Transfigured Gems Part 5

Soo hyped lets go .To the people complaining.chill guys its just a game.Relax have fun and enjoy yourself.

So many intresting gems and builds to try out cant wait.

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets Gooooooooooo.
so no EA sadge
I want to start by thanking GGG for an amazing spoiler season + changes, and I'm happy we got most of the stuff before we would even have had patch notes in the past! This looks like a bright and promising league and future after that!

I think a lot of people complaining about how many "gems got removed" fail to check that almost all alternate qualities were used as pure upgrades. There are a FEW that actually changed the skill a bit, but most were simple in-place damage/effect upgrades. The same applies for most helm enchants as well. Please scroll through the wiki's list of alternate quality gems, it's a sad sight of irrelevant/trivial/minor changes to gems...

What this change does is allows GGG to much more easily balance skills, as they don't need to worry about every combination of alternate quality + helm enchant + jewels.

It also allows them to make MORE SKILLS! They have said in multiple interviews that their rigging system is very old and bad, and thereby the manpower cost of making a new skill (animation wise) is high. By using "existing skills" but with new effects they get to avoid all that work. Sure, it's far from perfect, but in general it should give a lot more "new skills" over time.

Most of the loss from alternate qualities and enchantments is simply a DPS loss, a few skills loose alternate playstyles, but we gain so many new playstyles instead.

As for why not every skill got a transfigured version, my guess would be time, it takes a LOT of time to make this many NEW SKILLS, as these are not simply, "swap this one line of what quality does for something else", or "add this line to the gem". I would assume the same is true for support gems, and we might get more new support gems in coming leagues in exchange for slightly less variations of existing ones now.

As for TS and some other "meta" skills not getting nerfed, personally I would expect this to be fine, as it does give players who want it, a "guaranteed" set of builds to play without risk.

One last things, just because a build/gem is not as good as "meta" builds/gems, it doesn't make them unplayable/garbage. Most skills can be played well enough in one way or another, but for some reason, if something is not close enough to the "best", it's "garbage"?
Is transfigured Scourge arrow new TS?
Dual strike with brightbeak in offhand and some slow-ass weapon in main hand. Bait or good?
No transfigured counter-attack gems or did I miss them?:/
I really, really like the new system. I got a great Transfigured Gem for my skill, and I'll be happy af using it. However, my friends are complaining, and they do have a point:

Why sacrifice 2 systems (Alternate Qualities and Labyrinth Enchantments) for an incomplete system to be released in their place?

Explosive Arrow, Creeping Frost, Ancestral Warchief, Puncture, Winter Orb, Freezing Pulse, Kinetic Blast, Cobra Lash, Shockwave Totem, Summon Holy Relic, Spectral Helix, Stormblast, Wave of Conviction...

All those skills didn't get a SINGLE transfigured gem whatsoever.

Maybe GGG could've have held the Transfigured Gem system until next expansion?
Last edited by Sedes_Cruentes on Jan 5, 2024, 5:25:02 PM
maybe someone can help me which type of toxic rain better toxic rain totem build?

thanks in adv.
TSNko wrote:
Carrion golems just got an overall nerf with the removal of the "More damage" line on the 3 golem variant of the gem.

The removal of the +1 on anima stone to gain +2 on the hordes variant... but each does less damage while also not granting a buff to the other minions makes no sense.

Baseline from tree + base gem = 2
Anima = 2

So if previously you'd have 4 golems with 150% damage while next to your zombies. 600% total, plus flat damage to improve zombie damage if you should want them as a secondary damage minion.

Now we have

Baseline from tree + transfigured = 4
anima = 1

Total = 5 at 100% damage. So 500% total, while not giving our zombies flat damage to increase their damage.

This is a nerf to not just the golems but your other minions.


The other transfigured version does retain the "more damage" line and potentially does more damage but its not immediate as it needs to consume corpses to gain access to the spikes ability. Even if the spikes ability is doubled as far as damage goes you're not required to spam desecrate on bosses while not using offerings for offensive buffs.

I'm really confused as to why this needed a nerf as it hasn't been meta since it was nerfed multiple leagues ago and wasn't anywhere close to a meta build, it already needed a 12 link squire setup to get anywhere close to insane damage.

Came to the same conclusion. I throw my hands up and give up.... Personally, I'm tired of fighting it.

you cannot fight someone that does not show up for a fight.

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