Youtube sucks the biggest balls

Since we're on the next page, and the above doesn't even respond to all elements of the challenge, I'll copy over the requirements -

1) You have to prove incapability among the majority of the population.

2) You have to prove censorship protects from said incapability.

3) You have to prove YT's censorship has produced positive results.

All with cited data from authoritative sources, of course. We wouldn't want you to be spreading misinformation now, would we?...
1. Are you serious? If we take your knife analogy - if the knife wielder uses it inappropriately this knife is taken away from him. Knife is information in this case. If you use it inappropriately - you get censored. This is the idea. Learn your analogies before you try to use them.

2. Once again, you can't be serious. Censoring something harmful is not an opinion. It is not something new. It is not some novel concept that is implemented for the first time. Here is a spoiler alert for you: not every information is good information. Not every information deserves to be shared and become popular. The only problem is that the automatic algorithms are not advanced enough to properly remove it, which I already admitted.

3. I have not properly established an issue? Are you not aware of the world around you? Are you not aware of misinformation and the harm it does? Guess I was right when I said awhile ago that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You're literally trusting a company that's been found trying to manipulate people over and over again - and those are just the times it was caught!

What? This is supposed to be some revelation? Here is a new revelation for you - YouTube and Facebook are fine with misinformation being spread on their platforms. They are fine because it brings them traffic, it makes them money. They had to be forced to start actually doing something good - censoring misinformation. You are acting like censoring is something YouTube and Facebook came up with themselves - it is not. It is something that they need to do if they want their reputation to be kept afloat.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 28, 2021, 6:36:27 AM
Johny_Snow wrote:
1. Are you serious? If we take your knife analogy - if the knife wielder uses it inappropriately this knife is taken away from him. Knife is information in this case. If you use it inappropriately - you get censored. This is the idea. Learn your analogies before you try to use them.

2. Once again, you can't be serious. Censoring something harmful is not an opinion. It is not something new. It is not some novel concept that is implemented for the first time. Here is a spoiler alert for you: not every information is good information. Not every information deserves to be shared and become popular. The only problem is that the automatic algorithms are not advanced enough to properly remove it, which I already admitted.

3. I have not properly established an issue? Are you not aware of the world around you? Are you not aware of misinformation and the harm it does? Guess I was right when I said awhile ago that you have no clue what you are talking about.

You're literally trusting a company that's been found trying to manipulate people over and over again - and those are just the times it was caught!

What? This is supposed to be some revelation? Here is a new revelation for you - YouTube and Facebook are fine with misinformation being spread on their platforms. They are fine because it brings them traffic, it makes them money. They had to be forced to start actually doing something good - censoring misinformation. You are acting like censoring is something YouTube and Facebook came up with themselves - it is not. It is something that they need to do if they want their reputation to be kept afloat.

Looks like someone is still too lazy. ;)

1) "Inappropriately" lol? According to you? Cute little rhetorical trickery there, but you're still childishly transparent. In this case, you've presumed guilt. With information, you've presumed misinformation. With knives, you've presumed murder. No, such weak tactics won't work on me. And no amount of faux outrage is gonna get you across the line. Save that for Twitter.

2) I notice you're still pretending everything is about information lol. Btw, did I ever tell you I think your ideas are "harmful"? Cos I do. Touche! ;)

Still waiting for you to establish that precedent mon ami. Tick tock!

3) Ah yes, now you're falling back on Twitter tactics. The whole outraged 'I can't believe you don't share my opinion' routine. Cute. But transparent.

Doesn't change the elitism, condescension and now laziness on display.

You are acting like censoring is something YouTube and Facebook came up with themselves - it is not.

And you are acting like the righteous hand of god is guiding them. They're censoring as per their own visions fyi. A regime plenty of people, including most in this thread, have called out - as 'sucking the biggest balls'.

Even you claim that "YouTube and Facebook are fine with misinformation being spread on their platforms" and yet you believe in them censoring stuff?! Seems like one needs only to practice censorship of any kind to win your approval.

Still waiting to see you back up that elitism with some real research. ;)
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 28, 2021, 7:04:38 AM
1. It is not hard to prove whether a statement is true or not. Or whether a website is used to spread misinformation or not. If you argue that information is being deleted and accounts locked without proper investigation - this is not a real punishment. People can still make new accounts and post again. I myself posted a forbidden link through Facebook and it got deleted. Then I simply shared it through another means.

The point here is not to overexpose unreliable information. Or to use your knife analogy - there is no reason to let the people who wave knives around and talk about the end of the world on the streets.

2. Well, if your ideas amount to "lets not censor anything and let cults similar to the ones in the last century form online, but this time with thousands and millions of members" my ideas amount to "some Youtube posts being deleted which is not as important as the general idea and initiative behind it".

3. Once again, are you aware of how harmful misinformation is? For someone who claims to be educated on the matter you seem to not care at all about its long lasting effects. So, if you like questions answer this one - do you believe that spreading misinformation that not only erodes the trust in public institutions but also in medicine and science itself is fine?

And you are acting like the righteous hand of god is guiding them. They're censoring as per their own visions fyi. A regime plenty of people, including most in this thread, have called out - as 'sucking the biggest balls'.

Wow, I can't believe how truly misinformed you are. Facebook and YouTube censorship loses them money. It is not beneficial to them. Conspiracy theorists simply move to platforms that are less regulated. The big corps lose traffic. Does this fit with your worldview of corporations controlling the world? If this is the case why would they do something that harms them?
Hi there,

I would like to remind everyone posting in this thread to please adhere to the Code of Conduct, as recent posts have started to veer towards the inflammatory and antagonistic. Thanks!
Totally irrelevant but safe.

Let's watch a music video.
Remember this song? :P

Johny_Snow wrote:
Chadwixx wrote:

Rule of thumb - the more authoritative a source is the more they'll lose if it is revealed that they lie. Meanwhile small blogs and anonymous users can lie to you all they want and will never be punished, other than sometimes getting their posts deleted and accounts locked.

CNN disagree's. They have consistently lied, sued multiple times, ratings at an all time low yet they arent changing.

The highest rated late night talk show (johnny carson types) is now greg guttfeld on fox.

You seem to be drinking the coolaide on "misiformation", anything they/you disagree with is labeled that way. Like calling people a racist.

You say listen to the doctors, i posted the doctor who invented Mrna (not corona vaccine, you guys made that part up to discredit) and you laughed.

Misinformation is at an all time high and you dont even realize your a victim :(

And you are not biased, good sir? I posted a through information about your "doctor". I also remember saying that what I posted won't change your opinion at all and I was completely right. You are way over the deep end to care anymore, all you want is for your worldview to be the correct one. Sorry but its not that easy.

Also, so nice of you to bring up the usual divide and say I believe in CNN when I never even said a word about them. What are you afraid of? People who are quick to label and condemn are usually very afraid of something.[/quote]

Bias is human nature if we are conscious. The human mind always compares and forms an opinion.

I need evidence to change my mind, stuff like this

I like to know how things actually work
Nah, you simply focus on specialists who share your opinion and reinforce your beliefs.
Happy holidays to all, im out, this isnt a place for discussion
Of course it isn't. The only good place is an echo chamber with like-minded individuals.

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