0.1.0d Hotfix 1
Wow "GGG" What the hell did you do now ?! Cast on Freeze Gamers are already Glass cannons and now you made the required Freeze build up requires the Tripple amount of the value untill you can Procc your linked setup?!
Nice job ngl... No need to play CoF anymore now pretty good job wasting tons of people of time while nerfing a gem down to unplayable on already existing glass cannon classes... |
I hate this game. You are making it for a non existent audience . Instead of path of exile players.
my build is dead, see ya in few weeks after these nerf stop
Revert this garbage patch
I Just swapped Comet for cold snap or Eye of Winter and my cof build still works why everyone so mad?
Maybe you guys should delete all 11 chars and only leave deadeye ?
We all play ben's build then |
Hahaha, this is the "no fun allowed" patch which unfortunately killed many reasonable builds as well as probably a very few exceptions (the goat).
" I'm afraid that's what we will get on release, yes. And with the imminent death of PoE1 there will be no good ARPG to play. "An aspirant can afford to be promising. An emperor must keep those promises.", right, GGG?
" My brother in christ, Grim Dawn has been better than POE 1 for literally years. |