Transfigured Gems Part 5

Iceman0601 wrote:
xssarinx wrote:
RF is going to the most damage it's ever done.

Yeah for a small price of several mirrors at least. Ivory tower, mana stacking rings and cluster jewels are at least 1 mirror and thats not even a optimized build. You are going to waste like 5 mirrors to do 20-30 mil damage on rf alone, something that any other starter build with average gear does on default. And the damage will be 10 times less then any other high dps build out there but 10 times more expensive.

Ya I didn't say it was going to come cheap, I was thinking along the same lines of St/int stacking.

I don't think RF has ever really been considered a "main" damaging skill in my opinion, as bad as people want it to be.
at least some melee skills got some improvements, still nothing comparable to boneshatter
Last edited by swerv0 on Dec 8, 2023, 4:47:51 AM
Last edited by Sedes_Cruentes on Jan 5, 2024, 5:24:37 PM
do we still need fire trap with RF or no?
New EA in launch league?
Does the impale explosion on death debuff from the bear trap of skewering expires?
ArtaEva wrote:
People Cry for Meta change.
Gets a bunch of cool Gems and interactions.
But why my skill is weaker now, compared to others?
I want my Meta skill to be Meta again, I can't. =)

That description is totally disconnected from the reality of the situation. RF was always weaker compared to other skills. 10-20 divines would get you the kind of damage you could easily get for 10-20 chaos on other meta builds. It didn't do a lot of damage, but it was enough to play the game, it was slow, but when built right it was tanky enough that you could survive not instantly killing everything. There were also several different ways to build RF, so it was more an archetype than just a single build. RF just got completely shit on, meanwhile skills like tornado shot, that scale to billions of DPS, got buffed. Even with two different RF gems it's basically one build now; both gems just involve different approaches to the same ivory tower + coruscating elixir bullshit, the only real difference is whether or not you play hierophant and use indigon for a damage multiplier or play scion and just stack more base damage.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
Where the good RF?
so no fireball, blazing salvo, or any herald skill. little bid sad i was looking forward to those
For everybody who has been just nagging and, "what about?" and indecent about the new gems, who hurt you? Nothing will be good enough. What an empty life. I'd say to try and enjoy the league, but lets face it, you won't.

This is what makes the PoE community so great. So many open minded people with thoughtful comments full of tolerance. Just beautiful.

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