way to intentionally make it different.
+1 to OP

Agree on everything especially crafting.End game progression for better gear is extremely bad right now.Crafting?seem like gambling(too much) to me.Compared to POE1,yes its still RNG but even some of its content is RNG but at least you have the power to control something with many option.You also have crafting bench too.The high-end crafting also not risk vs reward enough to the point that "If you buy gear from the trade site,Its better than crafting yourself".

And about the pace,if the reward is high enough to compensate the slow of the game then I am fine with slow or fast.But for the current state of the game?Well...gotta go fast.Game is still in EA so thanks for feedback.

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