Hard crashing PC locks up

Posting this just in the offchance it helps someone else.

After a month of my game crashing my system before I even got to the login screen my issue seems to be completely fixed.

Just needed to replace the pin cable from the PSU to my GPU. Been working like a charm ever since. Was maybe coincidence, or maybe because the game has more power spikey-ness, but my old cable apparently was no longer capable when it came to more intensive games.

Good luck all
This is not going to be related. The thing with electricity is simple, either there is a connection, there is no connection or connection is there where it should not supposed to be.

Hard crashing is still a thing on my brand new PC.
RTX 3080
2x16 DDR5 6000mhz
Asus B650 MB

Game only works if I disable Multithreading, but then high amounts of mob packs make huge lag spikes.
Guys any progress? it crashes like 10times in 20mins I tried everything, also crashed when I was changing graphic setting
54th day bump
When the game first launched it was causing my PC to completely lock up requiring a hard reboot. They patched my issue within a week. I've had the game crash, not the entire pc, once or twice in hundreds of hours since then.

The point I'm trying to make is they are working on the issues and hopefully it won't be too long before they patch the issues still affecting players.

Next week, I'm upgrading my GPU from a 970 (amazing the game runs at all on that ancient card, even if it dips to single digit fps) to a 4060, so my fingers are crossed that adding the new card doesn't cause the crashes again.
2 months to fix this while abandoning PoE1... hmmm
After almost 2 months, we still haven't heard anything about a fix? I feel so ashamed because I recommended PoE 2 to my friends (I've been a PoE 1 player for 10 years). What are you doing, GGG?
After almost 2 months, we still haven't heard anything about a fix? I feel so ashamed because I recommended PoE 2 to my friends (I've been a PoE 1 player for 10 years). What are you doing, GGG?

Not only have we not heard of a fix. They acknowledged the thread once and never acknowledged the issue again.
After almost 2 months, we still haven't heard anything about a fix? I feel so ashamed because I recommended PoE 2 to my friends (I've been a PoE 1 player for 10 years). What are you doing, GGG?

Not only have we not heard of a fix. They acknowledged the thread once and never acknowledged the issue again.

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