Hard crashing PC locks up

This right here is exactly facts for me, after poe2 constantly crashed my pc, i had long term issues like monitor flickering and game crashes on other games, and after a restore, it fixed it. I thought it had something to do with malicious software, but since i rarely download anything other than games, it was really weird why right after the constant boots, it started messing up. Even more so that it was fixed after a restore.

oh yea for sure

those PC lock up crashes, and having to force shut down my pc 30+ times must have corrupted many system files

i hope people realize this, because i didn't know what was wrong with my PC until i did a full reset

and if anyone finds this post, know that i am not talking about the "quick reset"

i'm talking about the windows "full reset" that can take up to 6 or more hours to complete

because i tried doing quick resets, trust me i tried everything

but once i did that very long full reset my PC was like it was when i first built it


i've been playing POE2 for many hours for basically 3 days, and haven't had a single crash

whatever they did worked for me, thankfully

in loading i can see my second monitor seems to struggle sometimes (not anything like before, but just a little bit) and sound kind of gets affected while it loads, but its not that bad

and then its fine, the loading goes through, never takes a long time at all, loading is very quick for me

i don't have any CPU cores locked, and i have multi-threaded on.

everything is on high

but i do have POE 2 on high priority, just to add

i did take one of the people here post advice to set NVIDIA cache to unlimited

and that's about it, apperantly i can play POE 2 as much as i want, go through any loading screen as much as i want and everything is fine for me, but i do see some people are still crashing

my specs:



32GB Ram
IGN: _shvdow
Last edited by hex7#5218 on Mar 5, 2025, 9:12:37 PM
I came back from a vacation that lasted 2.5 months
updated Windows, drivers, BIOS, the game via steam and..... it still reboots my computer after a few minutes))))))))

ryzen 7800x3d
ddr5 32 gb
psu 850w
win 11 last

tried to disable overclocking, reinstall windows for 10\11, to pray, etc..

pps: of cource also i tried to play other heavy games: (rdr2, cdc2, gow, cyberpunk)


today i found a person with a PC setup similar to mine. we checked all the components separately and it was the video card. i freaked out and bought a new one - and everything works now.

i repeat, this is a very strange coincidence, because all the OTHER games (except poe2 and diablo4, kek), stress tests, render - work PERFECTLY. no crashes.

thanks ggg for the reason to upgrade the video card.

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