Help me, I was banned on the tft and I don't understand what happened.

To everyone else, but alhazred:

When you are faced with de-contextualization, nit picking, avoidance of self evident truths, and an agenda the first thing you have to do is go back to the start.

This was the original comment:

9EINSHELM9 wrote:
I rarely use the tft and mostly sold 8 mod maps there and sometimes exhibited some things that I could not sell. Once I went to the TFT server, I could not see the tabs for trading and did not understand why I could not see them. I started to re-subscribe to the channel and write to 4 help modmail and so I didn't get an answer there, then the channel just disappeared and now I can't even go to it. I don't understand what happened, please help me(.

I agree. I made your point clear. Check the spoiler.
Stop Bombing
/Flu_prevention_mode ON
Moment Joon 【Passport & Garcon】
MonoNeon 【Put On Earth For You】
alhazred70 wrote:
Essentially now you are out of the economy. Good luck!

Its so sad that people think this is true. As if you need to make mirror items, high end crafts and bulk buy things that were never intended or accounted for in the design of the game to be used in such abundance.

The game exists perfectly fine without any extra trade, or even any trade at all if you know why you play games. You can literally do all content in SSF, you can literally participate completely with only normal trade tools if you're not masochistic enough for trade or have too little free time (which hey thats probably almost everyone in the case of mega thirsty POE right?). You can trade in so many organic ways that don't trivialize the game nearly as much, or you can go full third party (but no TFT) and trivialize the game some percent harder. Or ofc you can TFT and add some more trivial on top of your trivial.

Some people hyper focus on the outcome of playing the SC trade Meta-game they turn the game into this honestly kinda perverse "game pr0n compilation" meta of play like Empy or CuteDog etc. where only the most tiny aspect of the games design matters, and then because they've pulled a Jedi mind trick on themselves they decide that not being a part of some discord ruins the game for them. What a fragile and powerless state to voluntarily subject yourself to. I can't imagine turning gameplay (a journey of taking on obstacles) into an outcome binary that only cares about 1/millionth of the available content.

But hey if thats what you enjoy. I guess have fun for a couple days per league. But please stop pretending you're objectively required to obviate and trivialize all content by 1000x instead of just 999x before "you can participate in the economy". Its just silly hyperbole trying to "shame" GGG into doing something about it, and no one actually believes it, not even the people who keep pretending its true..

What is this take? It absolutely is necessary to use TFT. Try bulk buying or getting a service performed like Betrayal outside of that discord and you will want to blow your brains out from how painful it is to find. If you get banned you are now on hardmode. Period.
ProbablyGettingNerfed - L100 Occultist
Vinktarded - L100 Pathfinder
GoogleDiversityHire - L100 Necromancer

3.13 was the pinnacle of PoE. IVYS+1 Gang 4 Life.
TheAshmaker wrote:

What is this take? It absolutely is necessary to use TFT.

No, it is not.
I do not and will not use TFT.
Gaming Granny :D
Fapmobile wrote:
things that are going to happen now:

1. People are going to tell you TFT has no affiliation with GGG. It's not a gotcha moment. Ignore it.

2. People are going to tell you TFT is a 'private/public' group and they can ban whomever for whatever reason, completely ignoring the need for a place such as TFT (as toxic as that place is).

3. TFT goons are going to come into this post to bait, harrass, thought police, and do anything in their power to trigger admins into closing the thread.

So... what can you do?

Nothing. GGG sees the problem and answers with (1). TFT sees you posting and answers with (1,2, and 3).

Essentially now you are out of the economy. Good luck!

Well, this guy is definitely an expert in getting banned there.
and probably on this forum too.

OP - Stop using discord for poe.

Nope. I use the tree method like many.

Main account - Guild - multiple alts.

My main account will never be discovered.
Lyutsifer665 wrote:
cant you go back with a new account? as long as you dont try to connect your poe account to it again, then you should be good. might need to reset your modem to get a new IP as well.

Nope he can't. They probably asked him to make his account public and fingerprinted his account. If he tries to go in with a new / different discord he will be added to the unethical blacklist.

Best case scenario he makes a guild and makes an alt account. His alt account with like a basic supporter pack. Uses his main account for gameplay and uses his alt for TFT trades. His guild becomes the mule/transfer area.

This is how a lot of people do it. Heck! it's how I've always done it.

Nope. I use the tree method like many.

Main account - Guild - multiple alts.

My main account will never be discovered.

What a way to play a video game.
Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Decided to finally quit league and am a tad bored so i looked here, will stop again after this post very probably though, but thought my 2 cents might matter here, so gonna share.

Let me preface this by saying:

- I play poe for 12 years come september
- I can play a lot
- I dont use TFT
- I actually installed Awakened poe trade first time this league. Like 1 1/2 months in. Never used any third party tool except pob before.

This league, i:

- Had mageblood after 2 weeks (without MFing, solo)
- Had Lvl 100 after 2 weeks (Without 5 ways or any other of the usual strats, again solo)
- Made 38 challenges (All by myself, none bought. Eff heist and stupid crucible spam btw, i dont do such stuff)
- Managed to equip the char youd currently see when you go on my profiles characters tab (All open, go have a look)
- Made probably like 20 alts min, weird stuff arround crucible trees and other weird things, crafted basically all my gear myself all the time (Well i gut and sell the gear when done, so not much to see except the selfcast discharge i made, feel free to have a look at that as well.)
- Gave probably raw currency and gear worth >800 div away to my friends when i quit.

Some of the people in this thread are, sorry to say, delusional. Enjoy whatever you are doing there, but - for me - it has NOTHING to do with playing a videogame.

E: Just realised i had a friend help me with heist boss. I bought the contract or whatever and let him host it, killed the boss. Cause yea, eff Heist :D

"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
Last edited by Clownkrieger on Jul 9, 2023, 1:09:42 PM
Clownkrieger wrote:
Decided to finally quit league and am a tad bored so i looked here, will stop again after this post very probably though, but thought my 2 cents might matter here, so gonna share.

Let me preface this by saying:

- I play poe for 12 years come spetember
- I can play a lot
- I dont use TFT
- I actually installed Awakened poe trade first time this league. Like 1 1/2 months in. Never used any third party tool except pob before.

This league, i:

- Had mageblood after 2 weeks (without MFing, solo)
- Had Lvl 100 after 2 weeks (Without 5 ways or any other of the usual strats, again solo)
- Made 38 challenges (All by myself, none bought. Eff heist and stupid crucible spam btw, i dont do such stuff)
- Managed to equip the char youd currently see when you go on my profiles characters tab (All open, go have a look)
- Made probably like 20 alts min, weird stuff arround crucible trees and other weird things, crafted basically all my gear myself all the time (Well i gut and sell the gear when done, so not much to see except the selfcast discharge i made, feel free to have a look at that as well.)
- Gave probably raw currency and gear worth >800 div away to my friends when i quit.

Some of the people in this thread are, sorry to say, delusional. Enjoy whatever you are doing there, but - for me - it has NOTHING to do with playing a videogame.

Hi there! I have some questions:

1. You felt the need to make your profile private during days 1-4.
1.1 - why?
1.2 - Was this your starter? or did you start with something and then you made this character?
1.3 - What was your starter build?
1.4 - What happened during days 1-4?

2. You clearly had a build plan as you morphed your build throughout the days and weeks.
2.1 - Did you have a plan?
2.1.1 - Can we see it? (optional)

3. You clearly had multiple farming strategies to pull this solo feat.
3.1 - What where they? (optional)
3.1.1 - What did you farm days 1-4?
3.1.2 - What was your plan week by week?
3.1.3 - What did you do to get enough currency to farm the mageblood?


Hi there! I have some questions:

1. You felt the need to make your profile private during days 1-4.
1.1 - why?
1.2 - Was this your starter? or did you start with something and then you made this character?
1.3 - What was your starter build?
1.4 - What happened during days 1-4?

2. You clearly had a build plan as you morphed your build throughout the days and weeks.
2.1 - Did you have a plan?
2.1.1 - Can we see it? (optional)

3. You clearly had multiple farming strategies to pull this solo feat.
3.1 - What where they? (optional)
3.1.1 - What did you farm days 1-4?
3.1.2 - What was your plan week by week?
3.1.3 - What did you do to get enough currency to farm the mageblood?

1. I didnt, my profile is open for years.
1.1 see above.
1.2 no/yes
1.3 My starter was a shitty WORB occultist that failed at killing eater
1.4 See 1.3. Then got an Aegis aurora from a voidborn reliquary key and thought about what to do with it

2. No, but yes, i did
2.1 No
2.1.1 See above

3. No
3.1 I do what i enjoy in the game.
3.1.1 See above, had a shitty occultist that failed to kill eater
3.1.2 I had none
3.1.3 I progressed atlas on my 2nd build (aegis, you remember? Made a LL srs guardian (fire) as 2nd. That morphed through LL RF to the Siege Ballista Hiero it is now, so that you have some answers to the questions you had before and i save you from wasting more precious numbers). I ended up running juiced maps, mainly abyss on tree for xp (wanted to get the 100), i think i had like essences, harby and boxes on top iirc at the beginning (kept that "strategy" a whole while after that iirc). Oh it was Defiled, but cause i like that map (and yea, it has a chance to drop that card everyone is drooling about. only got 1 in the two weeks though).

Anything else?

Edit: I forgot delve - i LOVE delve, and the srs guard was actually super good for it. Also good xp, so win win (wanted 100). Also made some currency, obviously. everything you do in poe does, after all.
"Glattes Eis, ein Paradeis, für den, der gut zu tanzen weiß" - F. Nietzsche
Last edited by Clownkrieger on Jul 9, 2023, 1:35:32 PM
Clownkrieger wrote:

Hi there! I have some questions:

1. You felt the need to make your profile private during days 1-4.
1.1 - why?
1.2 - Was this your starter? or did you start with something and then you made this character?
1.3 - What was your starter build?
1.4 - What happened during days 1-4?

2. You clearly had a build plan as you morphed your build throughout the days and weeks.
2.1 - Did you have a plan?
2.1.1 - Can we see it? (optional)

3. You clearly had multiple farming strategies to pull this solo feat.
3.1 - What where they? (optional)
3.1.1 - What did you farm days 1-4?
3.1.2 - What was your plan week by week?
3.1.3 - What did you do to get enough currency to farm the mageblood?

1. I didnt, my profile is open for years.
1.1 see above.
1.2 no/yes
1.3 My starter was a shitty WORB occultist that failed at killing eater
1.4 See 1.3. Then got an Aegis aurora from a voidborn reliquary key and thought about what to do with it

2. No, but yes, i did
2.1 No
2.1.1 See above

3. No
3.1 I do what i enjoy in the game.
3.1.1 See above, had a shitty occultist that failed to kill eater
3.1.2 I had none
3.1.3 I progressed atlas on my 2nd build (aegis, you remember? Made a LL srs guardian (fire) as 2nd. That morphed through LL RF to the Siege Ballista Hiero it is now, so that you have some answers to the questions you had before and i save you from wasting more precious numbers). I ended up running juiced maps, mainly abyss on tree for xp (wanted to get the 100), i think i had like essences, harby and boxes on top iirc at the beginning (kept that "strategy" a whole while after that iirc). Oh it was Defiled, but cause i like that map (and yea, it has a chance to drop that card everyone is drooling about. only got 1 in the two weeks though).

Anything else?

That's wild! An aegis aurora guardian's passive tree is runs through the TOP-LEFT side of the tree. A LL RF runs through the TOP of the tree. Your current build runs through the BOTTOM-RIGHT side of the tree.

Juiced Defiled Cathedral w/ abyss (for XP) + essences + harbinger + strongboxes.

Had mageblood after 2 weeks (without MFing, solo)

You had MF gear?

Anything else?

Yeah, but I feel you kinda closes that book when you replied so succinctly and flat out refused to answer some key questions.

To be fair, builds < farming strategies. I can share a build right now that nets me a mirror each league within 1-2 weeks and it can't go past tier 15 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Reaching end game on the first day and buying all the items you are going to need is vital in this game, but people like to downplay it. Most successful players reach maps within 12h and buy super end game gear for pennies on the dollar. Then turn around and tell everyone else that's not the case.

Idk man... do you feel your 1st and 2nd comment disproved something? I'm kinda lost...
Last edited by MaturinGuardianOfTheBeam on Jul 10, 2023, 11:00:09 AM

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