Youtube sucks the biggest balls

Raycheetah wrote:
Exile009 wrote:
Ironically it's actually made backing up one's claims with legitimate proof harder, since it's much harder to link to sources now as YT now hates all urls.

Including their own; I can no longer link YouTube videos on YouTube! =@[.]@=

This is a buff - I mean, a good thing. Someone must make the controversies go away. I'm feeling safer already!
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Ironically the biggest separate reality in this thread are from you guys, who seem to want to imagine it being about some titanic struggle between good and evil, being waged on your behalf by a giant corporation lol! Yeah, those Project mtxes were a real threat to world peace lmao.

Apparently, you are unaware of how much misinformation is being spread through social networks and media like YouTube. If you are not aware of the problem why are you trying to pretend you understand it?

Bruh, you seem to be unaware of what even just this thread is talking about, so what you think you're aware of about the wider world is even more suspect. Your attempts to skew this discussion in favor of your grand infowar thesis aren't going anywhere. Also, this is rich coming from someone sneaky enough to remove my name from the quote so I wouldn't get a notification (right back at you btw!). For someone in favor of truth, you sure have a duplicitous way of respecting it. But I suppose I shouldn't expect different from someone who supports trigger-happy corporate censorship as the 'solution' to the infowars.

What's hilarious, but also sad, about this is how you don't even realize how elitist and condescending you're being. You're literally infantilizing billions of people, children and adults both, in favor of thinking you know better. Not to mention granting a megacorporation your full trust and allegiance.

The truth is not something you choose to believe in. The truth are the facts. I don't consider myself condescending in saying that millions of people do not have the necessary skills to sift through information online and find the facts. This conclusion comes from numerous researches done by people smarter than me. You are not disagreeing with me, you are disagreeing with every single one of them.

Uh huh. For someone so dedicated to 'facts', you seem rather reticent to back them up. Probably cos you subscribe to the same self-serving ethos that says you can call your opinions 'facts' and get away with it. And also partly because backing up said 'facts' would require you to actually do some work i.e. research, to find the evidence. But no, I'm not gonna let you go so easy.

So go on, provide the evidence. And not some random paper on misinformation EXISTING mind, but specifically back up your claim that people are incapable online and need censorship like YT's to protect them, preferably also that YT's censorship has actually achieved what you believe it has.

Or don't, and keep pretending your opinion is a 'fact'. A condescending one.

And just to bring it up to this page, a reminder that YT even censored this -


in response to comments under the Project Essence Drain YT video.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 26, 2021, 10:30:11 AM
Your attempts to skew this discussion in favor of your grand infowar thesis aren't going anywhere.

The thread is about automatic algorithms that remove content and whether they are necessary, right? I say they do more good than harm and should stay. The automatic defenses aren't going to be perfect but they are definitely a step in the right direction.

Uh huh. For someone so dedicated to 'facts', you seem rather reticent to back them up. Probably cos you subscribe to the same self-serving ethos that says you can call your opinions 'facts' and get away with it. And also partly because backing up said 'facts' would require you to actually do some work i.e. research, to find the evidence. But no, I'm not gonna let you go so easy.

Google digital literacy and see how many people are digitally literate and how many aren't. Its not hard. As with any other "literacy" you learn it. You can't immediately go to Facebook after you purchase your first phone and manage to find your way through the piles of fake news.

Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 26, 2021, 11:13:09 AM
People seem to think misinformation only comes from one side LMAO
The corporations control the internet, censorship and cyberspace. The space you think of as "public" space is actually privately owned.

Have fun with the infowars. If you are talking about Youtube it is not about the truth but about its power, reach and influence. The battle for control on perceptions of truth or the distortion of it.

"The more you know the less you understand" theory. People aren’t held back by a lack of knowledge but too much poor quality information intent to influence and persuade people to make certain decision, not prone people to think.

Buy it, buy now, buy everything. Please click and subscribe.
Chadwixx wrote:
People seem to think misinformation only comes from one side LMAO

Rule of thumb - the more authoritative a source is the more they'll lose if it is revealed that they lie. Meanwhile small blogs and anonymous users can lie to you all they want and will never be punished, other than sometimes getting their posts deleted and accounts locked.
Johny_Snow wrote:

Rule of thumb - the more authoritative a source is the more they'll lose if it is revealed that they lie. Meanwhile small blogs and anonymous users can lie to you all they want and will never be punished, other than sometimes getting their posts deleted and accounts locked.

From what I understand lying in media is not punishable. Various degree of Media falsification is becoming widely accepted. Considering it can brings serious lasting and irreparable damages, reputation damage to the media would be acceptable risk and not really much of a deterrent. Losses of sales and reputation is minor as oppose to media's wrongful conviction and injustice of innocent. The media was caught with their pants down on numerous occasion. Freedom of press without consequences and the responsibilities of ensuring the truth and acccuracy of their report is disturbing.

Edit: On second thought the news media are free to publish anything they desire according to the first amendment. But they can be sued. Social media companies are immune from liability for their users’ posts.
Last edited by awesome999 on Nov 27, 2021, 4:51:44 AM
A lying mainstream media would simply be watched less and lose revenue. If a media, as you say, lies all the time and people still watch it this means that they lack the needed knowledge and skills to determine whether the information they are presented with is true or false.

On second thought the news media are free to publish anything they desire according to the first amendment. But they can be sued. Social media companies are immune from liability for their users’ posts.

This is true. While they can lie, an affected party can sue them. Facebook had to be forced to try to censor some of the rampant misinformation.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 27, 2021, 5:13:22 AM
Johny_Snow wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:
People seem to think misinformation only comes from one side LMAO

Rule of thumb - the more authoritative a source is the more they'll lose if it is revealed that they lie. Meanwhile small blogs and anonymous users can lie to you all they want and will never be punished, other than sometimes getting their posts deleted and accounts locked.

CNN disagree's. They have consistently lied, sued multiple times, ratings at an all time low yet they arent changing.

The highest rated late night talk show (johnny carson types) is now greg guttfeld on fox.

You seem to be drinking the coolaide on "misiformation", anything they/you disagree with is labeled that way. Like calling people a racist.

You say listen to the doctors, i posted the doctor who invented Mrna (not corona vaccine, you guys made that part up to discredit) and you laughed.

Misinformation is at an all time high and you dont even realize your a victim :(

awesome999 wrote:

From what I understand lying in media is not punishable.

It depends if they are journalists or entertainers. The people on CNN are journalists, held to a higher standard. While Sean Hannity is an entertainer and not held to those standards. Most people on fox are entertainers.

Remember the indian and the kid who went face to face. CNN lost 30-40 million over that one, they completely fabricated the event. The truth was his group was waiting for the late school bus to pick them up at that spot and the drunk guy came over and got into his face.

Kyle is also going to sue the hell out of them. Not associated with the lawsuit but CNN never mentioned the "victims". One of the dead guys should of been in jail for 5 counts of sexual battery on 9-11 yr olds. The family who took him got their sons raped. The other guy beat up his grandma multiple times.

Every media outlet has an agenda, to label only one side bias is foolish

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