Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.
" Nova + Wall is good for clearing bc it has guaranteed damage to kill almost everything. Mechanically tho, it's far behind well-scaled frostbolt. Issue with the frostbolt - it's just too demanding to make it really good. Must have a crapload of cast speed, projectile speed, and the damage. While with nova + wall you just scale AoE, a bit of cast speed, some crit, and that's it. Previous page has a video with Nova + Wall at 71% deli t15 run with breach. I'm sure with good frostbolt it can be done better simply bc frostbolt can offscreen hard. Also noticed Frost Bomb triggering more comets vs Frost Wall. I guess it's bc it destroys all wall instantly, unlike Nova which expands from the center and destroys walls one by one, so it has less triggered comets. Not sure if it's a bug or feature. " Sure:
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I guess I was lucky to bother with them early, so could get all of 2% mana on kill fairly cheap. " True. Unless Archmage will get nuked to oblivion, it's the strongest option for now. |
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Thanks for sharing!
It helps a lot figuring out what to target once I finally get my hand on some currencies xD What would you advise to target first after the legendary amulet that literally makes the whole build viable? (I was thinking about the spirit wand) P.S.: did you tab into the targeted quality items we get from breach instead of the generic ones? Last edited by DeathMaillet#9146 on Jan 3, 2025, 8:07:27 AM
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Thanks for the info guys, too bad. I was hoping for something other than Archmage as I don't care about optimal output, just trying different paths. I guess will have to wait for new uniques or gems... Or nerfs ☺️
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" Decent breach rings are quite expensive, I don't have any of them yet. Pretty much they are chase items. But before that, just more mana/ES on gear to hit 4-4.5k mana, better wands, sceptres to fit everything we need, etc. " Well, Archmage will get nerfed anyway, I do hope they can compensate for it. ~~~~~~~ Meanwhile, checked Frost Bomb with CDR shield and Forthcoming wheel - 2.12s CD and 1.49s (or so) duration. I'd say it's very viable cheap powerhouse for detonating frost walls on a very low budget, like a few ex. With magnified support it has quite decent aoe for sure. Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 3, 2025, 1:09:30 PM
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" Cast on crit is the other major scaling option for cold spells. granted, they/we are using that AND archmage.. But cold spells naturally have high crit rates. 11-15% CoC will then scale with crit chance, energy gain, and crit damage. With each of these effectively being a more multiplier on base damage. albeit crit chance is capped at 100% chance. it'd stake 700% increase crit chance to get frost bombs 13% crit to 100%. Energy gain is also capped at 100% max energy gain. ..the math on that is complicated.. 1 energy per power. 10 wall shards is probably 10 energy. 1 white enemy 1 power.. 20 for a unique. 300 energy for comet in theory would need 1500% energy gain to cast comet on EVERY crit on a boss. crit damage then adds into itself, but multiplies into everything else. and yeah, this is my frostbomb. ssf t10's atm. ![]() 1 5% cdr jewel. not using the shield. but chrono cdr, forthcoming cdr, and 10% aoe/cdr anoint. =2.56s cd (cdr support is in blink) reduced duration gives me a 1.43s pop time. all my aoe gives 4.2m aoe. +30% on echo. (I tried echoing pulse awhile ago. I should try it again) ![]() aoe and clear speed. This is something we've not really talked about.. but its important. when frost bomb hits pretty much the entire screen.. you need to cast it less often. the bigger it gets, the more it can offscreen hit as well. t1-6 breach/delirum I struggled a bit. I'm actually now clearing t10 breaches faster and easier then I was t1. and the aoe increases are largely the reason. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 3, 2025, 12:56:18 PM
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" Jewels work, just need to change map or relog. +1 Lv from corruption doesn't work - tested with relogs, changing maps, etc. |
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Here is an updated version of mine. has two setups for passive/gems. current and theoretical. gear setup is pure theoretical. started to make actual.. and said nah, better to just show what I thought was ideal stats to look for. also has noted for jewels. spirit, and anoints. It wont let me add Blink into the skill rotation. so, bomb first, frost wall second usually. blink in. or blink out as needed. if safe, blink in first works too. actual jewels: 4. Ruby +15% elemental +12% lit damage +5% cdr +10% charm duration. sapphire +12 spell damage +7% mana regen +5% cold pen +12% elem damage +11% inc triggered spell damage. Theoretical jewels. 6 : prefix:+10% aoe +15% elem damage (15% spell damage, 20% faster es start, 20% max es, all ok) suffix: +meta skills gain 15% energy +4% damage is taken from mana before life (2% mana on kill, 20% crit damage bonus, 4% cast speed, 15% spell crit, all ok) : Prefix +15% elem damage +15% mag of ailments. Suffix: +5% cdr. (the only one we really want here..) +2% move speed (% life/mana flask recovery, max lit resist, 15% faster debuff expiration on you.+15% charm duration, 20% ailment threshold 15% chance to inflict ailments are all ok) sapphires are generally better here.. but that cdr is so good for us. 2 emeralds for 10% cdr, and 4 sapphires, for 40% aoe, 16% damage taken from mana, 60% inc energy gain is probably the correct move. Spirit costs. Theoretical: Grim feast +30 CoC+90 CoD+90 Blink+60 =270 core. what I have right now. Archmage+100 =370 Clarity+10 herbalism+15 (15% recovery has the most use, due to buffing "instant" flasks with 15% inc recovery) this is better then regen, or life on kill. useful versus bosses, and when stunned/frozen. =395 least important, but nice to have: Cannibalism+15 vitality+20 100 base spirit. up to 226 on scepter. up to 65 on ammy, up to 61 on chest. 100-326-391-451 potential spirit. (this is not actually double spirit rolls on those items. so, actual max is higher.) Anoints. many good options. priority: volatile catalyst. 10% cdr, 10% aoe metal preserverance- 10% damage taken from mana. Conservative casting- 20% inc mana regen, 8% reduced mana cost Dynamism-40% inc damage if you've triggered a skill recently. 15% meta energy gain. Pliable flesh-25% faster recoup I have largely given up on Recoup. we could anoint for pliable flesh.. but I don't really feel like we can get large enough values. more damage taken from mana is better. not getting hit with massive damage, or time freeze, etc is better. ES protecting our life as well. instant life flasks/mana flasks. honestly its the 20% reduced debuff duration that I like most in the recoup line.. temp right as a blink back up is nicer. time freeze as another boss lockdown is actually ok. our slight cdr focus also leans into those two CD abilities. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 3, 2025, 4:57:06 PM
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Cast on crit.
" anyone actually know what this means? how exactly is the power gain modified by the ailment threshold? This goes into something I was testing/noticing. spell cascade frostwall. leverage, conc effect, cascade. NO icicle. ![]() Frost bomb. 84% ![]() depending on how many walls it hits. 30-90% energy per bomb.(with echo) can do 30-90% twice. Eye of winter. like 10+ crits. 1-3%. this is worse then when I tested it last. ![]() Cast on dodge comet is not generating any energy for CoC. it let me slot inevitable critical, and tooltip showed it working. I also have ambush slotted. I have 35.1% crit, even without those two. it don't know if its not critting at all, or just not generating energy for CoC. pretty sure its: CoC and CoD are not directly generating crits for CoC. its the walls being popped by them, that can do it. Ele invocation was working because that was manually being pressed I suspect? and, back to the frost bomb versus eye of winter % issue. so it seems how HARD you crit, matters in energy gain. eye winter hitting alot, but for very small amounts=terrible crit energy gen. frost bomb hitting for a ton, seems to generate massive amounts. seemingly more then it should in fact.. I am not sure, if icicle, and reducing frostwalls HP, will increase the energy gained, due to lower ailment threshold. I seem to be getting less energy per eye of winter, which makes me think it might. the high +levels on my walls, gave them more hp, thus higher threshold in relation to eye of winters damage. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 3, 2025, 6:22:43 PM
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Hmm, now when some of us fiddle with Soul Offering and add minions in the equation on second weapon set, it made me pay attention to minion gems/supports.
Minion Pact seems to be pretty strong on paper. At least I overlooked it. Maybe someone who isn't going for crit but wants to utilize scepter off-hand for spirit wants should consider Minion Pact support as additional +40% more damage. If you are going for crit then Malice is probably better. |
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i found the death timer for minion pact was too long.
you get 2 free warriors. 2 casts, and then.. nothing. for a good long while. Ive got 1700 life. they have 2900 with meat shield. or.. I suppose is it just free with CI? maybe if we supported them with allies regen or something. " soul offerings duration I thought was more useful. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Jan 3, 2025, 8:07:58 PM
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