I don't have the level to remap entirely to that, so I've done a partial rework to try it out. Missing Roil and Reverberation, but focused on what looked to be the highest value passives and more area nodes. I also don't have a 5L for Magnified Effect yet.
Also no curse aura, since I don't have a 20% Blasphemy yet.
That said, it already feels great just with those changes.
More oomph when the walls aren't up, which is nice.
Is there anything to put into Firewall to replace the Magnified Effect moving to Fireball?
I'll be keeping this version of the build I think, definitely enjoying it a lot. Also if the loss of Heavy Frost ends up being significant, it's an Anoint option (Though not a cheap one)
well tbh the increased aoe on the tree basically creates the same effect we had on firewall, it's pretty usable just with fortress and 130% increased aoe lol
dont know what else to throw on there to get any value in the build tbh, maybe a +1 fire gem actually for just a bit more projectile damage, or put arcane tempo on it you're still using it a lot
Ah, that's a good point yeah. Fire Mastery I guess is the way to go for it, might as well if we're not using that anywhere else.
Does Firewall get any value out of mobility? Was looking through the list and couldn't really see anything else of value. Briefly thought of Culling, but, then realised Firewall doesn't actually do any hits, can just ignite. Oh well lol.
If you're like, marching your firewalls around then sure mobility helps out. Sort of a 'may as well' thing to add to a spell we often cast as filler. Also decent on curse.
Posted byKonried#2763on Dec 22, 2024, 5:02:03 AM
Moved up to T5 and levelled up again so I got to grab another notable for AoE, just missing Roil now and... yeah, this definitely feels like the way to go.
I know I dropped a bunch of damage in order to take MoM early, and this instantly felt a whole lot punchier.
In other news, now that I have 94% mana recoup my strategy for those irritating mana leech enemies is to just facetank them for free mana regen and essentially race them to death. (Ideally all my future ones will be ones I can actually kite, but this one was faster than me lol)
Posted byZephryl#5929on Dec 22, 2024, 6:23:45 AM
Tip - If u get a wand with "Gain X% Fire" You will get an ignite also - its boosting dmg a bit more than "Gain X% Cold" :)
Posted byFlinta92#0541on Dec 22, 2024, 2:20:08 PM
Tip - If u get a wand with "Gain X% Fire" You will get an ignite also - its boosting dmg a bit more than "Gain X% Cold" :)
Doesn't that mean that extra damage is not being converted, and thus not being effected by cold pen, exposure etcetc?
Posted byZephryl#5929on Dec 22, 2024, 5:52:56 PM
Bit of an update to the Projectile vs Big Boom Boom:
I just finally upgraded to a 5L and socketed in the increased aoe gem and... yeah, I'm not going back. This is a lot more impactful I think. With Projectiles I would've been using Arcane Tempo as my 5th link instead, and I wouldn't be getting the same payoff.
So, from my experience (T5 maps, level 76, low-ish budget):
At 4L Fireball, the two different builds are broadly on par. I felt like Big Boom had more impact, but, not in a huge way so other peoples individual builds could likely get more out of Projectiles at this stage.
At 5L, Big Boom takes the lead by far.
Also put any further thought into anointment?
My next upgrade is a new wand once I hit 78, but after that I'm probably looking into a good anointment.
Last edited by Zephryl#5929 on Dec 22, 2024, 9:14:36 PM
Posted byZephryl#5929on Dec 22, 2024, 9:07:27 PM
My build is a lot different than OPs and honestly, after having done 15 maps all day today, it's definitely going to fall off because at one point you need more utility and defense than you do PURE damage. It's like playing a Ranger and having mid tier gear and trying to survive. You need INSANE DPS (which I don't think is going to be super achievable for someone like myself who's not uber rich) to run a Ranger/Sorc and go pure glass cannon IMO.
It's been working real well for me up until juiced 15s and one shot mechanics that you NEED higher life pools/ES to survive. I have 4.1k mana and I easily get one shot in juiced maps by random shit. Very annoying...
I know Kon has been going hard trying to make the build more end game viable by adding said utility and other niche things to the build. I'd ignore the fact that my fireball does so much, it's purely because I'm playing a completely different variation.
High, I've been playing your version this past weekend and really enjoy it a lot. The enormous jump in dps is really a good defense, but I am also now running into problems in t14/t15 maps with my defenses and getting one shot.
I do not have your level of gear based on your maxroll link. My shield has almost no ES but good offensive stats and my helm is missing critical ES. So I only sit at around 3.2k mana. Trying to figure it out because I have so much fun with this variant, but upgrades are minimum 1 divine, otherwise I'm replacing it with something that only kind of helps for 50ex.
Posted byScotchfist#1987on Dec 22, 2024, 9:11:46 PM
My build is a lot different than OPs and honestly, after having done 15 maps all day today, it's definitely going to fall off because at one point you need more utility and defense than you do PURE damage. It's like playing a Ranger and having mid tier gear and trying to survive. You need INSANE DPS (which I don't think is going to be super achievable for someone like myself who's not uber rich) to run a Ranger/Sorc and go pure glass cannon IMO.
It's been working real well for me up until juiced 15s and one shot mechanics that you NEED higher life pools/ES to survive. I have 4.1k mana and I easily get one shot in juiced maps by random shit. Very annoying...
I know Kon has been going hard trying to make the build more end game viable by adding said utility and other niche things to the build. I'd ignore the fact that my fireball does so much, it's purely because I'm playing a completely different variation.
High, I've been playing your version this past weekend and really enjoy it a lot. The enormous jump in dps is really a good defense, but I am also now running into problems in t14/t15 maps with my defenses and getting one shot.
I do not have your level of gear based on your maxroll link. My shield has almost no ES but good offensive stats and my helm is missing critical ES. So I only sit at around 3.2k mana. Trying to figure it out because I have so much fun with this variant, but upgrades are minimum 1 divine, otherwise I'm replacing it with something that only kind of helps for 50ex.
welcome to EB/MoM builds
you need to have maxed out ES and mana on every piece as a minimum to consider running EB, fix up your gear making some sacrifices in pure damage stats where needed, and try again
Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:04:15 PM
Posted byKonried#2763on Dec 22, 2024, 11:02:58 PM
welcome to EB/MoM builds
you need to have maxed out ES and mana on every piece as a minimum to consider running EB, fix up your gear making some sacrifices in pure damage stats where needed, and try again
I appreciate the advice and will follow it.
Last edited by Scotchfist#1987 on Dec 22, 2024, 11:29:51 PM
Posted byScotchfist#1987on Dec 22, 2024, 11:28:46 PM
My build is a lot different than OPs and honestly, after having done 15 maps all day today, it's definitely going to fall off because at one point you need more utility and defense than you do PURE damage. It's like playing a Ranger and having mid tier gear and trying to survive. You need INSANE DPS (which I don't think is going to be super achievable for someone like myself who's not uber rich) to run a Ranger/Sorc and go pure glass cannon IMO.
It's been working real well for me up until juiced 15s and one shot mechanics that you NEED higher life pools/ES to survive. I have 4.1k mana and I easily get one shot in juiced maps by random shit. Very annoying...
I know Kon has been going hard trying to make the build more end game viable by adding said utility and other niche things to the build. I'd ignore the fact that my fireball does so much, it's purely because I'm playing a completely different variation.
High, I've been playing your version this past weekend and really enjoy it a lot. The enormous jump in dps is really a good defense, but I am also now running into problems in t14/t15 maps with my defenses and getting one shot.
I do not have your level of gear based on your maxroll link. My shield has almost no ES but good offensive stats and my helm is missing critical ES. So I only sit at around 3.2k mana. Trying to figure it out because I have so much fun with this variant, but upgrades are minimum 1 divine, otherwise I'm replacing it with something that only kind of helps for 50ex.
welcome to EB/MoM builds
you need to have maxed out ES and mana on every piece as a minimum to consider running EB, fix up your gear making some sacrifices in pure damage stats where needed, and try again
Hi, any advice for MoM CI build? Im lv 80 and running t8 maps now. How much mana/ES should i have? Thanks.
Posted byAraharja#3825on Dec 23, 2024, 12:35:25 AM
Also, does by using archmage our fireball and feost wall can shock enemies?
Posted byAraharja#3825on Dec 23, 2024, 3:14:12 AM