Help me, I was banned on the tft and I don't understand what happened.

I rarely use the tft and mostly sold 8 mod maps there and sometimes exhibited some things that I could not sell. Once I went to the TFT server, I could not see the tabs for trading and did not understand why I could not see them. I started to re-subscribe to the channel and write to 4 help modmail and so I didn't get an answer there, then the channel just disappeared and now I can't even go to it. I don't understand what happened, please help me(.
Last bumped on Apr 13, 2024, 12:44:37 AM
things that are going to happen now:

1. People are going to tell you TFT has no affiliation with GGG. It's not a gotcha moment. Ignore it.

2. People are going to tell you TFT is a 'private/public' group and they can ban whomever for whatever reason, completely ignoring the need for a place such as TFT (as toxic as that place is).

3. TFT goons are going to come into this post to bait, harrass, thought police, and do anything in their power to trigger admins into closing the thread.

So... what can you do?

Nothing. GGG sees the problem and answers with (1). TFT sees you posting and answers with (1,2, and 3).

Essentially now you are out of the economy. Good luck!
Reasons for a ban on TFT?

Just about anything really. People got banned in waves for emoting to a mirror ad 🤡

People get banned for critizising tft.

People get banned and black listed for what could be perceived as price fixing / switch scam. When other explanations are also possible like you being tired and misplacing an item in a tab or just trading the wrong amount of currency due to conversion error and/or just clicking at the wrong pile.

GGG has to address this, but it doesn't look like they want to.
Did you use multiple discord accounts or something? pretty sure they don't like that.
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cant you go back with a new account? as long as you dont try to connect your poe account to it again, then you should be good. might need to reset your modem to get a new IP as well.
I just noticed he was selling on 2 different discord accounts to the same IGN

probably why he got banned. But who knows with TFT.
-Official Forum Dweller-
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-Moderators are absurd and OP-
-7 days left on my 8,000 hour mute-
Last edited by xPiranha on Jul 7, 2023, 4:55:25 PM
Essentially now you are out of the economy. Good luck!

Its so sad that people think this is true. As if you need to make mirror items, high end crafts and bulk buy things that were never intended or accounted for in the design of the game to be used in such abundance.

The game exists perfectly fine without any extra trade, or even any trade at all if you know why you play games. You can literally do all content in SSF, you can literally participate completely with only normal trade tools if you're not masochistic enough for trade or have too little free time (which hey thats probably almost everyone in the case of mega thirsty POE right?). You can trade in so many organic ways that don't trivialize the game nearly as much, or you can go full third party (but no TFT) and trivialize the game some percent harder. Or ofc you can TFT and add some more trivial on top of your trivial.

Some people hyper focus on the outcome of playing the SC trade Meta-game they turn the game into this honestly kinda perverse "game pr0n compilation" meta of play like Empy or CuteDog etc. where only the most tiny aspect of the games design matters, and then because they've pulled a Jedi mind trick on themselves they decide that not being a part of some discord ruins the game for them. What a fragile and powerless state to voluntarily subject yourself to. I can't imagine turning gameplay (a journey of taking on obstacles) into an outcome binary that only cares about 1/millionth of the available content.

But hey if thats what you enjoy. I guess have fun for a couple days per league. But please stop pretending you're objectively required to obviate and trivialize all content by 1000x instead of just 999x before "you can participate in the economy". Its just silly hyperbole trying to "shame" GGG into doing something about it, and no one actually believes it, not even the people who keep pretending its true..
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Jul 7, 2023, 5:00:56 PM
you can use the official trade form now.
alhazred70 wrote:
Essentially now you are out of the economy. Good luck!

Its so sad that people think this is true. As if you need to make mirror items, high end crafts and bulk buy things that were never intended or accounted for in the design of the game to be used in such abundance.

The game exists perfectly fine without any extra trade, or even any trade at all if you know why you play games. You can literally do all content in SSF, you can literally participate completely with only normal trade tools if you're not masochistic enough for trade or have too little free time (which hey thats probably almost everyone in the case of mega thirsty POE right?). You can trade in so many organic ways that don't trivialize the game nearly as much, or you can go full third party (but no TFT) and trivialize the game some percent harder. Or ofc you can TFT and add some more trivial on top of your trivial.

Some people hyper focus on the outcome of playing the SC trade Meta-game they turn the game into this honestly kinda perverse "game pr0n compilation" meta of play like Empy or CuteDog etc. where only the most tiny aspect of the games design matters, and then because they've pulled a Jedi mind trick on themselves they decide that not being a part of some discord ruins the game for them. What a fragile and powerless state to voluntarily subject yourself to. I can't imagine turning gameplay (a journey of taking on obstacles) into an outcome binary that only cares about 1/millionth of the available content.

But hey if thats what you enjoy. I guess have fun for a couple days per league. But please stop pretending you're objectively required to obviate and trivialize all content by 1000x instead of just 999x before "you can participate in the economy". Its just silly hyperbole trying to "shame" GGG into doing something about it, and no one actually believes it, not even the people who keep pretending its true..

How did you go from not being true to trivializing the game?

The truth is anyone kicked out of TFT is at a loss and GGG needs to finish what they started when they introduced the itemization of harvest. They thought that was going to be the end of TFT, but it wasn't. There are still a lot of things that need to be addressed.

Everyone in TFT must pay the piper. Walk the walk. Talk the talk. Or, get banned.

If OP truly had 2 accounts inside TFT and they banned him for that. Well there you go. Now you know. Is that a reason to gimp his ability to trade? should that be at TFT's discretion given their absolutely horrible track record with abuse of power? 2 accounts = mean person?

All of this TFT generated drama will only stop when GGG finally takes action.

A) If they end up supporting TFT, people are just going to RMT discord accounts and make new poe accounts until they are finally in.

B) If they end up removing API access / banning some of the shady characters and removing mirrored items and mirrored originals tainted by RMT then they have to deal with a waco-texas style feud and watch them weaponize their user base against the game it self (and not Belton for a change).

Don't get me wrong... GGG is banning top brass from TFT. Quickpathh and Replyy come to mind. That's like 1/3 of TFT's mirror shop right there directly tied with RTM.

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