Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.

monik390#5560 wrote:
I need a mapping vid from you too =)

OK, I'll make new vid too xD But I kind of changed my build a lot lately. It used to be a non-crit and relatively cheap build for mid game. Now it's a hybrid of my previous build and your CoC-Comet build with Soul Offering shenanigans.

Basically it's a Frostbolt spam for mapping: CoF-Frostwalls kill everything and if not then CoC-Comet will. Frostbolts are juicy and comfy to use, everything freezes and explodes. Feels good. Works both with Blink to zoom through maps, or with Grim Feast and Heightened Curse on Blasphemy for more safety if you prefer that.

For bossing it's basically what you do in your build, but with few small changes:
Set #2 -> Soul Offering -> Time Freeze -> Set #1 -> Frost Bomb -> Frost Wall -> CoC Comet Spam -> Temporal Rift to restore mana -> Repeat from Frost Bomb / Frost Wall.
Most map bosses seem to die immediately without even need to repeat the cycle. I just press Temporal Rift to restore mana and they are dead already.
Big bosses like Xesht on max difficulty are tricky. Their mechanics hit hard, they are spammy as hell (on max difficulty) and it takes very long time to actually freeze the boss. Their cold resistance is also annoying. Freeze build up is really useful here.

It really feels like it takes the best of both worlds: great mapping and great bossing. But I haven't tried the content you are doing yet, so maybe I'm wrong. Lv 92, but I'm slacking a lot on content progression.
Build Update.

Current gameplay video:

71% deli t15 with Breach and Expo full run (no edit):

Delirium makes monsters a lot tankier, some rares can be more sturdy than regular t15 bosses. This is the reason I had to move from Frostbolt. Shotgunning Frost Wall with big aoe handles everything just fine.

Open maps are good, tight maps are bad.


- Added lvl 93 passive tree for Nova + Wall.
- Added Nova + Wall gem set.
- Added 1d wand and offset shield for Nova + Wall.


Haven't found.
Any citadels besides 1.

chobi0ne#5028 wrote:

Basically it's a Frostbolt spam for mapping: CoF-Frostwalls kill everything and if not then CoC-Comet will. Frostbolts are juicy and comfy to use, everything freezes and explodes. Feels good. Works both with Blink to zoom through maps, or with Grim Feast and Heightened Curse on Blasphemy for more safety if you prefer that.

That's exactly what I need for the showcase =)
I have some thoughts about Frostbolt for higher-end content, but can't bother with it for now.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 3, 2025, 7:13:49 PM
chobi0ne#5028 wrote:

Btw, Monik, can you record a video of killing Xesht (breachlord) on max difficulty? I mean the one with 8/8 in the atlas tree.


I 6-linked EoW and made it full support for double exposure (cold and lightning).

Before the Xesht I tested it on a regular t15 map boss:

Works like a charm.

Eye of Winter: Unleash - Strip Away - Cold Exposure - Lightning Exposure - Conduction.

Can drop Strip Away in 5-link.

This is an elaboration on Ruz's approach, just better (he has only cold exposure there).

Supportive EoW allowed me to drop Frost Bomb entirely, so I opened a skill gem slot for Conductivity (or Blink for mapping) - this solves the main high-end bossing issue with Heavy Frost and their stupidly high ailment threshold.

Please note that I made a lot of mistakes during the boss fight - I forgot I opted out of Frost Bomb for a second (that's why I did nothing at the beginning), and didn't use Temporal Rift with CD offset. Although, I could just use duration shield and it would be fine. I have frozen the boss right on Time Freeze's end.

It is also very notable how much damage soul offering offers: went down from almost 11m per shatter combo to 7m.

Anyway, breach content is closed by this.

Edit: forgot to mention I killed him with +4 wand instead of mapping cast speed one. It has 30% more damage.
Also didn't fit the Concentrated Effect instead of Impetus in CoC-Comet. So, the damage could be much higher.
Last edited by monik390#5560 on Jan 3, 2025, 10:02:37 PM
monik390#5560 wrote:


I 6-linked EoW and made it full support for double exposure (cold and lightning).

Nice! Thanks. I should give EoW a try too.

Btw, anyone can explain this? Both are 20% quality, both are 20 lv from gem, but 2 slot one is +1 level from corruption.

What the hell? Here it is with Cold Mastery:

UPD: Oh, wow...
Last edited by chobi0ne#5028 on Jan 3, 2025, 10:38:20 PM
Hi everyone,

I had the time to run through all the pages of the thread and learned a *$"*"*" tons of info i missed by only reading from time to time and the summary at the beggining.

Thanks to all the brainstorming. It was a real bliss to read all the history with the struggling earlier and the ressurgence of trust in the slowmancer afterward :D

I have 2 freaging questions left:
- I do not drop divine at all
- I do not drop slot +4 and slot +5 item AT ALL

like EVER. (Despite doing T14 maps)

So I'm stuck in time drolling at your builds without beeing able to afford those ...

And also I don't understand why but, when i try to buy the legendary amulet, there are lot of sellers at low price for some exalted orbs but they never answer the invitation nor really sell their stuff (same for the 2% mana on kill) I struggled 1h to finaly get my hand on a 2%mana on kill ... Any tips to increase my poor buying gear skills xD?
Last edited by DeathMaillet#9146 on Jan 3, 2025, 11:11:57 PM
Long story short.

I was playing melee chrono with HotG + Time snap (making videos about it and guide), now that i'm done with it until next patch, i went to make some spell caster on chrono around slow aura and temp chains.

First i wanted to make fire damage, like time freeze + spam flameblast, but its just weak, then i went cold trying different stuff, first cast on freeze, then CoC. After some testing, changing stuff here and there, i ended up with build, went to try max difficulty Xesht, did it on like <10 div budget, it was intense lol

So i was going to make video with showcase and later guide, but before that i went to check if something like this exist already, so that's how i found this thread, and because how similar my setup looks like, just a bit different tree, it will look like i just yoinked this build. Aside of that i also missed offering on swap, its massive for damage.

So i wanted to add a bit to discussion and ask if it's fine if i do video about this build?

And stuff i tried for clearing, maybe it was already suggested, but anyway:

- Self cast Frostbolt with CoC Frost Wall for clearing.

I did few T16-t17 maps, clearing is good because how much more area Frostbolt covers with triggering explosions after destroying segments of Frost Wall. Enough even for map bosses, but comet will kill them faster ofc.

- Tried CoC Ice Nova + spell echo + spell cascade, also decent, but not as good as Frost Wall.

- Eye of Winter with chain is good for normal packs, but falls off in high density content. Tried it with flamewall to give it big flat damage, plus it gets 50% extra damage from passing though elemental surfaces.

It feels like cold spells have no actual good option for clearing, so only frostbolt seems decent because it has fairly low manacost and good damage.

Also since Everlasting Gaze/Ghostwrithe give ES even with MoM or Eldritch battery, which will likely be fixed in next patch, in that case we going all into mana stacking and mana regen, or life/mana MoM. Plus maybe taking both recoup passives since "The Rapid River" work for all types of recoup, but tree lack of mana recoup, only 29%. And you will have to give up either time freeze or slow aura for that. Unless there's chance for Chrono buffs for recoup passives, because its not that strong when mostly you die to oneshots where recoup doesn't help.
And stuff i tried for clearing, maybe it was already suggested, but anyway:

- Self cast Frostbolt with CoC Frost Wall for clearing.

My suggestion is to run both CoF and CoC, that's what I do.
Frostbolt -> CoF Frost Wall for clearing.
CoC Comet for bosses and fat rares.
Any tips to increase my poor buying gear skills xD?

It's a struggle early on. If you like trading then you can try to find some flips or something like that, it can help you to get some budget.

As of people not replying and not selling - maybe they are price fixing. Or maybe they are just lazy to interrupt what they are doing to make 1 ex trade.
chobi0ne#5028 wrote:
And stuff i tried for clearing, maybe it was already suggested, but anyway:

- Self cast Frostbolt with CoC Frost Wall for clearing.

My suggestion is to run both CoF and CoC, that's what I do.
Frostbolt -> CoF Frost Wall for clearing.
CoC Comet for bosses and fat rares.

So i assume you use CoF instead of Grim Feast, which should be 335 spirit in total with quality on all stuff that reduce reservation.

How's mana sustain on clearing with it?

Are you able to share your items/gems setup via maxroll?
I'm curious to see what it looks like

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