(Stormweaver) Max projectiles cold converted fireballs. Cheap, easy, powerful, FUN! (T16+ ready)

Araharja#3825 wrote:
Also, does by using archmage our fireball and feost wall can shock enemies?

Yup, we can apply shock. It's not particularly often I don't think, but I've seen it pop a few times so it's definitely there and probably more I don't see.
Araharja#3825 wrote:
Also, does by using archmage our fireball and feost wall can shock enemies?

Our shock chance is really low with the builds listed, archmage damage on its own isn't enough to do it reliably, but it does happen occasionally (you will see it pop up sometimes).

Our passive budget is pretty tight, but there is probably a way to fit double shock and a reliable shock chance in if we are willing to make some sacrifices elsewhere.
Araharja#3825 wrote:

Hi, any advice for MoM CI build? Im lv 80 and running t8 maps now. How much mana/ES should i have? Thanks.

"As much as possible, as much as you can afford."

To feel safe you're probably looking at 5k ES/2.5k mana. I made it to T16 with around 8k total HP, and since you dont need to worry about chaos damage you should be fine with a bit less.

Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:25:17 AM
I'll be taking a break from the game for a little while. I wasn't able to find a citadel after 300(?)ish maps and also experienced a series of crashes in 4 floor sanctums that have left a real sour taste.

I enjoy playing the game and theorycrafting for this build, but I think I've hit my limit of what I can tolerate for now.

Build is in a good spot to leave it, anyone can progress to endgame with it in this state and I think the max aoe build is the key to bossing. I'll check back in after new year or maybe with next patch.

Can't wait to see how the game changes through early access, and what new or rebalanced content we will get. Definitely a fan, but at the moment the endgame is inaccessible compared to 'Semi-SSF' atlas progression that could be done in PoE1. I said before that I liked farming and setting up bosses on my own, but in poe 2 the grind is absolutely massive, and also totally RNG. I just couldn't find a citadel. Even plugging T15's into my towers which was supposedly the way to do it, I never saw one.

Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:39:22 AM
Konried#2763 wrote:
I'll be taking a break from the game for a little while. I wasn't able to find a citadel after 300(?)ish maps and also experienced a series of crashes in 4 floor sanctums that have left a real sour taste.

I enjoy playing the game and theorycrafting for this build, but I think I've hit my limit of what I can tolerate for now.

Build is in a good spot to leave it, anyone can progress to endgame with it in this state and I think the max aoe build is the key to bossing. I'll check back in after new year or maybe with next patch.

Thanks very much for the build.

Enjoy your holidays, hopefully they've fixed the various stability issues by then.
Zephryl#5929 wrote:
Konried#2763 wrote:
I'll be taking a break from the game for a little while. I wasn't able to find a citadel after 300(?)ish maps and also experienced a series of crashes in 4 floor sanctums that have left a real sour taste.

I enjoy playing the game and theorycrafting for this build, but I think I've hit my limit of what I can tolerate for now.

Build is in a good spot to leave it, anyone can progress to endgame with it in this state and I think the max aoe build is the key to bossing. I'll check back in after new year or maybe with next patch.

Thanks very much for the build.

Enjoy your holidays, hopefully they've fixed the various stability issues by then.

thanks for your contributions also, I'm glad other people got into the build and were following along with its evolution

Konried#2763 wrote:
I'll be taking a break from the game for a little while. I wasn't able to find a citadel after 300(?)ish maps and also experienced a series of crashes in 4 floor sanctums that have left a real sour taste.

I enjoy playing the game and theorycrafting for this build, but I think I've hit my limit of what I can tolerate for now.

Build is in a good spot to leave it, anyone can progress to endgame with it in this state and I think the max aoe build is the key to bossing. I'll check back in after new year or maybe with next patch.

Hi OP. Thanks for your work, I really appreciate.

Going from totak nuclear weapon with 2 buttons to cast 5+ is a huge turn down.

Plus, I am finding unleash working better with Fireball than EF with only 4 links on Fireball and 3 links EF. Im only at t7 or t8 maps. HP 1k, ES 1k3, 1k1 mana, lvl 74

Comparing our build to other classes, we are really behind since we have to manually cast 5+ spells for set up.

What are your thought on using "Polcirkeln
Sapphire Ring with Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen"?
Konried#2763 wrote:
I'll be taking a break from the game for a little while. I wasn't able to find a citadel after 300(?)ish maps and also experienced a series of crashes in 4 floor sanctums that have left a real sour taste.

I enjoy playing the game and theorycrafting for this build, but I think I've hit my limit of what I can tolerate for now.

Build is in a good spot to leave it, anyone can progress to endgame with it in this state and I think the max aoe build is the key to bossing. I'll check back in after new year or maybe with next patch.

Hi OP. Thanks for your work, I really appreciate.

Going from totak nuclear weapon with 2 buttons to cast 5+ is a huge turn down.

Plus, I am finding unleash working better with Fireball than EF with only 4 links on Fireball and 3 links EF. Im only at t7 or t8 maps. HP 1k, ES 1k3, 1k1 mana, lvl 74

Comparing our build to other classes, we are really behind since we have to manually cast 5+ spells for set up.

What are your thought on using "Polcirkeln
Sapphire Ring with Enemies Chilled by your Hits can be Shattered as though Frozen"?

you don't need to setup, it's purely optional

you can do T1-16 with nothing but fireball and frost wall, I promise

99% of my gameplay at level 92 is fireball+frost wall, and EF thrown in as something to do while moving from pack to pack

flame wall is beneficial but hardly necessary once you've scaled up your damage a bit

most importantly, do what you think is fun and works for your personal playstyle, if you begin to feel squishy then improve your gear

idk about the ring, we don't gain any special benefit from shattering our enemies, its just something that happens due to lots of freezing, if you want to use it go for it

Last edited by Konried#2763 on Dec 23, 2024, 3:53:21 AM
I think the biggest issue with Unleash on Fireball is the cost multiplier. Not much of an issue until you also try to put on MoM, then it eats mana depressingly quickly.

And you're paying that cost even on the casts that aren't boosted by Unleash.

That said, Unleash is also a lot of fun.

I also think this build is in that sweet spot of "Powerful" but without being so powerful we'll attract the nerf hammer, at least not specifically at us anyway.

My build is a lot different than OPs and honestly, after having done 15 maps all day today, it's definitely going to fall off because at one point you need more utility and defense than you do PURE damage. It's like playing a Ranger and having mid tier gear and trying to survive. You need INSANE DPS (which I don't think is going to be super achievable for someone like myself who's not uber rich) to run a Ranger/Sorc and go pure glass cannon IMO.

It's been working real well for me up until juiced 15s and one shot mechanics that you NEED higher life pools/ES to survive. I have 4.1k mana and I easily get one shot in juiced maps by random shit. Very annoying...

I know Kon has been going hard trying to make the build more end game viable by adding said utility and other niche things to the build. I'd ignore the fact that my fireball does so much, it's purely because I'm playing a completely different variation.

High, I've been playing your version this past weekend and really enjoy it a lot. The enormous jump in dps is really a good defense, but I am also now running into problems in t14/t15 maps with my defenses and getting one shot.

I do not have your level of gear based on your maxroll link. My shield has almost no ES but good offensive stats and my helm is missing critical ES. So I only sit at around 3.2k mana. Trying to figure it out because I have so much fun with this variant, but upgrades are minimum 1 divine, otherwise I'm replacing it with something that only kind of helps for 50ex.

Awesome to hear you've tried out the glass cannon build! And yeah, as you're seeing and even I'm experiencing it now, the one shots are terribly frustrating and why I assume builds like this won't work in the end game unless you're UBER rich and even then...Other builds/variants are probably stronger anyway.

I've been trying to upgrade the past day or so and I'm gonna give it another shot at some of this harder content to see if the increase in DPS as you said, can be my defense. Kill before being killed. I was missing a lot of somewhat cheap pieces that gave me much more damage, gear is all updated now. But I feel you, upgrades are definitely 50-100 exalts/1-2 div atm. I've been lucky to get some silly people selling things for cheap.

Also been having so much fun blasting with this. Some things I've learned is to just lead with fireballs/abilities and NEVER try to stand on things unless you absolutely know the rare/mobs don't have crazy mods. Our damage is so high, we don't really have to rely on being close to do a shotgun or burst. Just drop walls and fire into them from afar.

Ranged mobs are also just terribly annoying, as if you walk into a pack, they all hit you, sometimes stun lock you, and you're dead. These type of deaths are why I assume I'll be dropping this version at one point, but who knows!

I'm currently @ 30k fireball dmg and it's insanely powerful.

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