Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Just.... Sad

Guess that's my group of friends out this league, for the first time in 5-6 years, enough is just enough.
This is horrifying to read :/
Can we please get a 20% bleed buff? Or a little more damage on some melee skills?

Anngrat wrote:
Always been wondering, who are those people spamming pog for a huge nerf manifesto...

The TL:DR people i am guessing.

There is a couple here from that chinese leak so guess the rest of that is also correct. we shall see in the patch notes.
UGH! NERFS! I will never financially recover from this.

Honestly though most of this seems fine. Some people just like to complain lol
Omniscience and brittle shouldn't exist so mostly happy for the changes.
Last edited by Iggy5150 on Aug 2, 2022, 7:34:06 PM
Oh wow...

Not a huge fan of these minion changes (not unwarranted obviously, but the +2 nerf seems a little heavy handed - yes I know you can still get it, but we lost +3 on the helms which was a pretty significant source of power late game for the 7 link helms). The 2% of people who take the unholy might mastery will sure be happy they can use an ascendancy point instead.

Definitely going to make something work, but the majority of the changes (so far) are rather boring.

Super curious on the mod rolls that will be possible. I will save my harsher criticism until the patch notes.
I sell Mathil feet pics
Last edited by CopyWritten on Aug 2, 2022, 8:41:06 PM
Last edited by DarthSephira on Aug 2, 2022, 7:02:01 PM
Last edited by 1451815 on Jan 6, 2023, 7:17:04 PM
Spell suppression doesn't feel mandatory because "it's cappable with gear alone", it feels mandatory cus it's very powerful and monster spells are ridiculously powerful ever since scourge league. And it's not like there's many other anti-spell options that are nearly as good...

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