[3.24] Ice Shot / Lightning Arrow Deadeye (Or Tornado Shot) - 400%+ MS, League Start Viable!

Last edited by teflonsheep on Dec 19, 2023, 9:02:21 AM
yankuch wrote:
Shiver02 wrote:
Hey, I have a problem with the manaforged setup. I currently have a kinda "endgame" gear, maybe too optimized about the mana, because my TS costs me ZERO MANA and so the whole manaforged setup is useless. I never have any frenzy or power charge activating. I plan on buying rings with less mana cost reduction, but I don't know if I should aim so my TS costs me 1 mana or more ? Thank you

Yes! I go over this in the original video, your main skill needs to cost 1 mana at least. without 1 mana cost, not only does it not trigger your manaforge setup but it also prevents you from gaining inspiration charges.

I would change inspiration for volatility in your setup and see if this solves the issue entirely, otherwise you're gonna have to either reduce your helmet implicit with blessed orb or recraft your -mana cost rings to be the lower value.

>> ADDING IN "volatility" instead of inspiration on my TS <<
This last part fixed all my issues I was having balancing the TS cost alongside the reservation and warlord frenzy mana costs. not 100% but might as well be. Hope this helps some others who are having issues too :)

i should note a lot of the mana issues were because i was on a 5 link as my bow is being very uncooperative linking lol. but all the same fixed is fixed
Last edited by jtovak11 on Dec 19, 2023, 9:12:41 AM
For the other poster, I think Lethal Pride can be tricky to get one with good mods on it. Mine has mostly str and some life regen etc. I mostly got it for the str for the time being. Might still do away with it later if I get my str elsewhere.

I'm on the fence on transferring to TS. I don't have a quiver or bow with added arrows yet so that's holding me back. And I only have about 20 divs to my name to buy stuff.
should there be a combination of steelskin 20 lvl + Cast when damage taken 20 lvl?
I'm just dying as soon as an enemy mob sneezes at me.
What am I doing wrong?
Mistok wrote:
I'm just dying as soon as an enemy mob sneezes at me.
What am I doing wrong?

in order of importance, probably one of the following:

instant leech
Last edited by yankuch on Dec 19, 2023, 4:08:13 PM
yankuch wrote:
Mistok wrote:
I'm just dying as soon as an enemy mob sneezes at me.
What am I doing wrong?

in order of importance, probably one of the following:

instant leech

Hmm this is weird
Spell sup is almost max, just missing a couple nodes due to being low level
But evasion is only 76%. Although I have more base evasion than the "low budget crit" version since I have a hyrri's ire (low eva roll).
But the "low budget crit" version has 95% evade chance.
Even if I got a 1000 more evasion from better gear it wouldn't reach 95%
Is 95% attainable only with max gear or am I missing something?
bluesylph wrote:
For the other poster, I think Lethal Pride can be tricky to get one with good mods on it. Mine has mostly str and some life regen etc. I mostly got it for the str for the time being. Might still do away with it later if I get my str elsewhere.

I'm on the fence on transferring to TS. I don't have a quiver or bow with added arrows yet so that's holding me back. And I only have about 20 divs to my name to buy stuff.

This site is grrrrreat for Timeless Jewels :)


Also Yankuch, ty for a great build! Slowly working my way up in maps etc, hit first "wall" with needing better gear but lacking the funds!

EDIT: i forgot to put the actual link in -.-
Last edited by kaygee82 on Dec 19, 2023, 7:24:53 PM
Baambada wrote:
should there be a combination of steelskin 20 lvl + Cast when damage taken 20 lvl?

I was wondering the same thing, yes, you need level 20 CWDT to support a level 20 Steelskin (requires level 70, which is the requirement [per wiki]https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Cast_when_Damage_Taken_Support[/url]).

If your build doesn't have enough health (p.s. - it likely doesn't), choose the max CWDT associated with the health of your overall build (I'm personally targeting lvl 7 CWDT and lvl 13 steelskin with 3k health; 1k health lost = 800 buffer on cast). If you have more health, choose the required level of your steelskin gem to the strength you have ("Gem Level Progression" > "Maximum Level of
Supported Skill Gems" in the wiki
Last edited by _Sigma_ on Dec 20, 2023, 1:11:17 AM
Baambada wrote:
should there be a combination of steelskin 20 lvl + Cast when damage taken 20 lvl?

When you get 2 6 links, you'll have one for your main clearing skill and the other will be used to combine both of your manaforged setup into 1, freeing up multiple sockets in the process that can be used for CWDT Steelskin. It's in the lvl 90 skill set.

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