Hard crashing PC locks up

Yeah confirming here, can't even login now. I was hoping it is a coincidence, but no. I get PC freeze on GGG logo loading screen.
I hope steam will remove the game from their store until they fixes the game.
Decided to try again after the latest patch and it crashed at first load.
Seriously, this is beyond bad.
Fix your product asap, how hard can it be when every other game works without issues.

9800x3d, 32gb ram, RTX4080
Elenher#4379 wrote:
Nyek#6508 wrote:

Nobody as of yet has reported hardware bricking that I can see outside of a single post where the dude came back and said they were taking the mick.

There's more than one, more than two and more than three. If you're really interested, between this 2 threads there has been more than 3 guys replying black screens, unability to boot or something else after repeated crashing. I was checking the threads daily from pages < 100 to 290 more or less, and we got a few hardware killed reports.

You can be as much belligerant as you want and whiteking to your heart's comptempt, but at least get your facts right.

This is insane, bricking your pc is having a black screen? Inability to boot up the computer? Is this after they are so desperate to play the game that they ignore the warning signs and choose to actively open up an application that is causing their computer to freeze?

I have openly criticised GGG for this issue but for this to brick components on someones computer they have to be either spamming the hell out of this game and it crashing hundreds of times or their components were on their way out and after MULTIPLE crashes eventually gave out, am not sure why it is so hard for some of you to understand GGG are at fault for releasing the faulty product but if your computer has been damaged by this you are at fault for continually NOT ENGAGING YOUR BRAIN and opening up an application that is hard crashing your computer over and over and over again.

Their are multiple threads regarding this issue and the evidence you provide is one guy had a black screen and another couldnt load up their OS afterwards, where is the context? How many times did they hardcrash? Why are they still playing when they know the game is hardcrashing their pc? How close to death are their components? How many times have they hard crashed and opened up the game again without changing anything? There is no white knighting here (not quite sure what white kinging is btw) this is simply someone pointing out that whilst the company has accountability so does the consumer and if a product isnt working even in a court of law if the consumer keeps banging their head against a wall the builders arent to blame the idiot who isnt taking accountability is to blame.

Raise awareness for the issue without acting like children "this game bricked my computer" no it didnt, it contributed but you bricked your computer because your so desperate to play the game that you refuse to wait for the devs to get to the bottom of the issue
Nyek#6508 wrote:
Elenher#4379 wrote:
Nyek#6508 wrote:

Nobody as of yet has reported hardware bricking that I can see outside of a single post where the dude came back and said they were taking the mick.

There's more than one, more than two and more than three. If you're really interested, between this 2 threads there has been more than 3 guys replying black screens, unability to boot or something else after repeated crashing. I was checking the threads daily from pages < 100 to 290 more or less, and we got a few hardware killed reports.

You can be as much belligerant as you want and whiteking to your heart's comptempt, but at least get your facts right.

This is insane, bricking your pc is having a black screen? Inability to boot up the computer? Is this after they are so desperate to play the game that they ignore the warning signs and choose to actively open up an application that is causing their computer to freeze?

I have openly criticised GGG for this issue but for this to brick components on someones computer they have to be either spamming the hell out of this game and it crashing hundreds of times or their components were on their way out and after MULTIPLE crashes eventually gave out, am not sure why it is so hard for some of you to understand GGG are at fault for releasing the faulty product but if your computer has been damaged by this you are at fault for continually NOT ENGAGING YOUR BRAIN and opening up an application that is hard crashing your computer over and over and over again.

Their are multiple threads regarding this issue and the evidence you provide is one guy had a black screen and another couldnt load up their OS afterwards, where is the context? How many times did they hardcrash? Why are they still playing when they know the game is hardcrashing their pc? How close to death are their components? How many times have they hard crashed and opened up the game again without changing anything? There is no white knighting here (not quite sure what white kinging is btw) this is simply someone pointing out that whilst the company has accountability so does the consumer and if a product isnt working even in a court of law if the consumer keeps banging their head against a wall the builders arent to blame the idiot who isnt taking accountability is to blame.

Raise awareness for the issue without acting like children "this game bricked my computer" no it didnt, it contributed but you bricked your computer because your so desperate to play the game that you refuse to wait for the devs to get to the bottom of the issue

Well, we have 372 pages of complaints in this post only and people have been reporting hardware damage for over a week..
You´re saying the user is at fault for not reading the signs... is GGG reading the signs when they keep their servers on after thousands of pages of people complaining about hardware overload everywhere?

Who do you think is more capable of making that judgement properly? The 14 yo kid who got an Xbox for christmas, or the devs who know they have a serious issue and are chosing to keep the servers online?

A few of us here may have some HW knowledge (and maybe life experience) to know that well.. after a few attempts you might brick your gig.. but is it right to blame the users when these complaints started early december and no HW knowledge has been asked when I purchased the Early Access?

Just wondering..

Last edited by xqflint#0181 on Jan 10, 2025, 1:53:12 PM
Cainrith#2807 wrote:
Nyek#6508 wrote:

Remind me again what is GGG's number 1 priority? Sorry you dont work for them but because they arent posting it about every second of the day to appease you they arent taking it seriously? Nobody as of yet has reported hardware bricking that I can see outside of a single post where the dude came back and said they were taking the mick. IF something is causing your system harm as a responsible consumer you stop doing it, if its getting to the point of destroying peoples equipment the fault lies with GGG but also the customer for being an idiot.

They aren't posting about it at all. What every second of the day are you talking about? And let us be honest here: This type of problem is the kind where you do daily updates.

Let me explain it so that there is no misunderstandings:
1) Even a single crash is enough to cause damage. Since the customer cannot know in advance whether they will crash or not before playing GGG should warn people that the game comes with this type of risk.

2) Customers are not responsible for knowing how damaging the hard crashes are, most do not. In the early pages of these threads people argued with me a lot when I presented this possibility and only after we reached week 2 people started to show up to threads and report parts they have lost. I don't understand how you cannot see the posts about the hardware damage on here, on steam, and on the other hard crash thread.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

They've communicated with us with pretty much every patch with the patch notes, do you want Johnathan to message you specifically? Like dont know exactly what is causing the issues and their best guess is something to do with multithreading and windows 24hz update which you can see from their latest and the previous patch notes and updates.

The patch notes do not contain any information about this particular crash.

The known issues post is a declaration not a communication. And it is a blatant attempt at blame shifting. We knew that it was not a Windows 11 24H2 problem when that post was posted. There were 100 pages of discussion(s) right here on the early access bug reports.

So seeing it up there still saying "mostly 24H2 issue" is vexing and shows their real priorities: Shift the blame. And it works if you let them. On steam, on here, we have people coming in daily to berate us to downgrade to 23H2. Thankfully they disappear when you ask them how to downgrade from Windows 10/Linux to Windows 11 23H2.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

The game is an EA access title, by its very description that means expect the game to not be complete IE bugs galore, software issues etc etc etc. The very tag itself is implied that things may go wrong the fact your going into every single post to post about negative reviews is just pathetic, we bought early access to a game to test it and push its limits both on our end and on their end, the devs have hit stumbling blocks that are impacting peoples abilities to play the game and they have fixed multiple crashing instances since this bug was brought to light. Stop being a child, it gets fixed when it gets fixed, in the mean time go touch grass their are more important things in life than spam whining on a games forums to post negative reviews, I paid for early access and that is exactly the experience I have received.

This is not an early access level bug. This is literally a malware tier. IF this was an indie game Steam would have forced refunds.

Just from you not getting banned, warned, or not getting this post have parts that are "[removed by support]"ed shows on whose orders you have come up here.

You keep saying "multiple crashing instances" to equate this crash to others. They are not equal.

Those crashes are crashes to desktop, harmless.

This crash is a hard crash requiring manual shutdown, harmful.

Again fixing a dozen harmless crashes cannot compare fixing one harmful crash.

And to repeat again: This is not an EA tier bug.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

You can see from any of the threads that people are posting multi difference crashes and clumping them all into single threads despite being different issues for alot of people but yea sure, show me a company in the history of ever that has dropped a game into early access and its been perfect from the get go

Once again: This is not "crashes general". This is for a specific type of crash, "hard crashing that cause PC lock up". The crash happens the exact same way for everyone, this is not a set of different crashes, when it happens you know it is this crash from the way it happens.

You keep saying "multiple crashing instances" to equate this crash to others. They are not equal.

Those crashes are crashes to desktop, harmless.

This crash is a hard crash requiring manual shutdown, harmful.

I can show you only one company in history of ever that has dropped a game into early access and it has been bricking PCs of their customers and they have decided to mokusatsu it: GGG.

You talk like we are facing basic inconveniences... This is not my x skill does not work bug, this is literally the game harms my PC "bug".

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

Every patch they update the known bugs, every patch they communicate with us, the every second day comment was aimed at what you expect "Sorry you dont work for them but because they arent posting it about every second of the day to appease you they arent taking it seriously?" the quote you are responding to, it isnt hard to understand but we see the tactics your using to argue your point, misguided.

1) Yes even a single crash is unacceptable so why when people have crashed 5 times at the same spot are they still trying to force the game past said crash and harming their computer? Wouldnt a rational, reasonable mind say this is an issue, let me look into it and stop using this application until I can make sure this problem isnt causing harm? No because you want to place the blame solely on the early access product which by EA's very description may contain harmful software interactions, its EA a period of bug fixes..... I remember Fallout 4 being released and I always crashed on one specific bridge that never got fixed, you know what I did? I stopped playing it instead of damaging my computer.

2) Customers are responsible for their own system, if something has been shown to cause your system harm as a responsible owner you stop using it until a solution has been found, you dont continue to spam opening the application that causes said problem to then ignore all accountability of your own actions to blame a company who have stated on multiple occasions they are working on the issue

3) Patch notes do contain information pertaining to fixed instance crashes which is the loading screen between areas. Known issues a communication thread stating the issues they are aware of and working on and is updated fairly regularly as the list as grown substantially since the release of EA, again I refer you to read the previous statement you quoted "They've communicated with us with pretty much every patch with the patch notes, do you want Johnathan to message you specifically?"

4) So instead of just accepting what they have said because well you dont work for them you've decided to introduce your own reasoning and decided that because they arent messaging you directly every day about what is going on they arent interested and are shifting the blame and not even bothering with this issue that is affecting so many people? This isnt a conspiracy theory that you have cracked, you sound insane.

5) Back to the conspiracy theory now? I have been sent here to challenge you? WTF LMFAO, search my name for posts you'll see I was in this thread a LONG TIME before you complaining about this issue. I've purchased early access games on steam before that wouldnt even progress past the login screen and steam wouldnt refund them its part and parcel of the early access experience, games are shipping no where near completed and its the early access users to find and report said bugs, you dont seem to understand what early access is

6) See how confused you are with the crashes that you are defending and calling for negative steam reviews for? This thread alone contains loading screen crashes, map crashes, campaign crashes, skill crashes, mostly hard crashes, some not, the threads arent specificallly talking about any crash after they get to 50 pages, you keep fighting for a hard crash (something that I also experience since the 10th of december but you refuse to acknowledge all those crashes reported in this thread adding pages and pages that arent hard crashes?

7) I have not equated the hard crashes to anything, I stated this thread contains multiple different crash reports and like I said at the start of this reply, you make up the information you are responding to. Direct quote "You talk like we are facing basic inconveniences... This is not my x skill does not work bug, this is literally the game harms my PC "bug". - Direct response - You talk like you are forced to turn the game on like you have no other option...... this isnt your lungs that have to be turned on at all times, this literally doesnt impact your life in any way shape or form and you arent being held at gun point to play the game but instead CHOOSE to potentially harm your system before the issue has been fixed, the simple and easy solution is to not open up the game until the problem is fixed thus not harming your system whilst you continue to post on the forums for visibility on the issue but no, you choose to keep opening the game with this issue and refuse to accept accountibility.

8) Stop pleading for negative steam reviews on every single post you make, am not even going to go into details about how sad this is
Last edited by Nyek#6508 on Jan 10, 2025, 2:13:41 PM
Nyek#6508 wrote:
Cainrith#2807 wrote:
Nyek#6508 wrote:

Remind me again what is GGG's number 1 priority? Sorry you dont work for them but because they arent posting it about every second of the day to appease you they arent taking it seriously? Nobody as of yet has reported hardware bricking that I can see outside of a single post where the dude came back and said they were taking the mick. IF something is causing your system harm as a responsible consumer you stop doing it, if its getting to the point of destroying peoples equipment the fault lies with GGG but also the customer for being an idiot.

They aren't posting about it at all. What every second of the day are you talking about? And let us be honest here: This type of problem is the kind where you do daily updates.

Let me explain it so that there is no misunderstandings:
1) Even a single crash is enough to cause damage. Since the customer cannot know in advance whether they will crash or not before playing GGG should warn people that the game comes with this type of risk.

2) Customers are not responsible for knowing how damaging the hard crashes are, most do not. In the early pages of these threads people argued with me a lot when I presented this possibility and only after we reached week 2 people started to show up to threads and report parts they have lost. I don't understand how you cannot see the posts about the hardware damage on here, on steam, and on the other hard crash thread.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

They've communicated with us with pretty much every patch with the patch notes, do you want Johnathan to message you specifically? Like dont know exactly what is causing the issues and their best guess is something to do with multithreading and windows 24hz update which you can see from their latest and the previous patch notes and updates.

The patch notes do not contain any information about this particular crash.

The known issues post is a declaration not a communication. And it is a blatant attempt at blame shifting. We knew that it was not a Windows 11 24H2 problem when that post was posted. There were 100 pages of discussion(s) right here on the early access bug reports.

So seeing it up there still saying "mostly 24H2 issue" is vexing and shows their real priorities: Shift the blame. And it works if you let them. On steam, on here, we have people coming in daily to berate us to downgrade to 23H2. Thankfully they disappear when you ask them how to downgrade from Windows 10/Linux to Windows 11 23H2.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

The game is an EA access title, by its very description that means expect the game to not be complete IE bugs galore, software issues etc etc etc. The very tag itself is implied that things may go wrong the fact your going into every single post to post about negative reviews is just pathetic, we bought early access to a game to test it and push its limits both on our end and on their end, the devs have hit stumbling blocks that are impacting peoples abilities to play the game and they have fixed multiple crashing instances since this bug was brought to light. Stop being a child, it gets fixed when it gets fixed, in the mean time go touch grass their are more important things in life than spam whining on a games forums to post negative reviews, I paid for early access and that is exactly the experience I have received.

This is not an early access level bug. This is literally a malware tier. IF this was an indie game Steam would have forced refunds.

Just from you not getting banned, warned, or not getting this post have parts that are "[removed by support]"ed shows on whose orders you have come up here.

You keep saying "multiple crashing instances" to equate this crash to others. They are not equal.

Those crashes are crashes to desktop, harmless.

This crash is a hard crash requiring manual shutdown, harmful.

Again fixing a dozen harmless crashes cannot compare fixing one harmful crash.

And to repeat again: This is not an EA tier bug.

Nyek#6508 wrote:

You can see from any of the threads that people are posting multi difference crashes and clumping them all into single threads despite being different issues for alot of people but yea sure, show me a company in the history of ever that has dropped a game into early access and its been perfect from the get go

Once again: This is not "crashes general". This is for a specific type of crash, "hard crashing that cause PC lock up". The crash happens the exact same way for everyone, this is not a set of different crashes, when it happens you know it is this crash from the way it happens.

You keep saying "multiple crashing instances" to equate this crash to others. They are not equal.

Those crashes are crashes to desktop, harmless.

This crash is a hard crash requiring manual shutdown, harmful.

I can show you only one company in history of ever that has dropped a game into early access and it has been bricking PCs of their customers and they have decided to mokusatsu it: GGG.

You talk like we are facing basic inconveniences... This is not my x skill does not work bug, this is literally the game harms my PC "bug".

Furthermore, I ask anyone who sees this message to please give a negative review for Path of Exile 2 on Steam.

Every patch they update the known bugs, every patch they communicate with us, the every second day comment was aimed at what you expect "Sorry you dont work for them but because they arent posting it about every second of the day to appease you they arent taking it seriously?" the quote you are responding to, it isnt hard to understand but we see the tactics your using to argue your point, misguided.

1) Yes even a single crash is unacceptable so why when people have crashed 5 times at the same spot are they still trying to force the game past said crash and harming their computer? Wouldnt a rational, reasonable mind say this is an issue, let me look into it and stop using this application until I can make sure this problem isnt causing harm? No because you want to place the blame solely on the early access product which by EA's very description may contain harmful software interactions, its EA a period of bug fixes..... I remember Fallout 4 being released and I always crashed on one specific bridge that never got fixed, you know what I did? I stopped playing it instead of damaging my computer.

2) Customers are responsible for their own system, if something has been shown to cause your system harm as a responsible owner you stop using it until a solution has been found, you dont continue to spam opening the application that causes said problem to then ignore all accountability of your own actions to blame a company who have stated on multiple occasions they are working on the issue

3) Patch notes do contain information pertaining to fixed instance crashes which is the loading screen between areas. Known issues a communication thread stating the issues they are aware of and working on and is updated fairly regularly as the list as grown substantially since the release of EA, again I refer you to read the previous statement you quoted "They've communicated with us with pretty much every patch with the patch notes, do you want Johnathan to message you specifically?"

4) So instead of just accepting what they have said because well you dont work for them you've decided to introduce your own reasoning and decided that because they arent messaging you directly every day about what is going on they arent interested and are shifting the blame and not even bothering with this issue that is affecting so many people? This isnt a conspiracy theory that you have cracked, you sound insane.

5) Back to the conspiracy theory now? I have been sent here to challenge you? WTF LMFAO, search my name for posts you'll see I was in this thread a LONG TIME before you complaining about this issue. I've purchased early access games on steam before that wouldnt even progress past the login screen and steam wouldnt refund them its part and parcel of the early access experience, games are shipping no where near completed and its the early access users to find and report said bugs, you dont seem to understand what early access is

6) See how confused you are with the crashes that you are defending and calling for negative steam reviews for? This thread alone contains loading screen crashes, map crashes, campaign crashes, skill crashes, mostly hard crashes, some not, the threads arent specificallly talking about any crash after they get to 50 pages, you keep fighting for a hard crash (something that I also experience since the 10th of december but you refuse to acknowledge all those crashes reported in this thread adding pages and pages that arent hard crashes?

7) I have not equated the hard crashes to anything, I stated this thread contains multiple different crash reports and like I said at the start of this reply, you make up the information you are responding to. Direct quote "You talk like we are facing basic inconveniences... This is not my x skill does not work bug, this is literally the game harms my PC "bug". - Direct response - You talk like you are forced to turn the game on like you have no other option...... this isnt your lungs that have to be turned on at all times, this literally doesnt impact your life in any way shape or form and you arent being held at gun point to play the game but instead CHOOSE to potentially harm your system before the issue has been fixed, the simple and easy solution is to not open up the game until the problem is fixed thus not harming your system whilst you continue to post on the forums for visibility on the issue but no, you choose to keep opening the game with this issue and refuse to accept accountibility.

8) Stop pleading for negative steam reviews on every single post you make, am not even going to go into details about how sad this is

They haven't commented on this issue since they asked for logs a month ago and they didn't even view the logs people sent, where it was traceable. Please stop posting. The guy asking for negative reviews is a saint.
They simply dont care. Dont belive me look at the rate they are fixing other bugs and do balance patches but a bug that acually makes the game UNPLAYABLE and they havent bothered looking into it for over a month
Errors just from now, yesterday i had 7 hard crashes

Errors 10/01/2025 22:53:05 Perflib 1023 None
Errors 10/01/2025 22:54:43 TPM-WMI 1796 None
Errors 10/01/2025 22:54:45 Service Control Manager 7000 None
Errors 10/01/2025 22:54:45 Service Control Manager 7009 None
Errors 10/01/2025 22:57:53 TPM-WMI 1796 None
Errors 10/01/2025 23:24:51 Event Log 1101 Event Processing
Errors 10/01/2025 23:24:51 EventLog 6008 None
Errors 10/01/2025 23:26:52 TPM-WMI 1796 None
Errors 10/01/2025 23:26:53 Service Control Manager 7000 None
Errors 10/01/2025 23:26:53 Service Control Manager 7009 None

all i can play is Alva in hideout and flip orbs :((((
Last edited by ustalofficial#2130 on Jan 10, 2025, 4:42:15 PM
As I understand it, there are two problems. The first is a dead freeze of the game, requiring a reboot

And the second, the computer just reboots during the game(my case).
Does ggg recognize the problem is there any solutions?

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