Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

borefficz wrote:
macenno wrote:
It now grants 8% of Armour applies to Elemental Damage from Hits.

LOL, a FREE Transcendence but you are still protect against phys dommage ^^

You do realize how garbage 8% is going to be on an average character considering how Armour works?

It's a toss-up which of the new Unbreakable and the current Unrelenting I'd take.
Untiring looks good on its own, but it's quite a bit weaker than the old Unbreakable.

Better remove the "Un" prefix from all the nodes, let's be honest.

Gladiator, an almost completely defensively oriented ascendancy lost it's one unique defensive "thing". Now Juggernaut, already a bit crumbly, is getting chipped away at.

The game is already the rippiest it has ever been. Random deaths in random places I had no reason to die in. A swirling kaliedoscope of eye cancer and death.
Finally some good changes
i love you so much GGG please take all my money
No skill or ascendancy buffs when you had 6 months to come up with something? Pretty sad state of affairs. Melee was actually nerfed again haha. The nerfs were mostly reasonable, but why were there no buffs?

Nothing appealing to me so far. Patiently waiting for Trickster info and new uniques.
Looking forward to trying Sunder, SRS and Summon Reaper this league! Hope to see more in final notes~
NoyAvargel wrote:

Umm armor stacker builds with smite and aura effect cluster reahs about 3 mil armor.. 8% of 3mil thats 240k armor protecting you from elements without giving up the 75 or more resist ? ya well..

it is strong until you realize that jugg does not die from hits, but from dots
Last edited by Xveno on Aug 2, 2022, 7:10:15 PM
Riverwind77 wrote:
Problem: Chris Wilson lies again about "balance" and ignores feedback from players.

Solution: Everyone stop spending money in the game and playing if needed until he learns.

i guess it would be better to play the game, so they have to pay for more servers, but not spent any money, so this way they make less money, but increase their costs :D
are we traveling back in time, how is this even real :DD
Bemito wrote:
Game is in a good state atm

they intended us to invest and build around more defences in 3.17,we get used to it, now they nuked them

Indeed. It makes literally zero sense. They had so much time to make some good changes, to maybe attract more players, yet they come up with this? Very disappointing.
40 challenges here, great nerfs! Very needed! Not even sarcasm, thanks GGG for continuing to make the game fun and challenging for players :)

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