Infernalist Caster Discusson- aka Demon Form fixes waiting room (or maybe it's already decent?)
EDIT: Ghostwrithe unique chest (cheap!) + some flat regen on gear lets the 10 stack demonform be sustained very easily, and for uncapped versions to really push stacks. This chest basically saves DF and makes it extremely usable.
This is a discussion thread for all the people who wanted to be a cool demon flying around casting spells at stuff, then found out Demon Form is has some serious downsides, namely unequipping your weapons and a strong degen, but want to make infernalist caster work anyways. Some builds from others: * Pushing uncapped Demon Form to the max with double Ming's Heart to get down to 200 HP. This is emerging as the most popular and possibly best DF setup. -Guide from reddit user tracenergy2 using Pyro Pact -Korean youtube guide using mana * Cast on Ignite, triggering Comets with Hexblasts, Pyro Pact from youtuber Kattkills, incredible boss damage * bonerkill's chaos Demonform with Mastered Darkness * Barrier Invocation Pyromatic Pact autobomber insanity from youtuber Imnphil * Mask of the Stitched Demon EB/MoM conversion shenanigans guide from youtuber Wafflez (VERY glass cannon lol) My current build, Archmage Spark uncapped Demonform
Stormweaver Archmage Spark is maybe the strongest caster build in the game, and Infernalist version will just be worse, but we want to be a demon goddamnit. At this point we're crushing any map and doing 4million DPS Xeshts For DF sustain, we use Ghostwrithe chest and get our HP very low, so the degen is numerically small, then stack life regen on gear to counteract it as much as we can. I currently have 210 life regen on 500 max life. This lets me go up to ~84 stacks before losing HP. I also have 60 life on kill from gloves, which is extremely significant and outruns the degen as long as we're killing stuff. At around 50 stacks over regen it becomes tedious to keep life flasking but given a supply of enemies to kill (ie breach) we can go past 150 even. Maxroll with passives and gear Because we are getting so much increased spell damage % from high stacks of demonform, I'm avoiding getting very much on the tree itself, instead scaling a lot of crit, along with ES and mana regen. You could go much harder into ES instead of crit if you like. Why no MOM/EB? Honestly just doesn't feel worth losing all that ES, and is less appealing to us than Stormweavers beacause we don't get free perma Arcane Surge and even more mana>damage scaling on top. Our main defense is the incredible agility of our dodge roll, and killing stuff fast at long range. Skills
Spark - Pierce, Considered Casting, Arcane Tempo, Shock Siphon, Inspiration (with great gear can swap out Inspiration). On big bosses can remove Shock Siphon for Persistence, and maybe Pierce for Arcane Surge. Archmage - Clarity, Lightning Mastery (only matters if you have a lvl 20 Archmage) Demon Form - Second Wind. It recharges the extra use while we are in Demonform, so you can hop right back in when you need to drop stacks. Grim Feast - need +30 spirit from amulet for this, makes mapping less stressful. Other: Orb of Storms to apply exposure, Frost Wall because its just a great skill, Conductivity, Flame Wall for when we're at low stacks and vs bosses. Gear Helmet, amulet, rings, boots, belt can get flat life regen per second. After that prio mana, energy shield and resists. Try to avoid life. Get "life per enemy killed" on gloves or ring. At some point you'll want a corrupted Ghostwrithe that converts about 60% of HP to ES instead of just 50%. Jewels in tree: red jewels with "increased life regeneration rate" for boosting our regen, along with skill effect duration for longer sparks. Have yet to experiment with Ming's Heart. It fits into Hexblast setups more naturally than Spark. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 27, 2024, 2:24:18 PM Last bumped on Jan 12, 2025, 12:24:03 PM
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Joining the waiting room. It really sucks that Demon Form unequips your weapons. I found a really cool unique staff Dusk Vigil, and it's awesome being able to generate Ember Fusillade on every skill, but I cannot do that in Demon Form and it feels awful because that's the implicit on the unique.
I'm just having issues with Infernalist in general because it really feels like I am being punished for attempting to solve the downsides of my ascendency. For instance, because Demon Form's damage is 0.5% of life per Demonflame I am incentivized to go a low life build but high flat regen to prolong Demon form, but all of the Beidat's reservation modifiers scale based on the amount of life reserved so I want to have both high and low life. Moreover, in order to mitigate a lower life total I can either A) go MoM or B) I can stack high amounts of ES. If I go MoM I am locked out from taking Infernal Flame and it's following nodes, if I go ES I get punished by Altered Flesh because of how chaos damage doubles on ES. Quick Math: Physical Hit : 1000 Chaos Res: 50% Damage Taken as Chaos: 20% of 1000 * (1 - 50/100) = 100 Factor in that Chaos Damage is doubled against ES that's 200 damage. At 50% chaos resistance literally no damage is mitigated for a full 2 point ascendency node because I have ES, as a Witch (if you have less than 50% chaos res you actually take MORE damage from physical hits!). And this does not even begin to mention that getting +maximum resistances from the passive tree is few and far between (literally only TWO notables give +max res). I am really sad, Witch was by far my favorite class in PoE 1 and I really love power at cost mechanics, but it really feels like the costs are too high for little to no benefit. |
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" Yeah it's rough. There's powerful stuff here but the downsides are so punishing that if they are solvable, it's probably not gonna be until far into the endgame. Ok, very interesting development, a youtube video made me aware of an item Ghostwrithe ( and how it makes Demon Form sustain MUCH easier, while also making you tankier, due to taking 50% of your HP and turning it into ES. This makes the 10 stack DF trivial to sustain with some flat life regen on gear. However, due to the various bugs and it ditching your weapons, that is still very underwhelming compared to other Ascendancies, though the dodge roll is *really* nice. But I'm experimenting with doing uncapped stacks and really minimizing HP and cranking up regen. My gear is not good atm but it's working solidly in T10-12 maps, we're rolling around with 30k+ tooltip Spark DPS a lot of the time. I'll try to do a full writeup once there's more refinement. Is it a better caster than Stormweaver? probably not lol but there's some hope here. |
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I am doing a chaos infernalist build using mastered darkness demon form. While it is not as strong as my buddies OP af minion build, it is quite a fast mapper and respectable at killing bosses and frankly more fun than minions.
I think the downsides of Demonform taking your weapon away are very overstated. Simply put, at almost any level you will likely not have a weapon better than what Demonform grants you, and the sheer mobility of the shapeshift more than makes up for it. Here is my current build guide notes. This is for a build using Chaos damage, but really you could play this with any spell you want. Last edited by bonerkill#1301 on Dec 15, 2024, 10:15:51 PM
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" Nice guide! I have no sense of how Hexblast clears, I don't suppose there's video/streams out there. Sounds solid though. Regarding DF vs weapons, for SSF I can understand but man caster weps in POE2 seem pretty good. For me a 10stack DF would be 24% cast speed, +6 lvls, 170% damage. If we compare to my weapons, which are not expensive, I've got +140% dmg, +4 lvls, 50% crit, 30% crit dmg, +17% extra dmg as cold, 60 mana, 170 base ES, 20% cast speed, 12% resist (rune), there's a lot going on there and there's no pesky degen. With more expensive weapons +6 skills is available. And as time goes on gear will get better/cheaper. I suppose I also have a philosophical beef with it: it takes away a big avenue of character progression and customization. But yeah, as I play with it, the value of the mobility is undeniable. |
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" i added a video to the guide |
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While this may the waiting room for demon form, what about the ascendancy node with the pyromaniac skill? Non demon/non minion infernalist?
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" A person on youtube posted this vid using Barrior Invocation and unique gloves to make a trigger build around the self damage, pretty clever. It was also useful for pre-nerf CoF/Comet to handle the costs of comet spam, but that is of course dead. " Awesome. Seems like the main weakness is boss/hard rare DPS right now, though living through mechanics seems like a breeze with the super dodge. Also makes me REALLY miss Grim Feast, I need to get spirit on my gear somewhere to run it again. Last edited by aimlessgun#1443 on Dec 16, 2024, 2:45:46 PM
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I saw some perma demon build on reddit where the guy was doing 250k damage a second to bosses with bone spells. Maybe figure out how that works and post it here.
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Updated the main post with some builds.
" Tried to google for it but didn't find anything, if you have the link I'd love to see it. |
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